美國Seracare百日咳桿菌Bordela Pertussis
美國Seracare百日咳桿菌Bordela Pertussis
編號 | 英文名稱 | 中文名稱 |
JL-FA-01 | Amebiasis (AME) | 阿米巴病 |
JL-FA-02 | Allergens, Rast scores | 過敏原,放射性過敏原吸收實驗。指對特定的人群引起免疫反應或者過敏反應的食品中的蛋白質 |
JL-FA-03 | Allergens, Rast scores negative | 過敏原,放射性過敏原吸收實驗陰性 |
JL-FA-04 | Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide Antibody (CCP) Arthritis | 抗環瓜氨酸肽抗體 |
JL-FA-05 | ASCA Saccharomyces Cerevi | 人抗釀酒酵母抗體(ASCA) |
JL-FA-06 | Aspergillis | 麴菌病 |
JL-FA-07 | Beta 2 Glycoprotein | β2糖蛋白 |
JL-FA-08 | Beta 2 Glycoprotein IgM | β2糖蛋白 IGM |
JL-FA-09 | Bordela Pertussis | 百日咳桿菌 |
JL-FA-10 | Bordela Pertussis IgM | 百日咳桿菌 IGM |
JL-FA-11 | C-ANCA | C-抗中性粒細胞胞漿抗體(ANCA) |
JL-FA-12 | Cardiolipin | 心肌磷脂 |
JL-FA-13 | Cardiolipin IgA | 心肌磷脂 IGA |
JL-FA-14 | Cardiolipin IgG | 心肌磷脂 IGG |
JL-FA-15 | Cardiolipin IgM | 心肌磷脂 IGM |
JL-FA-16 | Cerebral Spinal Fluid | 腦脊髓液 |
JL-FA-17 | Chagas | 恰加斯病/南美錐蟲 |
JL-FA-18 | Chlamydia | 衣原體 |
JL-FA-19 | Chlamydia IgA | 衣原體IGA |
JL-FA-20 | Chlamydia IgG | 衣原體IGG |
JL-FA-21 | Chlamydia IgM | 衣原體IGM |
JL-FA-22 | Chlamydia Neg | 衣原體陰性 |
JL-FA-23 | Clotting Factor C3 | 凝固因子C3 |
JL-FA-24 | Clotting Factor C4 | 凝固因子C4 |
JL-FA-25 | Coccidiodes | 球孢菌 |
JL-FA-26 | Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Neg | 巨細胞病毒抗體陰性 |
JL-FA-27 | CMV IgG | 巨細胞病毒 IGG陽性 |
JL-FA-28 | CMV IgM VCA | 巨細胞病毒 IGM 陽性 |
JL-FA-29 | C-Reactive Protein (CRP) | C-反應蛋白質 |
JL-FA-30 | Dengue Fever | 登革熱 |
JL-FA-31 | Dengue Fever IgM | 登革熱 IGM |
JL-FA-32 | DS (Double Stranded) DNA | 雙鏈脫氧核糖核酸 |
JL-FA-33 | EBNA (Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen) IgG | EB病毒核抗原 IGG |
JL-FA-34 | EBNA (Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen) IgM | EB病毒核抗原 IGM |
JL-FA-35 | Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Negative Plasma | EB病毒陰性血漿 |
JL-FA-36 | Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) EA IgM | EB病毒早期抗原 IGM |
JL-FA-37 | Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) VCA IgM | EB病毒殼蛋白 IGM |
JL-FA-38 | Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) EA IgG | EB病毒早期抗原 IGG |
JL-FA-39 | EMA (Endomysial Antibodies) | 肌內膜 |
JL-FA-40 | Gliadin | 麩蛋白,麥醇溶蛋白,麥膠蛋白 |
JL-FA-41 | Gliadin IgG | 麥醇溶蛋白 IGG |
JL-FA-42 | Gliadin IgA | 麥醇溶蛋白 IGA |
JL-FA-43 | Glomerular Basement Membrane (GBMA) | 腎小球基底膜病 |
JL-FA-44 | Helicobacter pylori IgA | 幽門螺旋桿菌IGA |
JL-FA-45 | Helicobacter pylori IgG | 幽門螺旋桿菌IGG |
JL-FA-46 | Helicobacter pylori IgM | 幽門螺旋桿菌IGM |
JL-FA-47 | Helicobacter pylori Negative | 幽門螺旋桿菌陰性 |
JL-FA-48 | Helicobacter pylori Positive Plasma | 幽門螺旋桿菌陰性血漿 |
