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ThingMagic Nano 是M6e 系列中Z小的單元,系低功耗超高頻RFID識別模塊,普遍應用于手持機和標簽打印機行業
ThingMagic Nano 的射頻輸出范圍(0 dBm to +27 dBm)對于基于RFID打印機和標簽調試站的讀寫需求是很重要的。它的表面封裝為SMT生產的效率而設計,同時降低批量內嵌RFID應用程序的總成本,包括耗材認證和設備配置。PhysicalDimensions22 mm Lx26mm W x 3.0 mm H (0.866inLx1.024 in0.118 in H)Tag / Transponder ProtocolsRFID Protocol SupportEPCglobal Gen 2 (ISO 18000-6C)RF InterfaceAntennasSingle 50 Ω connection (board-edge)RF Power OutputSeparate read and write levels, commandadjustable from 0 dBm to +27 dBm in 0.01 dB stepsRegulatoryPre-configured for the following regions:? FCC (NA, SA) 917.4 – 927.2 MHz? ETSI (EU) 865.6 – 867.6 MHz? TRAI (India) 865 – 867 MHz? KCC (Korea) 917– 923.5 MHz? MIC (Japan) 916.8 – 923.4 MHz? ACMA (Australia) 920 – 926 MHz? SRRC-MII (P.R.China) 920.1–924.9 MHz? ‘Open’ (Customizable channel plan;859 – 873 MHz and 915 – 930 MHz)Data/Control InterfacePhysical41 board-edge connections providing access to RF, DC power, communication,and GPIO signalsControl/Data Interfaces? UART; 3.3V logic levels; 9.6 to 921.6 kbps? Shutdown controlGPIO Sensors and IndicatorsFour 3.3V bidirectional ports configurable as input (sensor) ports or output (indicator) portsAPI supportC#/.NET, Java, and Embedded “C"APIsPowerDC Power Required? DC Voltage:3.3 to 5.5 V for +25 dBm out3.7 to 5.5 V for +27 dBm out? DC power consumption when reading:3.2 W @ 5 VDC for +27 dBm out2.9 W @ 5 VDC for +25 dBm out1.5 W @ 5 VDC for 0 dBm outIdle Power Consumption? 0.84 W in ready mode? 0.015 W in sleep mode? 0.00025 W in shutdown modeEnvironmentCertification? FCC 47 CFR Ch. 1 Part 15? Industrie Canada RSS-21 0? ETSI EN 302 208 v1.4.1Operating Temp.-20C to +60C (case temperature)Storage Temp.-40C to +85CShock and VibrationSurvives 1 meter drop during handlingPerformanceBoot timeLess than 30 msec after initial calibration bootPerformanceUp to 200 tags/sec reading 96-bit EPC
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