焊接機器人 六自由度工業機器人1506A
焊接機器人 六自由度工業機器人1506A
產品特點 Product Features
采用伺服電機配諧波減速機結構,體積小、工作范圍大、速度快、精度 高、可與轉臺、滑臺輸送鏈系統等輔助設備集成作業。
整機采用全密封,防 塵防 水, IP 6 5 , 適用環境惡劣的油污、粉塵行業。控制系統掌上型對話式操作器簡單易學,非常適合生產使用。
柔性大,可實現外表面和內表面的噴涂。適用范圍:汽車內飾件、摩托 車配件、頭盔、家電、筆記本外殼、手機外殼、音晌外殼等一些外觀不 規則的產品表面涂裝,節谷油漆。
BRTIRSE1506A type robot for spraying application. The extension of the standard series 6 axis structure, increase the range of activities of each link, so it can be used to 啪 al with a variety of applications. The close design, protection grade reaches IP65, suitable for spraying workshop, ash site and humid environment. In line with built- in motor design, greatly reduce the bulk of the secondary pollut ion; sleek, smooth, easy to 介 Ith and clean, and conve nient for higher level health industry application. It is suitable for forging, handling, loading, assembling, etc
主要規格 M ain Sp eci行cat i on