產品特點 Features
◆ 該機采用螺旋攪拌工作之原埋,將投入投料斗中的物料通過螺旋主軸送到桶體上端,再以傘狀形落下且一直持續循環攪拌,從而達到混合均勻之目的。
◆ 螺旋循環攪拌使得原料混合更加均勻/快速,設置0→60分鐘定時器,可選擇攪拌時間。
◆ 設備與原料所接觸部分的材料:大部分皆為不銹鋼材料,避免銹蝕,桶壁設置清理門,清洗容易,維護方便。
◆ 該機混料具有:占地少,容量大,耗電低,省人工,操作方便,混合快捷均勻等特點,另有:定時自動運轉,過載保護,加料限位報警(選擇)等功能。適合各種塑料原料與色母粒的混合攪拌,新/舊料/片料及色母混合則效果也很佳。
◆ 該機型均可訂制:大型立式烘干攪拌機型。
◆ The machine adopts the original embedded spiral mixing work. The materials putinto the feeding hopper are sent to the upper end of the barrel through the spiralspindle, and then fall in an umbrella shape and continue to circulate and stir toachieve the purpose of uniform mixing.
◆ Spiral circulation stirring makes the mixing of raw materials more uniform/fast. Seta timer for 0→60 minutes, and the mixing time can be selected.
◆ The materials of the parts in contact with the equipment and raw materials: mostof them are made of stainless steel to avoid corrosion. The barrel wall is equippedwith a cleaning door, which is easy to clean and easy to maintain.
◆ The mixing machine has the characteristics of: small area, large capacity, lowpower consumption, labor saving, convenient operation, fast and uniform mixing,and other functions: automatic operation at regular intervals, overload protection,feeding limit alarm (selection) and other functions. It is suitable for the mixing andstirring of various plastic raw materials and color masterbatch, and the effect ofmixing new/old materials/sheets and color masterbatch is also very good.
◆ This model can be customized: large vertical drying and mixing model.