ARTM變壓器電氣接點無限測溫智能溫度巡檢儀適用于一路或多路溫度的測量和控制,主要應用于火電廠、水電站等場合的溫度巡檢測量及控制。ARTM-8 變壓器電氣接點無限測溫智能溫度巡檢儀適用于多路溫度測量與控制,可接入最多8路PT100 傳感器,適用于低壓開關柜電氣接點、變壓器繞組、電機繞組等場合的測溫


1.4 包裝
1.4 Packaging
Packaging contains the following items:
Main engine (including plug-in terminal, nameplate, mounting bracket, etc.)
Product installation manual.
When opening the product packaging, please check if there is any damage, please inform ACREL or agent in time, and please keep the damaged outer packing. If it is the responsibility of ACREL company or agent, it will be replaced in time.
1.5 安裝和接線方法
1.5 Installation and fixing
1.5.1 安裝尺寸
1.5.1 Outlines
n ARTM8:

1.5.2 Installation
On your switchboard, select the appropriate place to open a hole with the same size as the installed temperature inspector.
Remove the temperature inspector, loosen the positioning screw (counterclockwise) and remove the mounting bracket.

Insert the meter into the dial gauge hole.
Insert mounting bracket and positioning screw (clockwise) after instrumentation.
1.5.3 接線方法(請以儀表上的接線圖為準)
1.5.3 Fixing (Please refer to the wiring diagram on the meter)
n ARTM8:

Notice:In the second wire connection, one of the wires of the thermal resistance sensor must be connected to two terminals according to the diagram.
2 操作指南
2.1 顯示介紹
2.1 Display explanation
n ARTM8的面板圖示
n ARTM8 Panel graphic

2.2 系統上電
2.2 System power on
After the correct wiring is indicated, the working power is connected to the measuring state.
2.3 系統設置模式
2.3 System setting mode
2.3.1 進入/退出系統設置模式
2.3.1 Enter/exit system setting mode
Under normal circumstances, the normal work of the instrument, press the SET key at this time more than 3 seconds, will enter the system setup mode, before entering the system setup mode, you first need to enter the correct password (factory generally SET to 0001).
The specific operation of entering the system setting mode is as follows:
(1)Press SET key, until it showed "Prog", then click the enter key to display "code", prompt to enter a password, then click the enter key in "0000", according to the or so direction key numerical size to decrease or increase the correct password.
(2)The password is correct, the screen shows "PASS", and click enter to enter the highest level menu of system Settings; otherwise, "Err" (error) is displayed, and click return to return to normal mode.
System Settings includes emergency alarm Settings (menu "SET"), the amount of hysteresis and alarm delay Settings
(menu " HyS "), the display mode Settings (menu " DISP "), communication Settings (menu "BUS"), setting a new password (menu "n.cod"), to check the software version number (menu "UErn").
2.3.2 系統設置模式下的操作
2.3.2 Operation under system setting mode.
After entering the system Settings mode, select menu status to enter.
(1)“SET" state setting
After entering the system setting mode, press left or right arrow keys until the "SET" is displayed. After returning the car, the "CH1" will be displayed, and the "ON" or "OFF" will be displayed after enter, and the left or right arrow keys can be selected. Select "OFF", enter, the temperature measurement and monitoring of shield channel 1, and return "CH1"; Choose "ON", press enter, or open channel 1 temperature measurement and monitoring, and display the "AL1", namely channel 1 emergency alarm 1 set, enter into the show "HI" or "LO", firstly, according to the left or the right to choose to set alarm trend of emergency alarm 1, said "HI" the high limit alarm, "LO" said low limit alarm, press enter to confirm after setting specific values, press the left right direction key numerical size, decrease or increase after reaching requirements determine rate of return, return to "AL1" system.
In the "AL1" state, press left or right select "AL2", which is the setting of alarm point 2 of channel 1, and the setting method is exactly the same as "AL1".
Under the condition of "AL1" or "AL2", press "SET" to return "CH1". At this time, select the Settings that can enter other channels on the left or right button, and the setting method is exactly the same as channel 1.
Press "SET "to return the top menu "SET" in "CH1", "CH2" and "CH3".