JL-FA-49 | Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) Pos. Plasma | 甲型肝炎病毒陽性血漿 |
JL-FA-50 | Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) IgM | 甲型肝炎病毒IGM |
JL-FA-51 | Hepatitis B Core (HBc) IgG | 乙型肝炎病毒核心 IGG |
JL-FA-52 | Hepatitis B Core (HBc) IgM | 乙型肝炎病毒核心 IGM |
JL-FA-53 | Anti Hbe (Antibody to HBV antigen) | 乙肝抗體 |
JL-FA-54 | Hepatitis Delta Virus | 丁型肝炎病毒 |
JL-FA-55 | HBeAg (HBV e antigen) | 乙肝 E抗原 |
JL-FA-56 | anti-HBs (HBV surface antibody) | 乙肝表面抗體 |
JL-FA-57 | Hepatitis B (HBsAg) "Chronic" | 乙型肝炎(乙肝表面抗原)“慢性病 |
JL-FA-58 | HBsAg (HBV surface antigen) Serum | 乙肝表面抗原血清 |
JL-FA-59 | HBsAg (AD) | 乙肝表面抗原(AD) |
JL-FA-60 | HBsAg (AY) | 乙肝表面抗原(AY) |
JL-FA-61 | HBV Positive Plasma | 乙肝陽性血漿 |
JL-FA-62 | HBV DNA Plasma | 乙肝DNA血漿 |
JL-FA-63 | HBV DNA Serum | 乙肝DNA血清 |
JL-FA-64 | HBV DNA type A | A型 乙肝DNA |
JL-FA-65 | HBV DNA type B | B型 乙肝DNA |
JL-FA-66 | HBV DNA type C | C型 乙肝DNA |
JL-FA-67 | HBV DNA type D | D型 乙肝DNA |
JL-FA-68 | HBV DNA type E | E型 乙肝DNA |
JL-FA-69 | HBV DNA type F | F型 乙肝DNA |
JL-FA-70 | HBV Antibody HCV Antibody Plasma CO-INFECTED | 乙肝和丙肝聯合感染血漿 |
JL-FA-71 | HCV (Hepatitis C Virus) Antibody | 丙型肝炎抗體 |
JL-FA-72 | HCV Core Antigen Positive | 丙肝核心抗原 陽性 |
JL-FA-73 | HCV RNA PLASMA Genotype 1 | 基因1型丙肝RNA 血漿 |
JL-FA-74 | HCV RNA PLASMA Genotype 2 | 基因2型丙肝RNA 血漿 |
JL-FA-75 | HCV RNA PLASMA Genotype 3 | 基因3型丙肝RNA 血漿 |
JL-FA-76 | HCV RNA PLASMA Genotype 4 | 基因4型丙肝RNA 血漿 |
JL-FA-77 | HCV RNA PLASMA Genotype 5 | 基因5型丙肝RNA 血漿 |
JL-FA-78 | HCV RNA PLASMA Genotype 6 | 基因6型丙肝RNA 血漿 |
JL-FA-79 | HCV Riba single band | 丙肝免疫印跡單波段 |
JL-FA-80 | HCV RIBA Pos. (multiple bands) | 丙肝免疫印跡陽性多波段 |
JL-FA-81 | HCV Negative | 丙肝陰性 |
JL-FA-82 | HCV RNA Pos (quantitative) | 丙肝RNA陽性(定量) |
JL-FA-83 | Hepatitis E | 戊型肝炎 |
JL-FA-84 | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)1/2 Positive Plasma | 單純性皰疹病毒1/2陽性血漿 |
JL-FA-85 | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 Negative Plasma | 單純性皰疹病毒1 陰性血漿 |
JL-FA-86 | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 IgG | 單純性皰疹病毒1 IGG |
JL-FA-87 | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV 1) IgM | 單純性皰疹病毒1 IGM |
JL-FA-88 | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 2 IgG | 單純性皰疹病毒2 IGG |
JL-FA-89 | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 2 IgM | 單純性皰疹病毒2 IGG |
JL-FA-90 | Histone | 組蛋白 |
JL-FA-91 | Human Anti Mouse Ab (HAMA) | 人抗鼠抗體 |
JL-FA-92 | Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 Neg | HIV I 陰性 |
JL-FA-93 | anti Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 Plasma | 抗HIV I 血漿 |
JL-FA-94 | anti Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 Serum | 抗HIV I 血清 |
