當前位置:廣州健侖生物科技有限公司>>生物試劑>>陽性對照>> Seracare軍團菌嗜肺軍團菌陽性對照
貨號 | 中文名稱 | 英文名稱 |
JL-SC001 | 鼠傷寒沙門氏菌陽性對照 | Salmonella typhimurium Positive Control |
JL-SC002 | 志賀氏菌屬陽性對照 | Shigella Species Positive Control |
JL-SC003 | 弧菌屬陽性對照 | Vibrio Species Positive Control |
JL-SC004 | 軍團菌嗜肺軍團菌陽性對照 | Legionella pneumophila Positive Control |
JL-SC005 | BacTrace®金黃色葡萄球菌陽性對照 | BacTrace® Staphylococcus aureus Positive Control |
JL-SC006 | Bactrace®化膿性鏈球菌陽性對照 | BacTrace® Streptococcus pyogenes Positive Control |
JL-SC007 | bactrace®無乳鏈球菌陽性對照 | BacTrace® Streptococcus agalactiae Positive Control |
JL-SC008 | 李斯特菌屬特異性陽性對照 | Listeria, Genus-Specific Positive Control |
JL-SC009 | 彎曲菌屬特異性陽性對照 | Campylobacter, Genus-Specific Positive Control |
JL-SC010 | 幽門螺旋桿菌陽性對照 | Helicobacter pylori Positive Control |
JL-SC011 | 大腸桿菌O157:H7陽性對照 | Escherichia coli O157:H7 Positive Control |
JL-SC012 | BacTrace®大腸桿菌O111:H8物種陽性對照 | BacTrace® Escherichia coli O111:H8 Species Positive Control |
JL-SC013 | BacTrace®大腸桿菌O26:H11物種陽性對照 | BacTrace® Escherichia coli O26:H11 Species Positive Control |
JL-SC014 | Bactrace®大腸桿菌O103:H8的陽性對照,熱滅活 | BacTrace® E.coli O103:H8 Positive Control, Heat-Killed |
JL-SC015 | Bactrace®大腸桿菌O145:H2的陽性對照,熱滅活 | BacTrace® E.coli O145:H2 Positive Control, Heat-Killed |
JL-SC016 | Bactrace®大腸桿菌O121:H19的陽性對照,熱滅活 | BacTrace® E.coli O121:H19 Positive Control, Heat-Killed |
JL-SC017 | Bactrace®大腸桿菌O45:H2的陽性對照,熱滅活 | BacTrace® E.coli O45:H2 Positive Control, Heat-Killed |
JL-SC018 | BacTrace®大腸桿菌O104:H12陽性對照 | BacTrace® Escherichia coli O104:H12 Positive Control |
JL-SC019 | BacTrace®大腸桿菌O91陽性對照 | BacTrace® Escherichia coli O91 Positive Control |
JL-SC020 | 鮭腎桿菌陽性對照 | Renibacterium salmoninarum Positive Control |
zui后,研究者Marnix Jansen博士說道,基于本文的研究,通過對來自腸癌患者的組織進行分析研究,我們就可以清楚揭示腸癌的發生機理,當然后期還需要進行更為深入的研究才能夠為開發治療腸癌患者的疾病以及改善其生存質量提供幫助。
近日,刊登在雜志 Cancer Research 上的一篇研究論文中,來自歌德大學( Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main )的研究人員通過研究發現了急性髓性白血病干細胞的弱點,他們發現了一種名為5-脂氧合酶(5-LO)的酶類在急性髓性白血病干細胞的生存過程中扮演著重要角色。
此前研究人員已經發現了 5-LO 在炎性疾病比如哮喘癥發病中的角色,研究者 Jessica Roos 教授表示,這項研究中我們發現,急性髓性白血病亞群中的白血病干細胞或許可以被5-LO抑制劑有效地選擇性攻擊,而且這種現象均可以在細胞培養基模型和白血病小鼠模型中觀察到。
“我們發現,似乎是在進化過程中,可以驅動癌癥的關鍵基因,” 卡迪夫大學的癌癥與基因研究所的貝爾德教授說。“這是該基因的新作用,使其成為潛在的治療靶點。”
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
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At the same time, the results of this study can be applied to the human body's other tissues, such as skin, lungs and antigen antibodies; reveal the mechanisms of stem cell behavior in the human gut is the field of stem cell research will be a great leap forward, as of now researchers More is the use of mice to carry out research or put the stem cells in the natural environment for research, which distorted the normal behavior of stem cells; and researchers in this study using the development of new tools to reveal the intestinal stem cells Behavioral performance, which can significantly increase the researchers understanding of the occurrence of colorectal cancer.
Finally, the researcher Dr. Marnix Jansen says, research paper based on tissue from patients with colorectal cancer through the analysis, we can clearly reveal the mechanism of cancer, of course, the latter also need more in-depth study to be able to Development and treatment of diseases of patients with colorectal cancer and improve their quality of life to provide help.
Despite the dramatic improvement in therapies, only one in two adults with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) survives, with an average survival of less than one for acute myeloid leukemia in older adults over 65 years Year; and the researchers speculated that the pathogenesis may be leukemia stem cells, leukemia stem cells in the patient's body can not be compley removed, these leukemia stem cells is caused by the patient's condition eventually lethal cause of death.
Recently, in a research paper published in the International Cancer Research, researchers from Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main discovered the weakness of acute myeloid leukemia stem cells through research that they found in a study entitled 5 - Lipoxygenase (5-LO) enzymes play an important role in the survival of acute myelogenous leukemia stem cells.
Previously researchers have found that 5-LO role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases such as asthma in, the researchers Jessica Roos Professor said the study, we found that acute myeloid leukemia subgroup of leukemic stem cells might be 5- LO inhibitors effectively selectively attack, and this phenomenon can be observed in both cell culture and leukemia mouse models.
The researchers said the study provides new research evidence and clues for the suppression and treatment of acute myeloid leukemia in order to develop new 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors to inhibit the stock of leukemia. In the latter part of the study, researchers will further study to reveal the role and mechanism of 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors in inhibiting leukemia stem cell function.
Scientists have long known that chromosomal defects occur when cells repeatedly divide. Over time, these shortcomings can lead to the onset of cancer.
A now from Cardiff University's Professor Duncan Baird and his research team A · Eric Hendrickson from the cooperation with the University of Minnesota have identified, in order to survive in human cells required for these types of defects Specific gene.
"We found it to be a key gene that can drive cancer in the evolutionary process," said Professor Baird, a professor of cancer and genetics at Cardiff University. "This is a new role for the gene, making it a potential therapeutic target."
As the cells divide, their omeres - protecting the chromosome ends from damaged DNA "caps" - shorten the residual chromosomes to stick together easily.
In normal cells, the stickiness of this chromosome is a signal of death that triggers defective cells to move during the cleaning process and help cleanse them.
However, malignant cells, to some extent, are able to evade this cleanup process.