(2)“HyS" state setting
After entering the system setting mode, press the left or right arrow keys until the "HyS" is displayed, that is, set the alarm back delay and alarm delay. Press enter key to enter, select "HyS1" to set the return amount of all channel alarm 1; select "HyS2" to set the back delay of all channel alarm 2, and select "DEL" to set alarm delay time. The range of alarm delay setting is 1~10, and the unit is not seconds, assuming that the alarm delay value is 4, that is, the temperature of a channel must be set at the alarm setting in a continuous "4" test, then the alarm will be triggered.
(3)“DISP" state setting
Into system setting mode, press left or right direction until the show "DISP", press the enter key to enter "cyc" state, which set up the cycle time interval of each channel temperature value, enter into the value set, the set range 0 ~ 20, where 0 means normal mode shows a static channel temperature value, the rest of the numerical display of cycle in the normal mode namely time interval (unit: second). Enter the "DISP" state after the enter confirmation.
Set the static display, press left or right button in normal mode, can accelerate the switch to the required channel temperature display, and maintain.
Set the cycle to display, under normal mode, hold right button, can speed up the circulation display speed.
(4)“BUS" state setting
Enter the system after setting mode, press left or right direction until the show "Bus", namely the communication setting, press enter to confirm after the "Addr" status display, enter again after can set the value of address, change address
values by left or right direction key, press enter to confirm back the "Addr" status, according to the left or right direction key to choose "Baud" state, after enter into by left or right direction key to choose the appropriate Baud rate, press enter to confirm.
顯示狀態 Display state | 解釋 Explanation | 可設定范圍 Adjustable range |
Addr | 通訊地址 Communication address | 0001~0247 |
Baud | 通訊波特率 Communication baud rate | 1200、2400、4800、9600、19200 |
(5)“n.cod" state setting
Enter the system after setting mode, press left or right direction until the show "n.cod", set up new system password, press enter to enter, press the left or right input right after the new password, and press enter to confirm.
(6)“UErn" state setting
After entering the system setting mode, press the left or right arrow keys until the "UErn" is displayed, that is, check the product software version number, and press enter to enter the viewing status.
2.3.3 保存設置選擇
2.3.3 Save Settings selection
After all the parameter Settings are completed, press the "SET" button in any of the above six states to enter the "SAVE" state, which is to save the data. At this time, press enter key to save the Settings, press the "SET" key to directly exit the system setting mode, do not save the contents SET, return to normal mode and follow the original parameters.
2.3.4 用戶編程流程圖
2.3.4 The Programming chart

3 Communication
This chapter focuses on how to use software to manipulate the series of instruments through a communication port. The mastery of the content of this chapter requires that you have the knowledge reserve of MODBUS protocol and read all the contents of the other chapters of this book, and have a comprehensive understanding of the functions and application concepts of the product.
The contents of this chapter include: brief introduction of MODBUS protocol, details of communication application format, application details of the machine and parameter address table.
3.1 協議簡述
3.1 The protocol explanation
3.1.1 傳輸方式
3.1.1 Transmission format
Transport refers to a data frame, a series of separate data structure and used for the transmission of data to limited rules, the following defines that is compatible with the MODBUS protocol (RTU) transmission mode.
Bits per byte
l 1個起始位
l 1 start bit
l 8個數據位,最小的有效位先發送
l 8 data bits, the smallest valid bit is sent firstly
l 無奇偶校驗位
l Unexciting parity bit
l 1個停止位
l 1 stop bit
Error detection: CRC (Cyclic redundancy check)
3.1.2 協議
3.1.2 Protocol
When data frames to terminal equipment, it by a simple "ports" to be addressing device, the device to remove the "envelope" data frames (data), read the data, if there are no mistakes, will carry out the tasks of the requested data, then, it will generate its own data to join the "envelope" of the data frame is returned to the sender. The response returned Data frame contains the following contents: the terminal Address (Address), was carried out from the machine's command (Function), execute the command to generate the requested Data (Data) and a Check code (Check). There will be no successful response to any errors. 數據幀格式 Data frame format
Address | Function | Data | Check |
8-bits | 8-bits | N×8-bits | 16-bits |地址域 Address code
The Address is at head of the data, and it has 1 byte (8-bits binary code). The decimal is 0~255. In ARTM, it just uses 1~247. It stores the slave address. These bits indicate the address of the terminal device specified by the user, which will receive the host data that is connected to it. The address of each terminal device must be only one, and only the addressable terminal will respond to the query containing the address. When the terminal sends back a response, the data from the machine address in the response tells the host which terminal is communicating with it. 功能域 Function code
The functional domain code tells what function the addressable terminal performs. The following table lists the functional codes used in this series of instruments, as well as their meanings and functions.
