每小時檢測600ps/h 玩具 鞋 類產品 0.22m/s Hour detection 600ps / h toy shoes products
傳送帶額定負荷 Load
120 kg
分辨力 Resolution
∮0.0787 mm
傳送帶距離地面高度 Conveyor height from the ground
穿透力 Penetration
≥38-40 mm
顯示器 Monitor
BenQ 19in LCD顯示器
圖像存儲 Storage
500G硬盤 實時保存任意圖像,可存儲100000幅以上并可進行任意圖像處理,并連續工作保存。 500G hard drive to save any image in real time, can store more than 100,000 and can make any image processing, and continuous work to save.
主機噪音 Noise
操作系統 Operating system
單次檢查劑量 Single check dose
X光光源的單次檢查照射量應≤1.22uGy One-time inspection of the X-ray light source irradiation amount ≤ 1.22uGy
泄露射線劑量率 Leaking radiation dose rate
在距設備外表面5cm的任意處,泄露射線的照射量率應≤0.12uGy/h Away from any device outer surface of 5cm, the ray irradiation leak rate should be ≤ 0.12uGy / h