JL-FA-95 | anti Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 Western Blot Tested | 抗HIV 2 免疫印跡 |
JL-FA-96 | anti Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1/2 2 HIV (+) | 抗HIV 1/2 2 HIV陽性 |
JL-FA-97 | Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Ag | HIV抗原 |
JL-FA-98 | HIV RNA (quantitative) Plasma | HIV RNA 定量血漿 |
JL-FA-99 | HIV RNA (quantitative) Serum | HIV RNA 定量血清 |
JL-FA-100 | HIV1 Subtype A | HIV1 亞型A |
JL-FA-101 | HIV1 Subtype B | HIV1 亞型B |
JL-FA-102 | HIV1 Subtype C | HIV1 亞型C |
JL-FA-103 | HIV1 Subtype D | HIV1 亞型D |
JL-FA-104 | HIV1 Subtype E | HIV1 亞型E |
JL-FA-105 | HIV1 Subtype F | HIV1 亞型F |
JL-FA-106 | HIV1 Subtype G | HIV1 亞型G |
JL-FA-107 | HIV1 Subtype H | HIV1 亞型H |
JL-FA-108 | HIV1 Subtype J | HIV1 亞型J |
JL-FA-109 | HIV1 Subtype K | HIV1 亞型K |
JL-FA-110 | HIV1 Group O | HIV1 亞型O |
JL-FA-111 | Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 Antibody Plasma | HIV 2 抗體血漿 |
JL-FA-112 | Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 Antibody Serum | HIV 2 抗體血清 |
JL-FA-113 | HPV (Human Papiloma Virus) Negative | 人乳狀瘤病毒HPV陰性 |
JL-FA-114 | HPV (Human Papiloma Virus) Positive | 人乳狀瘤病毒HPV陽性 |
JL-FA-115 | Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Antibody HCV Antibody Plasma COINFECTED | HIV 抗體 HCV |
JL-FA-116 | Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) I/II | 人嗜T淋巴細胞病毒(HTLV) I/II |
JL-FA-117 | Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) I | 人嗜T淋巴細胞病毒(HTLV) I |
JL-FA-118 | Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) II | 人嗜T淋巴細胞病毒(HTLV) II |
JL-FA-119 | Jo-1 | 多發性肌炎抗原JO-1 |
JL-FA-120 | IgE < 5,000 Ku/L | IgE < 5,000 Ku/L |
JL-FA-121 | Legionella | 軍團桿菌屬 |
JL-FA-122 | Leptospira | 軍團桿菌屬 |
JL-FA-123 | Lyme Disease | 萊姆(氏)病:蜱傳播的全身性疾病,常在夏季發生 |
JL-FA-124 | Lyme IgG | 萊姆(氏)病 IGG |
JL-FA-125 | Lyme IgM | 萊姆(氏)病 IGM |
JL-FA-126 | Lyme Disease Neg | 萊姆(氏)病 陰性 |
JL-FA-127 | Malaria | 瘧疾 |
JL-FA-128 | Mononucleosis (infectious) | 單核細胞增多癥(有傳染性的) |
JL-FA-129 | Mononucleosis Negative | 單核細胞增多癥陰性 |
JL-FA-130 | Measles Negative | 麻疹 陰性 |
JL-FA-131 | Measles IgG | 麻疹 IGG |
JL-FA-132 | Measles IgM | 麻疹 IGM |
JL-FA-133 | Microsomal Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPO) Positive Plasma Standard Titer (typically 1,000-3,000 IU/mL) | 微粒體抗甲狀腺過氧化物酶抗體 |
JL-FA-134 | Microsomal Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPO) Negative Plasma | 微粒體抗甲狀腺過氧化物酶抗體 |
JL-FA-135 | Anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA) | 抗線粒體抗體 |
JL-FA-136 | Multiple Sclerosis | 多發性硬化癥 |
JL-FA-137 | Mumps IgG | 流行性腮腺炎 IGG |