代碼 Code | 意義 Meaning | 行為 Action |
03或04 03 or 04 | 讀數據寄存器 Read/hold register | 獲得一個或多個寄存器的當前二進制值 Get the current binary value from one or multi hold register |
16 | 預置多寄存器 multiregister | 設定二進制值到一系列多寄存器中 Put the binary value into multi hold register | 數據域 Data code
The data domain includes the data that the terminal needs to perform a particular function, or the data collected when the terminal responds to the query. The contents of these data may be numeric, reference addresses, or set values. For example, code tells terminal functional domains to read from a register, data domain to indicate the starting which register and read how many data, the embedded address and data in accordance with the type and different content varies between machine. 錯誤校驗域 Check code
This code allows the error of transmission between the master and slave. Sometimes, there will be the errors when a data transferred from equipment to another in the interference due to the electrical noise and other disturbances. The check code can make the slave not to answer the error data in the transmission. This improves the security and efficiency of the system. Check node uses 16-bits cyclic redundancy.
3.1.3 Check mode
CRC occupies 2 bytes, and it contains a binary value of 16 bits. It is got by the transmission equipment, and than it is added in the data frame. The master will recalculate the CRC value, and then it compares the value to that received. If 2 values is not same, there must be error.
The CRC algorithm, you will preset a 16-bit register all to 1, then each byte in the data frame of eight consecutive operation with the current value of the register, only 8 bits of each byte in generate CRC, start bit and stop bit and the possibility of using parity bit does not affect the CRC. When generate CRC, each byte of eight different XOR with the contents of the registers, then the results to the low displacement, high use 0, lowest (LSB) removed and test, if it is 1, the register is fixed with a preset value (0A001H) for an XOR operation, if the lowest is 0, do not make any processing.
The above process repeated, until the end of the eight times perform shift operation, when the last one (eighth) after the completion of the shift, an 8-bit bytes and register under the current value of XOR operation, another eight times for the same shift XOR operation, when all the bytes of a data frame processing, generate the final value is CRC value.
The process of generating a CRC is:
1、 預置一個16位寄存器為0FFFFH(全1),稱之為CRC寄存器。
1、 Preset a 16-bit register to be 0FFFFH (all 1), which is called CRC register.
2、 把數據幀的第一個字節的8位與CRC寄存器中的低字節進行異或運算,結果存回CRC寄存器。
2、XORing the 8 bits of the first byte of the data frame with the low byte in the CRC register, and the result is saved back to the CRC register.
1、 將CRC寄存器向右移一位,最高位填以0,位移出并檢測。
3、Move the CRC register to the right one, the highest position is 0, and the minimum displacement is detected.
4、If the lowest level is 0: repeat step 3 (the next shift);If the lowest level is 1: the CRC register is XORed with a preset fixed value (0A001H).
5、 重復第三步和第四步直到8次移位。這樣處理完了一個完整的8位。
5、Repeat step 3 and step 4 up to 8 shifts. This completes a complete 8 bit.
6、 重復第2步到第5步來處理下一個8位,直到所有的字節處理結束。
6、Repeat step 2 to step 5 to handle the next 8 bit, knowing that all byte processing ends.
7、 最終CRC寄存器的值就是CRC的值。
7、The value of the final CRC register is the value of CRC.
In addition, there is a way to use the default form of CRC calculation method, its main characteristic is computing speed, but the form needs large storage space, the method is no longer here, please refer to the relevant information.
3.2 通訊應用格式詳解
3.2 Communication example
The examples in this section will use the format shown in the following table as much as possible (the number is hexadecimal).
