煤礦用射頻同軸電纜Mining RF Coaxial Cable
Execution standard
MT/T386-2011and Q/YZJX006-2014
二、電纜型號和名稱及用途見下表 Cable types and USES of the name and see the table below
電纜型號及用途 Cable types and purposes
表1 table1
型號Type no. | 名 稱 The name says | 主要使用范圍 The main scope of use |
MSYV-50-(3、5、7、9、12) | 煤礦用射頻同軸電纜Rf coaxial cables for coal mine | 用于礦場無線電通信,人員定位系統Used in the mine radio communications, personnelpositioning system |
MSYV-75-(3、4、5、7、9、12) | 煤礦用射頻同軸電纜Rf coaxial cables for coal mine | 用于礦場無線電通信,人員定位系統Used in the mine radio communications, personnelpositioning system |
Main performanceindicators
1.MSYV series - 50, the characteristic impedance of the cable for 50plus or minus
2,MSYV - 75 series of the characteristic impedance of thecable is 75+3Q:2.20°C when the insulation resistance is not less than 5000mQ. km:
3. The flame retardant cable by MT/T386 test
四、命名代號 Name code
煤礦用射頻同軸電纜 Rf coaxialcables for coalmine..................................................................................MS
銅質線芯 Copper wire core ..................................................................................................................省略omit
聚乙烯絕緣 Polvethvleneinsulation...................................................................................................................Y
聚氯乙烯護套 PVC sheathed................................................................................................................................V
五、產品結構示意圖 Product structure diagram
1.電纜長期允許工作溫度為-40~+50°C,月平均相對**濕度為95% (+25C時)
The installation of the cable laying
1.Long-term allowed working temperature of cable - 40 ~+ 50Cthe biggest monthly average relative humidity of 95%(+ 25C);
2. The cable and installation of the allowed temperature should benotless than 10C;
3. The minimum bending radius should not less than 6 times of cablediameter.