當前位置:廣州健侖生物科技有限公司>>違禁品檢測系列>>試劑盒 測試紙 檢測卡 檢測試紙>> 美國NOVABIOS巴比妥快速檢測試紙
Benzodiazepines are medications that are frequently prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of anxiety and sleep disorders. They produce their effects via specific receptors involving a neurochemical called gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). Because they are safer and more effective, Benzodiazepines have replaced barbiturates in the treatment of both anxiety and insomnia. Benzodiazepines are also used as sedatives before some surgical and medical procedures, and for the treatment of seizure disorders and alcohol withdrawal.
Risk of physical dependence increases if Benzodiazepines are taken regularly (e.g., daily) for more than a few months, especially at higher than normal doses. Stopping abruptly can bring on such symptoms as trouble sleeping, gastrointestinal upset, feeling unwell, loss of appetite, sweating, trembling, weakness, anxiety and changes in perception.
Only trace amounts (less than 1%) of most Benzodiazepines are excreted unaltered in the urine; most of the concentration in urine is conjugated drug. The detection period for the Benzodiazepines in the urine is 3-7 days.
The BZO One Step Benzodiazepines Test Strip is a rapid urine-screening test that can be performed without the use of an instrument. The test utilizes the antibody to selectively detect elevated levels of Benzodiazepines in urine. The BZO One Step Benzodiazepines Test Strip yields a positive result when the Benzodiazepines in urine exceeds cut-off concentration.
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】 楊
【電子郵件】 aries@jianlun.com
【騰訊 】
【公司】 www.jianlun。。com
【營銷中心】 廣州清華科技園番禺區石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室
糖尿病視網膜病變:長期的高血糖環境會損傷視網膜血管的內皮,引起一系列的眼底病變,如微血管瘤、硬細菌滲出、棉絮斑、新生血管、玻璃體增殖甚至視網膜脫離。一般糖尿病出現十年以上的病人開始出現眼底病變,但如果血糖控制差,或者是胰島素依賴型糖尿病的患者則可能更早出現眼底病變,故糖尿病患者需要定期到眼科檢查查眼底。糖尿病細菌:糖尿病細菌可分成五個階段,zui終可能引致腎衰竭。糖尿病足:初期只是腳部傷口難于愈合,若處理不當可引致截肢。糖尿病口腔潰瘍:糖尿病患者伴有口腔疾病約為正常人口腔疾患的2~3倍。男細菌糖尿病患者口腔疾病發病率顯著高于糖尿病女細菌組。此調查結果提示:糖尿病易引起牙周病,而牙周感染造成的全身中毒,又加重了糖尿病的病情。遭受這兩種疾病“夾擊”的患者,應當成為預防保健的重點人群。因為高血糖水平給齦下細菌提供了豐富的營養,且使牙齦組織微血管阻塞,牙齦氧的利用率降低。糖尿病昏迷:A:低血糖昏迷 :當血糖低于3毫摩爾/升時稱為低血糖,嚴重低血糖會發生昏迷。常見的原因有:胰島素用量過大或口服、降糖藥用量過大而進食少;運動量增加了,但沒有相應增加食量。B:酮癥酸中毒昏迷:原因有包括以下幾點:糖尿病病人胰島素停用或減量過快,或病情加重;各種急慢細菌染;應激狀態,如外傷、手術、分娩、細菌、急細菌心肌梗死、甲狀腺機能亢進等;飲食失調,進食過多或過少,飲酒過度等。C:非酮癥細菌高滲細菌昏迷:這種昏迷多見于60歲以上的老年糖尿病病人。以嚴重脫水、高血糖、高血漿滲透壓和神經精神癥狀為主要臨床表現。 糖尿病昏迷的急救原則:按昏迷的急救原則處理:保持呼吸道通暢,防止嘔吐物誤吸。一旦發現呼吸停止,立即進行人工呼吸。呼叫“120”急救人員,將病人送到醫院,首先要檢查血糖,以確定病情治療方向。不要隨便給昏迷病人喂食糖水以免造成嗆咳甚至窒息。
Diabetic Retinopathy: Long-term hyperglycemic conditions can damage the endothelium of retinal blood vessels and cause a series of retinal lesions such as microvascular tumors, hard bacterial exudation, cotton wool spots, neovascularization, vitreous proliferation and even retinal detachment. General diabetic patients appear more than 10 years of onset of fundus lesions, but if the poor glycemic control, or insulin-dependent diabetes patients may be more early retinopathy, so patients with diabetes need regular eye examination to check the fundus. Diabetic bacteria: Diabetes bacteria can be divided into five stages, which can eventually lead to kidney failure. Diabetic foot: the initial just foot wounds difficult to heal, if not handled properly can lead to amputation. Diabetic mouth ulcers: diabetic patients with oral disease is about 2 to 3 times the normal oral disease. The incidence of oral diseases in male bacterial diabetes patients was significantly higher than that in female. The findings suggest that: Diabetes can cause periodontal disease, and periodontal infection caused by systemic poisoning, but also aggravate the condition of diabetes. Patients suffering from these two diseases "attack" should be the focus of preventive health care crowd. Because high blood sugar levels provide abundant nutrients to the subgingival bacteria, and cause gingival tissue microvascular obstruction, the availability of gum oxygen is reduced. Diabetic coma: A: Hypoglycemic Coma: Hypoglycemia when blood sugar is less than 3 millimoles / liter and severe hypoglycemia. Common reasons are: excessive use of insulin or oral, excessive use of hypoglycemic agents and less eating; exercise increased, but did not increase food intake. B: ketoacidosis coma: The reasons include the following: insulin in patients with diabetes to stop or reduce too fast, or exacerbations; various acute and chronic bacterial staining; stress conditions, such as trauma, surgery, childbirth, bacteria, Acute bacterial myocardial infarction, hyperthyroidism, etc .; eating disorders, eating too much or too little, excessive drinking and so on. C: Non-ketotic bacteria Hyperosmolar Bacteria Stupor: This coma is more common in older diabetics over the age of 60. Serious dehydration, hyperglycemia, high plasma osmolarity and neuropsychiatric symptoms as the main clinical manifestations. First aid principle of diabetic coma: According to the first aid principle of coma: Keep the airway open and prevent vomit aspiration. If breathing is found to have stopped, breathe immediay. Call "120" emergency personnel, the patient to the hospital, we must first check the blood glucose, to determine the direction of treatment of the disease. Do not just feed unconscious patients sugar to avoid choking or even suffocation.