1.電伴熱簡介 | Brief Introduction of Electric Heat Trace | | 電伴熱是用電熱的能量來補充被伴熱體在工藝流程中所散失的熱量.電伴熱具有熱效率高,節約能源,設計簡單,施工安裝方便,無污染,使用壽命長,能實現遙控和自動控制等優點,是取代蒸汽伴熱的技術發展方向,是國家重點推廣的節能環保項目。 | Electric heat trace is, by heating, used to compensate for the heat loss from the heated objects during process flows. Electric heat trace has the following advantages: high efficiency, energy saving, simple design, safe and easy to installation , no pollution, long use life, remote control and automatic control, etc. It's the technical trend to take the place of steam heating. It's also one of the State's important environmental projects of energy saving. | 我公司電伴系列產品符合GB19518.1-2004國家標準規定,并取得防爆合格證和生產許可證。 | The series of our product's comply witn tne rule of National Stanard, Ana Manufaceure license ana Explosion Proof Certificate have also been obtainea, | |