Addr | Fun | Data start reg hi | Data start reg lo | Data #of reg hi | Data #of reg lo | CRC16 lo | CRC16 hi |
01H | 03H | 00H | 00H | 00H | 03H | 05H | CBH |
Addr: slave address
Fun: function code
Data start reg hi:數據起始地址 寄存器高字節
Data start reg hi: the start of data code, the high byte
Data start reg lo:數據起始地址 寄存器低字節
Data start reg lo: the start of data code, the low byte
Data #of reg hi:數據讀取個數 寄存器高字節
Data #of reg hi: the number of data, the high byte
Data #of reg lo:數據讀取個數 寄存器低字節
Data #of reg lo: the number of data, the low byte
CRC16 hi:循環冗余校驗 高字節
CRC16 hi: check data, the high byte
CRC16 lo:循環冗余校驗 低字節
CRC16 lo: check data, the low byte
3.2.1 讀數據(功能碼03/04)
3.2.1 Read data (function code 03/04)
l 查詢數據幀
l The read data frame
This function allows the user to get the data measured and registered by slave and its system parameters. There is not the asking limit, but the data cannot exceed the defined code domain.
For example, the 3 data (T1, T2, T3) is red by slave No.01. Each code in the data frame has 2 bytes. T1 is 0006H, T2 is 0007H, T3 is 0008H.
Addr | Fun | Data start Addr hi | Data start Addr lo | Data #of Reg hi | Data #of Reg lo | CRC16 lo | CRC16 hi |
01H | 03H | 00H | 06H | 00H | 03H | E5 | CA |
l 響應數據幀
l The answer data frame
The answer data frame includes slave address code, function code, data number code, the measured data code and CRC
The example as below: T1, T2, T3(T1=016AH, T2=016BH, T3=0169H)
Addr | Fun | Byte Count | Data1 Hi | Data1 Lo | Data2 Hi | Data2 Lo | Data3 Hi | Data3 Lo | CRC16 Lo | CRC16 Hi |
01H | 03H | 06H | 01H | 6AH | 01H | 6BH | 01H | 69H | 89H | 33H |
3.2.2 預置多寄存器(功能碼16)
3.2.2 Multi register (function code 16)
l 查詢數據幀
l The read data frame
The function code 16 allows user to change the content in the register. The system parameters of ARTM can be changed by this code.
The example as below, set the interval of loop display is 4 seconds; and turn off temperature input channel 1 and channel 2. The code of display control word is 0003H, the code of state of NO/OFF is 0004H.
Addr | Fun | Data start hi | Data start lo | Data #of reg hi | Data #of reg lo | Byte Count | Value1 Hi | Value1 Lo | Value2 Hi | Value2 Lo | CRC16 Lo | CRC16 hi |
01H | 10H | 00H | 03H | 00H | 02H | 04H | 00H | 04H | FFH | FCH | B3H | CAH |
l 響應數據幀
l The answer data frame
The normal response number for the preset register request is to respond to the machine address, function code, data start address, data number and CRC check code after the register value changes.
