


中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜

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  • 更新時間2022/12/3 16:41:54
  • 訪問次數377

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中興ZXDU58W121室外一體化通信電源機柜中興ZXDU58W121室外一體化通信電源機柜概述  ZXDU58W121V4.0系列化產品是室外型120A通信直流電源系統
中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜 產品信息

中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜

中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜


  ZXDU58 W121 V4.0系列化產品是室外型120 A通信直流電源系統。默認輸出直流電壓-53.5 V,適用于220 V/380 V交流電網。該產品系列包含豐富的機柜系列和溫控系統組合,內嵌120A電源插箱,構成各種室外電源系統。

  ZXDU58 W121 V4.0系列室外電源系統包含機柜和電源插箱兩部分組件構成。  




  • 寬電壓交流輸入范圍,80 V - 300 V,減少了電力不穩定對設備的影響。
  • 多種溫控設備可供選擇,適應各種場景的溫控需求
  • 支持普效整流器與高效整流器混裝,節省能耗
  • 提供三相和單項兩種可選交流輸入模式
  • 提供一體化機柜和分體化機柜供用戶選擇



  •  選擇范圍寬
  • 適應性強 中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜


The ZXDU58 W121 V4.0 series product is an outdoor 120 A communication DC power supply system. The default output DC voltage -53.5 V is suitable for 220 V/380 V AC power grid. The product series includes a rich combination of cabinet and temperature control systems, embedded in 120A power supply box, and forms a variety of outdoor power systems.

The ZXDU58 W121 V4.0 series outdoor power supply system consists of two components, a cabinet and a power supply box.

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The wide voltage AC input range, 80 V - 300 V, reduces the effect of power instability on the equipment.

A variety of temperature control devices can be selected to meet the temperature control needs of various scenes

Support mixed universal effect and high efficiency rectifier rectifier, energy saving

Two kinds of optional AC input modes for three phase and single item

Provide integrated cabinet and split cabinet for user selection

User experience

Wide range of selection




可靠性通過可靠度來衡量,可靠度的定義為:“給定系統在規定的工作條件下和預知的時間內持續完成規定功能的概率”。平均工作時間MTBF ( 又稱平均故障間隔時間) 是決定電源系統可靠度的重要指標,MTBF可通過定量定時的工業試驗或理論計算的方式獲得。可用性是指產品在任一隨機時刻需要開始和執行時,處于可工作或可使用狀態的程度??捎眯杂嬎愎绞牵?/p>

式中,MTBF(Mean Time Between Failures)是平均故障間隔時間,MTTR(Mean time to repair)是平均修復時間。


在UPS行業,通常用幾個“ 9”來代表系統可用性的高低。它是指一年內,系統在線運行及可進行生產的時間比例。比如6個“9”(可用性可達到 99.9999%),即每年可能存在的宕機時間少于 32 秒。UPS系統的目標是盡量提高 UPS 電源系統的可用性,減少來自市電的影響。







第四,方案級。通過優化系統設計,使供電系統運行可靠穩定,并且具備容錯能力,整個供電路徑無單點故障點。圖1展示了一個無單點故障的冗余系統架構圖。該方案由兩套系統組成,在每套系統中,A4環節中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜做到輸入冗錯,A5環節做到雙回路互為備份,A6使用模塊化UPS或者并機, A7為單電源負載提供雙路保障,如果有條件A1和A2環節采用雙路市電輸入,單供電系統做到可靠冗余設計,然后方案采用2N容錯設計,基本做到無單點故障點和在線維護。

圖1 無單點故障的冗余系統架構圖








第三代UPS——高頻機。高頻機的出現進一步提升了功率密度,體積減小了50%,從功能模塊上提升了維護性,縮短了MTTR時間,可在數小時內完成修復。重量較工頻機進一步降低,有效提升了工程的可安裝性。同時,高頻機也大都采用了全數字化的高集成化設計,在維護性方面也有較大改進。THDi可以做到5%以下,明顯減少電網的諧波污染,效率也進一步提升到92-96%,體現出其節能優勢。但是,對設備可用性的追求探索并未停止:單點故障是否可以排除?故障修復時間是否可以縮短至分鐘級?維護中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜技術門檻可否降低至可以自行維護?


