


Convergent-type Protocol Converter

  • 公司名稱北京金駝鈴通信技術有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 更新時間2024/11/1 14:04:16
  • 訪問次數60

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北京金駝鈴通信技術有限公司以數據通信產品為主,集產品開發、生產、應用、銷售、服務為一體的*,成立于1998年12月,專業從事數據通信網絡,如廣域網、局域網、Inernet網的系統集成和組網配套工程,以及光纖通信網的配套傳輸設備,位于北京市*產業開發區,主營業務包括兩部分:其一,從事通信設備大規模集成電路ASIC 開發設計;其二,采用具有自主知識產權的大規模集成電路開發光纖傳輸、復用綜合接入、各種接口轉換等系統,與國內同類產品相比,提供了較高的性能價格比,廣泛用于中國電信、中國移動、中國聯通等公眾通信網,以及廣電、電力、武警、*等專業通信網。“從芯開始,我們做的更好”。

針對國內電信運行商E1 PCM接口資源豐富且價格低廉的特點,本公司推出了E1各系列傳輸接入和各種協議接口轉換設備。其中綜合接入系列設備,可以將各種不同的速率及業務(包括語音、數據、圖像等)復用到E1信道上,為電信運行商及專網用戶提供價格低廉且又實用、可靠的解決方案。


北京金駝鈴通信技術有限公司 www.bjgtt.com <br>主要生產:光纖收發器 協議轉換器 光端機 網絡視頻綜合業務光端機 綜合業務光端機和機框式(收發器 光端機 協議轉換 ),PCM等設備。
Convergent-type Protocol Converter 產品信息

Convergent-type Protocol Converter


      GTT MSAP 2000 63E1 convergent-type protocol converter adopt SDH/EOP technique kernel design, remote end can access low cost Ethernet protocol converter, optical transceiver, FX optical modem etc terminal equipment.

      GTT MSAP 2000 63E1 convergent-type protocol converter platform has 2 STM-1 uplink optical interfaces, possess totally synchronous timing function, powerful nonblocking cross connection matrix, and serve for telecom, traffic, energy, public security, troop etc.

      GTT MSAP 2000 63E1 convergent-type protocol converter platform use STM-1 optical interface to replace the E1 electric interface of numerous traditional SDH/PDH equipment and 1000M Ethernet electric interface, or optical interface replace the Ethernet electric interface of original optical transceiver, protocol converter, solve the problems of more fault points, high maintenance cost, can not unified network management by excessive of E1 cable or five-type cable, through the conversion of Ethernet service to VC12 and unified dispatch, create the condition for flexible service configuration and improve the efficiency of open service. Owing to realize the super-integration of equipment and ports, reduce the machine room space cost of local end PDH, converter, optical transceiver etc equipment, and support unified network management platform at the meantime.

GTT MSAP 2000 63E1 convergent-type protocol converter consists of local equipment, remote equipment and element management system.


Main feature

  ★  Provide 2 STM-1 uplink optical interface, realize the seamless connection of access network and LAN.

  ★  Provide 1 10/100/1000M Ethernet electric interface and 1 1000M Ethernet optical interface

  ★  Provide 48 remote equipment access maximum

  ★  Remote access equipment can be GTT 1-16E1 10/100M Ethernet converter, 1-16E1 FX optical modem and optical transceiver

  ★  Remote equipment single E14E18E116E1 can arbitrarily configuration; convenient for upgrade of bandwidth

  ★  Complete clock function, provide clock trace and holding facility, clock source can select fold line clock, external clock and free oscillation clock

  ★  Provide Ethernet and QX network management interface, the network management can provide the function of configuration, alarm, performance, maintenance and security for the equipment.


Networking scheme

  Convergent-type protocol converter apply in group client access

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