Addr | Fun | Data start Addr hi | Data start Addr lo | Data #of Reg hi | Data #of Reg lo | CRC16 lo | CRC16 hi |
01H | 10H | 00H | 03H | 00H | 02H | B1H | C8H |
3.3 參量地址表
3.3 Parameter list
地址 Code | 參數 Parameter | 讀寫屬性 R/W | 數值范圍 Value | 數據類型 Format |
0000H 高字節 High byte | 儀表型號 The type of ARTM | R | 1:ARTM8;2:ARTM16 | word |
0000H 低字節 Low byte | 傳感器類型 The type of sensor | R | 1:Pt100;2:Cu50 |
0001H | 保護密碼 Password | R/W | 0000~9999 | word |
0002H 高字節 High byte | 通訊地址 Slave address | R/W | 0001~0247 | word |
0002H 低字節 Low byte | 通訊波特率 Communication speed | R/W | 0-4:對應1200、2400、4800、9600、19200 0-4: for 1200、2400、4800、9600、19200 |
0003H | 顯示控制字 Display setting | R/W | 0~20,0表示靜態顯示 ,其余表示循環顯示的間隔時間 0~20,0 normal display; the others is the interval of loop display | word |
0004H 高字節 High byte | 9~16通道狀態:打開/屏蔽 (僅ARTM16有效) 9~16 channel state: ON/OFF (just for ARTM16) | R/W | 每一位分別對應一個通道的狀態: 0— 屏蔽,1—打開 Each bit corresponds one channel: 0-OFF, 1-ON | word |
0004H 低字節 Low byte | 1~8通道狀態:打開/屏蔽 1~8 channel: ON/OFF | R/W | 每一位分別對應一個通道的狀態: 0— 屏蔽,1—打開 Each bit corresponds one channel: 0-OFF, 1-ON |
0005H 高字節 High byte | 9~16通道的傳感器狀態 (僅ARTM16有效) 9~16 channel sensor state: (just for ARTM16) | R | 每一位分別對應一個通道傳感器的狀態:0—正常,1—錯誤 Each bit corresponds one channel: 0-OK, 1-ERRO | word |
0005H 低字節 Low byte | 1~8通道的傳感器狀態 1~8 channel sensor state | R | 每一位分別對應一個通道傳感器的狀態:0—正常,1—錯誤 Each bit corresponds one channel: 0-OK, 1-ERRO |
0006H | 溫度測量值T1 Temperature value T1 | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0007H | 溫度測量值T2 Temperature value T2 | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0008H | 溫度測量值T3 Temperature value T3 | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0009H | 溫度測量值T4 Temperature value T4 | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
000AH | 溫度測量值T5 Temperature value T5 | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
000BH | 溫度測量值T6 Temperature value T6 | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
000CH | 溫度測量值T7 Temperature value T7 | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
000DH | 溫度測量值T8 Temperature value T8 | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
000EH | 溫度測量值T9 (僅ARTM16有效) Temperature value T9 (just for ARTM16) | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
000FH | 溫度測量值T10 (僅ARTM16有效) Temperature value T10 (just for ARTM16) | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0010H | 溫度測量值T11 (僅ARTM16有效) Temperature value T11 (just for ARTM16) | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0011H | 溫度測量值T12 (僅ARTM16有效) Temperature value T12 (just for ARTM16) | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0012H | 溫度測量值T13 (僅ARTM16有效) Temperature value T13 (just for ARTM16) | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0013H | 溫度測量值T14 (僅ARTM16有效) Temperature value T14 (just for ARTM16) | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0014H | 溫度測量值T15 (僅ARTM16有效) Temperature value T15 (just for ARTM16) | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0015H | 溫度測量值T16 (僅ARTM16有效) Temperature value T16 (just for ARTM16) | R | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0016H 高字節 High byte | 9~16通道AL1的報警趨勢 (僅ARTM16有效) 9th~16th channel AL1 alarm trend (just for ARTM16) | R/W | 每一位分別對應一個通道AL1的報警趨勢:0—低報警,1—高報警 Each bit corresponds one channel AL1: 0-low alarm, 1-high alarm | word |
0016H 高字節 High byte | 9~16通道AL1的報警趨勢 (僅ARTM16有效) 9th~16th channel AL1 alarm trend (just for ARTM16) | R/W | 每一位分別對應一個通道AL1的報警趨勢:0—低報警,1—高報警 Each bit corresponds one channel AL1: 0-low alarm, 1-high alarm | word |
0016H 低字節 Low byte | 1~8通道AL1的報警趨勢 1th~8th channel AL1 alarm trend | R/W | 每一位分別對應一個通道AL1的報警趨勢:0—低報警,1—高報警 Each bit corresponds one channel AL1: 0-low alarm, 1-high alarm |
0017H 高字節 High byte | 9~16通道AL2的報警趨勢 (僅ARTM16有效) 9th~16th channel AL2 alarm trend (just for ARTM16) | R/W | 每一位分別對應一個通道AL2的報警趨勢:0—低報警,1—高報警 Each bit corresponds one channel AL2: 0-low alarm, 1-high alarm | word |
0017H 低字節 Low byte | 1~8通道AL2的報警趨勢 1th~8th channel AL2 alarm trend | R/W | 每一位分別對應一個通道AL2的報警趨勢:0—低報警,1—高報警 Each bit corresponds one channel AL2: 0-low alarm, 1-high alarm |
0018H | 通道1的AL1報警設定值 Setpoint of AL1 for 1st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0019H | 通道1的AL2報警設定值 Setpoint of AL2 for 1st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
001AH | 通道2的AL1報警設定值 Setpoint of AL1 for 2st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