JL-FA-138 | Mumps Ab IgM | 流行性腮腺炎抗體 IGM |
JL-FA-139 | Mumps Antibody Negative Plasma | 流行性腮腺炎抗體陰性血漿 |
JL-FA-140 | Mumps Antibody Negative Serum | 流行性腮腺炎抗體陰性血清 |
JL-FA-141 | Myeloma Plasma | 骨髓瘤血漿 |
JL-FA-142 | Myeloma IgA | 骨髓瘤IGA |
JL-FA-143 | Myeloma IgE | 骨髓瘤IGE |
JL-FA-144 | Myeloma IgG | 骨髓瘤IGG |
JL-FA-145 | Myeloma IgM | 骨髓瘤IGM |
JL-FA-146 | Mycoplasma | 支原體 |
JL-FA-147 | Mycoplasma Negative | 支原體陰性 |
JL-FA-148 | Mycoplasma IgG | 支原體IGG |
JL-FA-149 | Mycoplasma IgM | 支原體IGM |
JL-FA-150 | Mycoplasma PCR | 支原體PCR |
JL-FA-151 | Normal Human Plasma | 正常人血漿 |
JL-FA-152 | Normal Human Serum | 正常人血清 |
JL-FA-153 | Nuclear Antibody Centromere | 核抗體著絲粒 |
JL-FA-154 | Nuclear Antibody, Speckled ANA | 核抗體,斑點抗核抗體 |
JL-FA-155 | Nuclear Antibody, Nucleolar ANA | 核抗體,核仁抗核抗體 |
JL-FA-156 | Nuclear Antibody, Homogeneous ANA | 核抗體,同質抗核抗體 |
JL-FA-157 | Nuclear Antiobody, Speckled. (ANA) Negative | 核抗體,斑點。抗核抗體陰性 |
JL-FA-158 | P-ANCA (associated neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies) | 相關的嗜中性粒細胞胞漿抗體 |
JL-FA-159 | Parietal Cell Antibody (PCA) | 胃)壁細胞抗體 |
JL-FA-160 | Parvo positive plasma | 細小病毒陽性血漿 |
JL-FA-161 | Parvo IgM | 細小病毒 IGM |
JL-FA-162 | Parvo IgG | 細小病毒 IGG |
JL-FA-163 | Parvo Negative Plasma | 細小病毒陰性血漿 |
JL-FA-164 | Parvo DNA positive | 細小病毒 DNA 陽性 |
JL-FA-165 | Phospholipid Positive Plasma | 磷脂陽性血漿 |
JL-FA-166 | Prothrombin | 凝血酶原,凝血因子 |
JL-FA-167 | Rheumatoid Factor (RF) <1000 IU/mL | 類風濕因子<1000 IU/mL |
JL-FA-168 | Rheumatoid Factor (RF) 1001-2000 IU/mL | 類風濕因子1001-2000 IU/mL |
JL-FA-169 | Rheumatoid Factor (RF) 2001-4000 IU/mL | 類風濕因子 2001-4000 IU/mL |
JL-FA-170 | Rheumatoid Factor (RF) 4001-5000 IU/mL | 類風濕因子 4001-5000 IU/mL |
JL-FA-171 | Rheumatoid Factor (RF) >5000 IU/mL | 類風濕因子>5000 IU/mL |
JL-FA-172 | Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) Positive | 核糖核蛋白陽性 |
JL-FA-173 | Rubella Chimeric | 風疹 |
JL-FA-174 | Rubella Negative | 風疹陰性 |
JL-FA-175 | Rubella IgG | 風疹IGG |
JL-FA-176 | Rubella IgM | 風疹IGM |
JL-FA-177 | Rubeola Negative Plasma | 風疹陰性血漿 |
JL-FA-178 | Rubeola IgG | 風疹IGG |
JL-FA-179 | Scleroderma (Scl-70) Pos | 膠原沉著病,硬皮病,硬皮癥 陽性 |
JL-FA-180 | Scleroderma (Scl-70) Negative | 硬皮病陰性 |
JL-FA-181 | Sickle Cell Fresh Whole Blood | 鐮刀形紅細胞新鮮全血 |
JL-FA-182 | Smith (SM) | 抗Smith抗體陽性血清(SLE的特征性抗體) |
JL-FA-183 | SMITH RNP | 抗RNP抗體陽性血清(SLE的特征性抗體) |
JL-FA-184 | Smooth Muscle (ASMA) | 抗平滑肌抗體陽性血清 |
JL-FA-185 | Sjogren syndrome antigen A (SSA) Positive | 舍格倫綜合征或干燥綜合征抗原A 陽性 |
JL-FA-186 | Sjogren syndrome antigen B (SSB) Positive | 舍格倫綜合征抗原B 陽性 |
JL-FA-187 | Sjogren syndrome antigen B (SSB) Negative | 舍格倫綜合征抗原B陰性 |
