當前位置:廣州健侖生物科技有限公司>>生物試劑>>陽性對照>> 美國Seracare熱滅活大腸桿菌O121:H19陽性對照
貨號 | 中文名稱 | 英文名稱 |
JL-SC001 | 鼠傷寒沙門氏菌陽性對照 | Salmonella typhimurium Positive Control |
JL-SC002 | 志賀氏菌屬陽性對照 | Shigella Species Positive Control |
JL-SC003 | 弧菌屬陽性對照 | Vibrio Species Positive Control |
JL-SC004 | 軍團菌嗜肺軍團菌陽性對照 | Legionella pneumophila Positive Control |
JL-SC005 | BacTrace®金黃色葡萄球菌陽性對照 | BacTrace® Staphylococcus aureus Positive Control |
JL-SC006 | Bactrace®化膿性鏈球菌陽性對照 | BacTrace® Streptococcus pyogenes Positive Control |
JL-SC007 | bactrace®無乳鏈球菌陽性對照 | BacTrace® Streptococcus agalactiae Positive Control |
JL-SC008 | 李斯特菌屬特異性陽性對照 | Listeria, Genus-Specific Positive Control |
JL-SC009 | 彎曲菌屬特異性陽性對照 | Campylobacter, Genus-Specific Positive Control |
JL-SC010 | 幽門螺旋桿菌陽性對照 | Helicobacter pylori Positive Control |
JL-SC011 | 大腸桿菌O157:H7陽性對照 | Escherichia coli O157:H7 Positive Control |
JL-SC012 | BacTrace®大腸桿菌O111:H8物種陽性對照 | BacTrace® Escherichia coli O111:H8 Species Positive Control |
JL-SC013 | BacTrace®大腸桿菌O26:H11物種陽性對照 | BacTrace® Escherichia coli O26:H11 Species Positive Control |
JL-SC014 | Bactrace®大腸桿菌O103:H8的陽性對照,熱滅活 | BacTrace® E.coli O103:H8 Positive Control, Heat-Killed |
JL-SC015 | Bactrace®大腸桿菌O145:H2的陽性對照,熱滅活 | BacTrace® E.coli O145:H2 Positive Control, Heat-Killed |
JL-SC016 | Bactrace®大腸桿菌O121:H19的陽性對照,熱滅活 | BacTrace® E.coli O121:H19 Positive Control, Heat-Killed |
JL-SC017 | Bactrace®大腸桿菌O45:H2的陽性對照,熱滅活 | BacTrace® E.coli O45:H2 Positive Control, Heat-Killed |
JL-SC018 | BacTrace®大腸桿菌O104:H12陽性對照 | BacTrace® Escherichia coli O104:H12 Positive Control |
JL-SC019 | BacTrace®大腸桿菌O91陽性對照 | BacTrace® Escherichia coli O91 Positive Control |
JL-SC020 | 鮭腎桿菌陽性對照 | Renibacterium salmoninarum Positive Control |
“這可以被稱為一個確鑿的證據,”合作者Terrence Sejnowski說。他是索爾克生物科學研究所計算神經生物學實驗室的負責人和霍華德休斯醫學研究所的研究員。“有數百篇論文認為伽馬振蕩和記憶力以及注意力有關。這是*,我們已經能夠做一個因果的實驗。通過選擇性地阻斷伽馬振蕩,研究表明,它對大腦與世界如何相互作用有一個非常具體的影響。”
索爾克研究所的Sejnowski教授,Inder Verma和斯蒂芬·海涅曼實驗室合作, 在小鼠的大腦中,星形膠質細胞鈣信號的活動形式緊跟在伽馬振蕩之前。這表明,星形膠質細胞,和神經元一樣,使用許多相同的化學信號影響這些振蕩。
“在某種意義上說,這原來是個驚人的結果,新物體識別記憶不只是受損,而是已經沒了,就好像我們刪除這一種形式的記憶,而其它完好無損,” Sejnowski說。
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
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When you look for something - such as when you order at a restaurant - or something that interests you, the unique rhythm rolls over your brain. These waves are called gamma oscillations, and they reflect the symphony of the cell, the excitatory and inhibitory coordination of each other. Although the role of gamma-wave has been debated, it has been associated with higher levels of brain function and its mode of interference has been associated with schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, autism, epilepsy and other diseases .
Now, new studies at the Salk Institute show that the little-known brain-supporting cells, called astrocytes, could actually be the main players in controlling these waves. The article was published in the July 28, 2014 PNAS magazine.
Sork researchers reported new and unexpected strategies to reduce gamma oscillations by disabling astrocytes instead of neurons. In the process, the team showed that astrocytes help form gamma oscillations, which are crucial for some forms of memory.
"This can be called a conclusive evidence," said collaborator Terrence Sejnowski. He is the head of the computational neurobiology lab at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences and a researcher at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. "Hundreds of papers have argued that gamma oscillations are associated with memory and attention, and for the first time, we have been able to do a causal experiment, and by selectively blocking gamma oscillations, studies show how it interacts with the world The role has a very specific impact. "
In collaboration with Professor Sejnowski at the Salk Institute, Inder Verma, and Stephen Heinemann Labs, the astroglial calcium signaling activity in mice brains immediay follows gamma oscillations. This suggests that astrocytes, like neurons, affect many of these oscillations using many of the same chemical signals.
To validate their theory, the team used tetanus toxin-containing viruses to block the ability of astrocytes to selectively release chemicals, effectively eliminating the cells' ability to communicate with neighboring cells. Nerve cells are not affected by toxins.
After chemicals added to trigger the brain's gamma waves, the researchers found that brain tissue carrying defective astrocytes produced shorter gamma waves than tissues containing healthy cells. Moreover, after adding three genes that allow researchers to selectively open and close astrocytes in the tetanus toxins, they found that the gamma waves in mice blocked by astrocyte signaling were impaired It's Anti-toxin turned off this effect.
The modified astrocytes seem compley healthy. But after a few cognitive tests, the researchers found that they lacked one of the main areas: new object recognition. As expected, healthy mice spend more time placing new items in their environment than familiar items. In contrast, the new mutant mice in the study group treated all the items for the same amount of time.
"It turned out to be a surprising result in a sense that the new object recognition memory is not just damaged, but gone, just as if we deleted this form of memory while the rest were intact," Sejnowski said.