通信電纜 網絡設備 無線通信 云計算|大數據 顯示設備 存儲設備 網絡輔助設備 信號傳輸處理 多媒體設備 廣播系統 智慧城市管理系統 其它智慧基建產品
隨著我國經濟建設的不斷發展,人民生活水平的提高、用電負荷增加、變壓器設備增多,帶來能源消耗大而且噪聲增大,嚴重污染城市環境,為此世界各國都在呼 吁并著手降低能耗、改善城市環境。S13-M型系列三相配電變壓器比當前城網建設用的S9、S11型相比,空載損耗分別平均下降50%和30% ,噪聲水平下降5~8db。
產品概述/Product description
隨著我國經濟建設的不斷發展,人民生活水平的提高、用電負荷增加、變壓器設備增多,帶來能源消耗大而且噪聲增大,嚴重污染城市環境,為此世界各國都在呼 吁并著手降低能耗、改善城市環境。S13-M型系列三相配電變壓器比當前城網建設用的S9、S11型相比,空載損耗分別平均下降50%和30% ,噪聲水平下降5~8db。 With the continuous development of China's economic construction, the improvement of people's living standards, the increase in power load, and the increase in transformer equipment have brought about high energy consumption and increased noise, which has seriously polluted the urban environment. Therefore, all countries in the world are calling for and reducing energy. Consumption and improvement of the urban environment. Compared with the S9 and Sil models used in the current urban network construction, the S13-M series three-phase distribution transformers have an average loss of 50% and 30%, and the noise level is reduced by 5~8db.
使用范ffi/Scope of use
S13-M型配電變壓器適用于三相50HZ、10KV電壓等級配電系統,供工農業配電、動力和照明使用。特別對城市降低噪聲,改善環境質量和降<氐電力運行成本有利。 S13-M distribution transformer is suitable for three-phase 50HZ, 10KV voltage grade distribution system for industrial and agricultural distribution, power and lighting. It is especially beneficial for cities to reduce noise, improve environmental quality and reduce power running costs.
型號含義/Model meaning
變壓器產品標準/Transformer product standard
GB 1094.1-2013 GB 1094.2-2013
GB 1094.3-2016 GB 1094.5-2008
GB/T 6451-2015 GB/T 7595-2008
JB/T 10088-2004
JB/T 3837-2010
變壓器正常使用條件/Normal use conditions of the transformer
?海拔高度不超過1000m ? The altitude does not exceed 1000m
?環境溫度; ? Ambient temperature;
?氣溫+40°C ; ? The highest temperature is +40 ° C;
?最熱月平均氣溫+30°C; ? The hottest month average temperature +30 ° C;
?年平均氣溫+20°C ; ? The highest annual average temperature is +20 °C;
?戶外氣溫-25°C。 ? The outdoor minimum temperature is -25 °C.
變壓器特殊使用條件/"Transformer special use conditions
?海拔高度不超過1000m ? The altitude does not exceed 1000m
?環境溫度; ? Ambient temperature;
?氣溫+40°C ; ? The highest temperature is +40 ° C;
?最熱月平均氣溫+30°C; ? The hottest month average temperature +30 ° C;
?年平均氣溫+20°C ; ? The highest annual average temperature is +20 °C;
?戶外氣溫-25°C。 ? The outdoor minimum temperature is -25 °C.
?海拔高度超過1000m ? Altitude over 1000m
?環境溫度; ? Ambient temperature;
?氣溫+40°C ; ? The highest temperature is +40 ° C;
?氣溫-45°C° ?The lowest temperature is -45 °C.
結構特點/Structural features
?油箱及散熱元件采用矩形波紋油箱,2000 kVA及2500kVA根據用戶要求可選用固定式或可拆式膨脹式片式散熱器油箱。
? The main idea of the overall layout design is to put the reliability of the product first in the first place based on the S9 and Sil design experience, to ensure that the electrical performance, mechanical strength and heat dissipation capacity of the product are met.
?The core is made of 23ZH100 high-conductivity magnetic silicon steel laminated structure.
? Both high and low voltage coils are cylindrically wound.
?Both the body and the final assembly structure adopt the mature S9 type product structure.
? The fuel tank and heat dissipating components are rectangular corrugated fuel tanks. 2000 kVA and 2500 kVA can be used according to user requirements. Fixed or detachable expansion type radiator radiators are available.
? The components are available in mature components of the S9 and Sil models.
額定容量(KVA) Rated capacity (KVA) | 高壓high pressure | 低壓 Low pressure | 連接組編號 Join group label | 空載損耗w No-load lossW | 短路阻抗% Short circuit impedance% | 重量weight | 型尺寸 Dimensions | 軌距 gauge | |
30 | 6 6.3 6.6 10 10.5 11 ±5% 或 ±2x 2.5% | 0.4 | Yyn0 Dynll | 80 | 0.4 | 65 | 250 | 705*445*850 | 400x400 |
50 | 100 | 75 | 320 | 745*500*880 | 400x400 | ||||
63 | 110 | 85 | 375 | 775*515*965 | 400x400 | ||||
80 | 130 | 95 | 425 | 790*590*985 | 400x400 | ||||
100 | 150 | 100 | 480 | 820*640*1005 | 400x400 | ||||
125 | 170 | 110 | 540 | 835*710*1030 | 550x550 | ||||
160 | 200 | 120 | 625 | 865*740*1030 | 550x550 | ||||
200 | 240 | 145 | 750 | 1085*680*1110 | 550x550 | ||||
250 | 290 | 160 | 860 | 1175*755*1130 | 550x550 | ||||
315 | 340 | 175 | 980 | 1190*765*1175 | 550x550 | ||||
400 | 410 | 200 | 1180 | 1275*825*1210 | 660x660 | ||||
500 | 480 | 225 | 1350 | 1325*880*1280 | 660x660 | ||||
630 | 570 | 260 | 1580 | 1420*935*1315 | 660x660 | ||||
800 | 700 | 0.4 | 285 | 1835 | 1490*985*1375 | 820x820 | |||
1000 | 830 | 350 | 2170 | 1690*1220*1395 | 820x820 | ||||
1250 | 970 | 410 | 2645 | 1825*1305*1460 | 820x820 | ||||
1600 | 1170 | 470 | 3240 | 1825*1270*1515 | 820x820 | ||||
2000 | 1380 | 540 | 2860 | 2085*1235*1715 | 1070x1070 | ||||
2500 | 1680 | 600 | 4435 | 2130*1255*1805 | 1070x1070 |
智慧城市網 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?