1.1 產品概述
ATE 系列無線測溫傳感器根據 《NB/T 42086-2016 無線測溫裝置技術要求》 開發,可用于
3~35kV 戶內開關柜,包括中置柜、手車柜、固定柜、環網柜等多種開關柜;也可用于 0.4kV 低壓

a. 配置方案

b. 安裝實例
ATE100 安裝方法 Installation Method
ATE100 螺栓式無線測溫傳感器適用于電纜與母排搭接處,電纜與隔離刀閘搭接處。
The bolted type wireless sensor ATE100 is suitable for use at joints between cable and bus bar andjoints between cable and disconnector.
ATE100 螺栓式無線溫度傳感器結構說明:
ATE100 structure introduction:
1 —— 無線溫度傳感器主體 The core of wireless temperature sensor ATE100
2 —— 測溫部位 Thermo-sensitive part
3 —— 電池開關 battery switch
Remove the screw from the joints, and fixing the sensor on the position with the hole on the alloy baseplate, then tighten the screw, open the battery switch before installation, the power indicator flashestwice. The installation examples see images below.