DXDY60C Liquid Automatic Packaging Machine
This machine is used to package soup,sauce,gels,grease,creams etc.into a bag.Serving the needs of the food,cosmetic,pharmaceutical and chemcial industrieds.A broad range of viscosity products can be filled into bag and it also offers high speed,accuracy,and economy.
1. 電腦控制,采用PLC系統,操作方便,運行穩定可靠。
2. 步進電機控制拉袋系統,制袋精度高。
3. 定袋停機,停機后熱封模具自動處于張開狀態。
4. 全自動跟蹤色標,自動完成包裝袋的定位、定長。
參數 Specifications
型號 性能 | DXDY60C |
包裝能力(袋/分) Production capacity(bags/min) | 30-60 |
計量范圍(毫升) Volume margin(ml) | 1.0-50 |
制袋尺寸(毫米) Bag size(mm) | 長(L)60-180,寬(W)50-120 |
電源電壓 Power Voltage(v) | 380V三相四線制 380V 3-Phase and 4-wire system |
功率消耗(瓦) Power Consumption(w) | 1620(加熱heating 180×4) |
外形尺寸(毫米) Dimension(mm) | 寬(W)650×深(D)750×高(H)1588 |
凈重(公斤) Net Weight(kg) | 170 |