001BH | 通道2的AL2報警設定值 Setpoint of AL2 for 2st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
001CH | 通道3的AL1報警設定值 Setpoint of AL1 for 3st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
001DH | 通道3的AL2報警設定值 Setpoint of AL2 for 3st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
001EH | 通道4的AL1報警設定值 Setpoint of AL1 for 4st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
001FH | 通道4的AL2報警設定值 Setpoint of AL2 for 4st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0020H | 通道5的AL1報警設定值 Setpoint of AL1 for 5st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0021H | 通道5的AL2報警設定值 Setpoint of AL2 for 5st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0022H | 通道6的AL1報警設定值 Setpoint of AL1 for 6st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0023H | 通道6的AL2報警設定值 Setpoint of AL2 for 6st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0024H | 通道7的AL1報警設定值 Setpoint of AL1 for 7st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0025H | 通道7的AL2報警設定值 Setpoint of AL2 for 7st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0026H | 通道8的AL1報警設定值 Setpoint of AL1 for 8st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0027H | 通道8的AL2報警設定值 Setpoint of AL2 for 8st channel | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0028H | 通道9的AL1報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL1 for 9st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0029H | 通道9的AL2報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL2 for 9st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
002AH | 通道10的AL1報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL1 for 10st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
002BH | 通道10的AL2報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL2 for 10st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
通道10的AL2報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL2 for 10st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
通道11的AL1報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL1 for 11st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
通道11的AL2報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL2 for 11st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
通道12的AL1報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL1 for 12st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
通道12的AL2報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL2 for 12st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
通道13的AL1報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL1 for 13st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
通道13的AL2報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL2 for 13st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
通道14的AL1報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL1 for 14st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0033H | 通道14的AL2報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL2 for 14st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0034H | 通道15的AL1報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL1 for 15st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0035H | 通道15的AL2報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL2 for 15st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0036H | 通道16的AL1報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL1 for 16st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0037H | 通道16的AL2報警設定值 (僅ARTM16有效) Setpoint of AL2 for 16st channel (just for ARTM16) | R/W | Pt100:-200~600; Cu50:-50~150 | word |
0038H | AL1的報警回滯量 The hysteresis of AL1 | R/W | 0~100 | word |
0039H | AL2的報警回滯量 The hysteresis of AL2 | R/W | 0~100 | word |
003AH | 報警延時 The delay of alarm | R/W | 0~10,延時時間單位為完成對所有開啟的通道循環測量一次的周期 0~10, the delay time unit is to complete the cycle of measurement of all open channels. | word |
003BH~ 003FH | 保留 Reserved | —— | —— | 5 words |
0040H 高字節 High byte | 9~16通道AL1觸發狀態 (僅ARTM16有效) 9th~16th channel AL1 state (just for ARTM16) | R | 每一位分別對應一個通道AL1的是否觸發:0—無,1—有 Each bit corresponds one channel AL1: 0-no, 1-active | word |
0040H 低字節 Low byte | 1~8通道AL1觸發狀態 1th~8th channel AL1 state | R | 每一位分別對應一個通道AL1的是否觸發:0—無,1—有 Each bit corresponds one channel AL1: 0-no, 1-active |
0041H 高字節 High byte | 9~16通道AL2觸發狀態 (僅ARTM16有效) 9th~16th channel AL2 state (just for ARTM16) | R | 每一位分別對應一個通道AL2的是否觸發:0—無,1—有 Each bit corresponds one channel AL2: 0-no, 1-active | word |
0041H 低字節 Low byte | 1~8通道AL2觸發狀態 1th~8th channel AL2 state | R | 每一位分別對應一個通道AL2的是否觸發:0—無,1—有 Each bit corresponds one channel AL2: 0-no, 1-active |