JL-FA-188 | Streptolysin O Ab (ASO) | 鏈球菌溶血素O抗體 |
JL-FA-189 | Syphilis (RPR - Rapid Plasma Reagin) Positive Plasma | 梅毒(梅毒-快速血漿反應)陽性血漿 |
JL-FA-190 | Syphilis (RPR - Rapid Plasma Reagin) Negative Plasma | 梅毒(梅毒-快速血漿反應)陰性血漿 |
JL-FA-191 | Syphilis/ATA/T. pallidum IgG | 梅毒ATA/T,蒼白球IGG |
JL-FA-192 | Syphilis/ATA/T. pallidum IgM | 梅毒ATA/T,蒼白球IGM |
JL-FA-193 | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Positive | 全身性紅斑狼瘡陽性 |
JL-FA-194 | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Negative | 全身性紅斑狼瘡陰性 |
JL-FA-195 | TG/TPO Positive (Standard Titer 1,000 - 3000 IU/mL) | 甲狀腺球蛋白/甲狀腺過氧化物酶陽性 |
JL-FA-196 | TG/TPO Negative | 甲狀腺球蛋白/甲狀腺過氧化物酶陰性 |
JL-FA-197 | TTG (Tissue Transglutaminase) | 組織轉谷氨酰胺酶 |
JL-FA-198 | TTG (Tissue Transglutaminase) IgA | 組織轉谷氨酰胺酶 IGA |
JL-FA-199 | ToRCH (Toxo, Rubella, CMV, HSV) Positive | 優生優育(弓形蟲,風疹,巨細胞,單胞)陽性 |
JL-FA-200 | ToRCH (Toxo, Rubella, CMV, HSV) Negative | 優生優育(弓形蟲,風疹,巨細胞,單胞)陰性 |
JL-FA-201 | Toxoplasmosis (Toxo) | 弓形蟲病 |
JL-FA-202 | Toxoplasmosis (Toxo) IgG | 弓形蟲病IGG |
JL-FA-203 | Toxoplasmosis (Toxo) IgM | 弓形蟲病IGM |
JL-FA-204 | Thyroglobulin (TG) Positive Plasma | 甲狀腺球蛋白陽性血漿 |
JL-FA-205 | Thyroglobulin (TG) Negative | 甲狀腺球蛋白陰性 |
JL-FA-206 | Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Negative | 水痘-帶狀皰疹病毒陰性 |
JL-FA-207 | Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) IgG | 水痘-帶狀皰疹病毒IGG |
JL-FA-208 | Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) IgM | 水痘-帶狀皰疹病毒IGM |
JL-FA-209 | West Nile Virus (WNV) | 西尼羅河腦炎病毒 |
JL-FA-210 | West Nile Virus (WNV) IgM | 西尼羅河腦炎病毒IGM |
美國Seracare百日咳桿菌Bordela Pertussis
Zhenglong Gu及其同事分析了1000基因組項目的14個人群的1085個健康個體的整個線粒體基因組高質量下一代測序數據。這些人的90%擁有至少一種異質性,但是多數人的異質性數量低。然而,所有這些人的19%攜帶了至少一種與疾病有關的異質性。
美國Salk研究所Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte實驗室、華大基因(BGI)李英睿團隊和中科院生物物理研究所劉光慧研究組合作,*利用全基因組測序(WGS)明確了現有疾病基因組靶向矯正工具的安全可靠性,并創建了效率遠高于目前基因組靶向編輯技術的新型人類遺傳突變修復工具HDAdV,為開展以干細胞為基礎的基因治療提供了重要的理論依據。 相關文章發表于2014年7月3日的《Cell Stem Cell》雜志上。
美國Seracare百日咳桿菌Bordela Pertussis
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室
Zhenglong Gu and colleagues analyzed high-quality, next-generation sequencing data for the entire mitochondrial genome of 1085 healthy individuals from 14 global populations of 1000 genome projects. 90% of these people have at least one heterogeneity, but most people have low levels of heterogeneity. However, 19% of all these people carry at least one disease-related heterogeneity.
Over time, the authors say, the number of potentially harmful mitochondrial DNA variants in healthy individuals may increase in some cells, culminating in a potentially pathogenic threshold, underscoring the management of heterogeneity and thus preventing The importance of the disease process.
