



  • 公司名稱佛山市戴迪斯科光電科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號DQSM
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2023/4/17 8:21:48
  • 訪問次數944

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安全光幕、安全光柵、檢測測量光幕、車輛分離器光柵、機械手區域安全防護光柵、光電保護器、光電保護裝置、光電眼、油壓機安全光幕、護手紅外線、沖床保護器、沖壓機安全光幕、多功能微電腦下死點檢出器、沖床氣動送料機、NC滾輪伺服送料機等產品。 工業安全光電產品(光電保護器、安全光幕、安全光柵)是本公司按照歐洲標準自行研制,申請多項技術,產品已通過CE認證,具有的工藝、安裝簡單、穩定可靠、反應靈敏的優點。該產品廣泛運用於航空、航天、、汽車、金屬加工,以及鍛壓機、沖壓機、焊接機、剪接機、壓鑄機、油壓機、液壓機、注塑機等危險機械的安全防護和物流、生產裝配線、自控設備的信號采集,擁有格力空調、美的集團、億龍電器、洋城汽車、上海二段、國星光電、松下電器等企業客戶。 公司始終秉承“以客戶為中心、以質量求生存、以服務促發展、創專業安全光電產品”的經營理念,將一如既往、不懈努力、不斷創新、力求的產品質量以及我們的經驗、技術為廣大客戶提供完善的優質服務。
戴迪斯科車輛分離器 產品信息



















DQSM series vehicle separation screen:
Product configuration: 1. transmitter and receiver: high energy light emitter built-in linear array, the same number of built-in receiver receiving element and corresponding transmitter, photoelectric element transmitter and receiver are orderly synchronized trigger detection optical path is switched on, when the car passes through the scanning area, all or part of beam is blocked, so it is detect.
                               2. control unit: synchronous scanning signal processing and retrieval of transmitter / receiver, and inspection work, to provide a variety of output signals, such as switch output, serial output or analog output. Considering the simplicity and reliability of the installed systems, vehicle separation screen is widely used on the market are two box products built-in controller, without external controller independent.
                               3. cable: connect the transmitter / receiver and controller connector cable, the general length is 5 - 10m.
                               4. the protection cover is stainless steel or Aluminum Alloy materials, to provide protection for the separator, a built-in electric heating glass, temperature controller and humidity controller, the humidity is too high, too low temperature of automatic heating, to ensure that vehicles separator in humid areas, rain and snow, cold season and reliable.
Features: 1. integrated design, no controller, easy to use;
              2. screen height: 50mm to 2840mm;
              3. optical axis spacing: 10, 14, 20, 25, 30, 40, 80mm seven kinds, other spacing can be made to order;
              4. detection distance: 0 - 5 meters, 0 - 10 meters;
              5.LED indicator shows the working state and fault state of the screen;
              6. double NPN output: # output 1: vehicle detection signal output; output: 2 # screen fault alarm output;
              7. the use of the unique algorithm, the screen only detected more than 150mm objects, with a resolution of 1mm, which can be avoided by the sun, bird, fly, mosquito and sludge caused by misoperation, can reliably detect vehicle hook;
              8. automatically detect faults and ignore (shielded) problematic light beams that still function properly while outputting an alarm signal;
              9. use high energy and high penetration photoelectric tube for easy installation and maintenance;
             10. automatic separation, counting, detection, classification and determination of vehicle headway can be realized;
             11. completely eliminate car following phenomenon, the semi-trailer, full trailer, bicycle reliable separation;
             12. special protective shell using aluminum made of sturdy, reliable guarantee for vehicle classification screen to the harsh outdoor environment;
Suitable temperature: -10 13. C and 55 C; humidity: RH = 85% (20 C)


DQLV系列規格表 光軸間距 光束 有效保護高度mm(H) 光幕高度mm(J) 產品型號
10mm(K) 8 70 130 DQLV08/10-70
10 90 150 DQLV10/10-90
12 110 170 DQLV12/10-110
14 130 190 DQLV14/10-130
16 150 210 DQLV16/10-150
18 170 230 DQLV18/10-170
20 190 250 DQLV20/10-190
22 210 270 DQLV22/10-210
24 230 290 DQLV24/10-230
26 250 310 DQLV26/10-250
28 270 330 DQLV28/10-270
30 290 350 DQLV30/10-290
32 310 370 DQLV32/10-310
34 330 390 DQLV34/10-330
20mm(K) 4 60 126 DQLV4/20-60
6 100 165 DQLV6/20-100
8 140 205 DQLV8/20-140
10 180 245 DQLV10/20-180
12 220 285 DQLV12/20-220
14 260 325 DQLV14/20-260
16 300 365 DQLV16/20-300
18 340 405 DQLV18/20-340
20 380 445 DQLV20/20-380
22 420 485 DQLV22/20-420
24 460 525 DQLV24/20-460
26 500 565 DQLV26/20-500
28 540 605 DQLV28/20-540
30 580 645 DQLV30/20-580
32 620 685 DQLV32/20-620
40mm(K) 4 120 195 DQLV4/40-120
6 200 275 DQLV6/40-200
8 280 355 DQLV8/40-280
10 360 435 DQLV10/40-360
12 440 515 DQLV12/40-440
14 520 595 DQLV14/40-520
16 600 675 DQLV16/40-600
18 680 755 DQLV18/40-680
20 760 835 DQLV20/40-760
22 840 915 DQLV22/40-840
24 920 995 DQLV24/40-920
26 1000 1075 DQLV26/40-1000
28 1080 1155 DQLV28/40-1080
30 1160 1235 DQLV30/40-1160
32 1240 1315 DQLV32/40-1240
80mm(K) 4 240 375 DQLV4/80-240
6 400 535 DQLV6/80-400
8 560 695 DQLV8/80-560
10 720 855 DQLV10/80-720
12 880 1015 DQLV12/80-880
14 1040 1175 DQLV14/80-1040
16 1200 1335 DQLV16/80-1200
18 1360 1495 DQLV18/80-1360
20 1520 1655 DQLV20/80-1520
22 1680 1815 DQLV22/80-1680
24 1840 1975 DQLV24/80-1840
26 2000 2135 DQLV26/80-2000
28 2160 2295 DQLV28/80-2160
30 2320 2455 DQLV30/80-2320
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