HSV電源盒專為WA LED照明提供獨立電源。它的輸出電壓為22-26V,總輸出為 1,200 watt,最多可以智能連接四個攝像頭 ,LCD顯示目前電池的電量狀態。
如果電壓過低時,顯示器會閃爍紅色的信號并且發出聲音信號。智能電池還可 以通過遠程控制開和關的設置。LED顯示在充電周期時的瞬間電荷狀態。在充電的過程中按下控制鍵,顯示屏會清楚地顯示瞬間的充電訊息。電池技術最多 可達2,000個充電/放電周期。
The HSVPower Box is designed to enable WA LEDlighting to operate independently ofmains power supply. Its output voltageof 22 - 26 V provides a total output of1,200 watt, meaning that a WA-LED systemfitted with two lamp heads can operateunder full load for up to 14 minutes.The battery is protected againstovercharging and deep discharge; the LCDindicates the current charge level andan acoustic signal warns when the chargelevel drops too low.
Up tofour cameras can be connected to the IES4751 Smart Battery. A maximum capacityof 4 Ah is available at a nominal outputvoltage of 16 V. The four power outputsare individually protected against surgecurrent and automatically switch onagain following an overload. If a shortcircuit occurs at one output, the otheroutputs remain operational. The batteryis protected against overcharging, deepdischarge, and overheating. A status LCDindicates the current state of charge.If the charge level drops too low, thedisplay will blink red and an acousticsignal will sound. The Smart Batteryalso has a remote input, allowing it tobe switched on and off with a remotecontrol. An LED indicates the momentarystate of charge during the chargingcycle. Press the control button duringcharging and an additional plain textmessage will appear briefly showing thestate of charge. The (new) batterytechnology employed allows up to 2000charge/discharge cycles.