蒸汽系列 電力型JNX-24
Steam series electric model
Clean for building, Oil pipeline, industrial equipments, and industrial workshop
30公斤超高壓力,工業(yè)清洗*30bar super high pressure, the best choice for industrial
針對強油污、臟污快速清洗For strong oil, rapid cleaning smudgy
產品名稱 name | 超高壓蒸汽清洗機 super high pressure steam cleaner | 產品型號 Model No. | JNX-24 |
電壓(V) voltage | 380 | 蒸汽溫度(℃) steam temperature | 110 |
功率(KW) power | 24 | 體積(MM) size | 1080×480×870 |
耗水量(L/H) water consumption | 160 | 重量(KG) weight | 100 |
蒸汽壓力(BAR) steam pressure | 30 | 蒸汽管(M) steam hose | 10 |
水箱容量(L) water tank | 60 | 電纜線(M) electric wire | 10 |
產汽時間(秒) preheating time | 60 | 蒸*(把) steam gun | 1 |
油污清潔劑(L) detergent for oil | 2.5 | 地板清潔劑(L) floor detergent | 2.5 |
長槍桿(支) Long nozzle | 1 | 彎頭槍桿(支) wand nozzle | 1 |
小噴壺(把) sprinkling can | 1 | 手柄刷(把) brush | 2 |