明裝BXD51-5K防爆動力配電箱,掛壁式防爆動力配電箱廠家 BXD51防爆動力配電箱
BXD51 explosion-proof power distribution box
1 用途和適用范圍
1 Purpose and scope
BXD51 explosion-proof power distribution box is GB3836.1 ~ 3 design and manufacturing, distribution box is mainly used for zone 1 or 2 region containing explosive mixtures for class II B and below T4 group explosive dangerous location, as the exchange of 50Hz, rated voltage up to 380V, power distribution, and has overload and short circuit protection. With leakage protection of distribution box has leakage protection performance.
2 types of products and the significance and basic parameters
2.1 產品型號和意義
2.1 types of products and the significance
BX D 51 - □□□□□
BX D 51 - □ □ □
WF: outdoor prevent corrosion (does not require no note)
出線口方向 D:上出線 X:下出線
Outlet directions D: X: lower outgoing line
進線口方向 D:上進線 X:下進線
The inlet direction of D: X: motivated line into the line
K: the main circuit with a switch (without note)
The number of branch
Design of serial number
D: Power
Explosion-proof power distribution box
Basic parameters
型號 額定電壓(V) 主回路額定電流
A 支路額定電流
A 防爆標志
主回路 支路
BXD51 380 220 60
250 1;3;5;10;15;
50;60 deⅡBT4
BXD51-6□□N 6回路防爆動力配電箱 ExdIIBT6 IP65
BXD51-8□□N 8回路防爆動力配電箱 ExdIIBT6 IP65
BXD51-12□□N 12回路防爆動力配電箱 ExdIIBT6 IP65
BXD51-6□□G帶總開關 6K回路防爆動力配電箱 ExdIIBT6 IP65
BXD51-8□□G帶總開關 8K回路防爆動力配電箱 ExdIIBT6 IP65
BXD51-12□□G帶總開關 12K回路防爆動力配電箱 ExdIIBT6 IP65
Explosion-proof power distribution box can work reliably in any of the following circumstances
3.1 周圍空氣溫度上限值不超過+40℃,下限值不低于-20℃,且24小時內的平均值不超過+35℃;
3.1 the temperature of the air around the upper limit of not more than +40 ℃, lower value not lower than -20 ℃, and within 24 hours of the average value of not more than +35 DEG c;
3.2 安裝地點的海拔不超過2000m;
3.2 installation site elevation not exceeding 2000m;
3.3 在無顯著搖動、振動和沖擊的地方;
3.3 significant shake, no vibration and shock;
3.4 安裝地點zui濕月平均zui大相對濕度不超過95%,同時該月的月平均溫度不低于+25℃;
3.4 installation location the wettest month average maximum relative humidity of not more than 95%, while the average monthly temperature of the month is not lower than +25 ℃;
3.5 污染等級為3級;
3.5 of the pollution level of 3;
3.6 安裝類別為Ⅱ、Ⅲ類;
3.6 installation of class II, class iii;
The 4 main structure
Distribution box shell is made of ZL102 cast aluminum alloy made of flame-proof main cavity and Increased-Safety junction cavity, modular structure assembly. The main cavity is provided with a C45N series circuit breaker or 3VA series circuit breaker. Through the operating mechanism and the shell handle (or button) operation, each loop "", "" instructions, and indicator, a terminal in wiring cable wiring cavity, introduced by the cable introducing device, can the cable or steel pipe wiring, and is provided with external screw.
5 use and repair
5.1 將配電箱安裝固定好,將進出線腔蓋打開,把電纜通過引入裝置接至接線端子上,接好內外接地線,檢查無誤后合上蓋,用緊固件緊固,并把壓緊螺母旋緊使電纜密封,完畢后即可使用。
5.1 the distribution box installation fixed, pass in and out line cavity cover is opened, the cable introducing device connected to the terminals, connected inside and outside the ground, check and correct after the upper cover, with the fastening piece, and the pressing nut is screwed up the cable sealing, can after use.
5.2 配電箱不得隨意拆卸,維修進先斷開電源后,才能開蓋維修,維修時不得損壞隔爆面,維修后隔爆接合面涂204-1防銹油,并將蓋合好,用螺栓緊固后才能使用。
5.2 distribution box shall not disassemble, repair in first disconnect the power, in order to open repair, repair shall not be damaged flameproof surface, after the repair of flameproof joint 204-1 coated anti-rust oil, and will cover good, used to bolt after.
5.3 配電箱應定期檢查,如發現零部件損壞,廠方可提供零配件。
5.3 distribution box should be checked regularly, if found damaged, the factory can provide spare parts.
5.4 配電箱安裝傾斜度不超過5°。
5.4 distribution box installation inclination of not more than 5 °.