The team of Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, Salk Institute of USA, BGL Li Ying-Rui team and Liu Guang-hui Research Group, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, for the first time made use of whole genome sequencing (WGS) to clarify the safety of existing disease genomic targeted remediation tools Reliability and create HDAdV, a novel human genetic mutation repair tool far more efficient than current genomic targeted editing techniques, providing an important theoretical basis for stem cell-based gene therapy. The article appeared in the July 3, 2014 issue of Cell Stem Cell.
Examples: Regenerative medical treatment strategies for hemoglobin diseases such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia
The advent of human induced pluripotent stem cell technology (iPSC) has led to the rapid development of targeted therapies for human disease genomes. Currently available methods for target-directed genomic remediation of human diseases include ribozyme-mediated DNA homologous recombination techniques (eg, ZFN, TALEN and CRISPR / CAS9, etc.) and large fragment DNA-independent recombination techniques independent of ribozyme Third generation adenovirus vector HDAdV is representative). Genetically repaired autologous stem cells have the potential to treat their own diseases and therefore have broad applications in both individual medicine and regenerative medicine.
Liu Guanghui's team first used the HDAdV-mediated genome-targeted editing technique to target the pathogenic gene LMNA in the iPSC of patients with AP, and conceptually confirmed the feasibility of in situ correction of genetic mutations in patient cells . They then corrected pathogenic mutations in stem cells in patients with Parkinson's and Fanconi anemia and laid the foundation for mechanistic studies of these genetic diseases, drug evaluation, and personalized stem cell and gene therapy.
In this study, for the first time, the researchers used three different approaches, HDAdV, TALEN and CRISPR, to target-correct hemoglobin gene (HBB) mutations in iPSC in patients with sickle cell anemia. These three methods of gene correction were found to have similar targeting efficiency to HBB genes. At the same time, genome-wide deep sequencing showed that TALEN and HDAdV kept the integrity of the patient's genome during gene correction, which indicated the safety and reliability of these methods.