結語中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜


With the large-scale construction of the data center in recent years, the traditional exposure power supply system in large scale deployment and operational reliability, maintenance and other issues have become increasingly prominent, pushing users, equipment manufacturers and design companies ability to innovate and optimize the power supply system, power supply system construction ideas gradually focus from the traditional reliability to guarantee availability up. So why to build high availability power supply system and how to build high availability power supply system, this paper has made some discussion about this.

Availability reflects the real needs of the user, and reliability is one of the factors that affect availability.

Reliability is measured by reliability. The definition of reliability is "the probability that a given system can perform the specified function continuously under prescribed working conditions and predicted time". MTBF is also an important index to decide the reliability of power supply system. MTBF can be obtained by quantitative timing industrial test or theoretical calculation. Availability is the extent to which a product is in a working or usable state when it is required to start and execute at any random time. The formula of availability is:

In the formula, MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) is an average fault interval time, and MTTR (Mean time to repair) is the average repair time.

中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜

The reliability of the power system is a representative of the power system is easy to fail. But from a practical perspective, any device can not guarantee full of trouble in the life cycle of the equipment is the user wants to try not to fail, even if the fault is not caused by malfunction affected business; if the business is affected, so the fault should be eliminated as soon as possible. In contrast, the definition of availability is broader than that of reliability. For repairable systems, it covers not only the problem of device's error, but also whether the device is easy to recover from failure. It is obvious that availability reflects the user's needs more truly.

In the UPS industry, a few "9" are usually used to represent the availability of the system. It refers to the proportion of the system running online and the time that can be produced in one year. For example, the 6 "9" (availability can reach 99.9999%), namely every possible downtime is less than 32 seconds. The goal of the UPS system is to improve the availability of the UPS power system as far as possible and reduce the impact of the power from the city.

Ways to improve the availability of power supply

Improving the reliability of power supply system

From the calculation formula of availability, it can be seen that improving reliability is an important way to improve availability. Improving the reliability of power supply equipment is divided into four levels:

First, design the standard level. In the stage of product planning and design, the possible application environment of the product should be fully considered and the corresponding design standards should be selected. The electrical isolation, the use of the product EMI/EMC, lightning protection, anti surge, anti noise and electrical environment, moisture resistance, dustproof, shockproof, anti corrosion and natural environment, operation, maintenance, management, transportation and installation of the environment have been adequately assessed, so as to construct a reasonable framework for the design of products.

Second, device level. In the stage of product design, we must strictly select the device and cooperate with the best circuit design, and repeatedly simulate all kinds of harsh environments to test the device's stress margin, so as to ensure the reliable operation of all kinds of components. For key devices such as electrolytic capacitors, if the circuit design is not optimized enough, the ripple current is too large and the core temperature is too high, and the life will be greatly reduced, resulting in the reduction of device reliability. The fan also should choose the manufacturers with good stability and good performance to prevent the fan fault from rising the power module temperature and affecting the normal power supply.

Third, component level. The reliability of components is mainly reflected in its stability and redundancy. Under the premise of minimizing the failure rate of components, the most effective way to improve the availability of components is redundancy design of key components.

中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜

Fourth, program level. By optimizing the system design, the power supply system is reliable and stable, and has the ability of fault tolerance. There is no single point of failure in the whole power supply path. Figure 1 shows a diagram of a redundant system architecture without a single point of failure. The scheme consists of two systems, in each system, A4 link to achieve input redundancy, A5 link to achieve double loop mutual backup, A6 or UPS and the use of modular machine, A7 provides dual protection for single power load, if the conditions of A1 and A2 link using dual mains input redundancy the design to achieve a single power supply system, and then the scheme uses 2N fault tolerant design, basically no single point of failure and online mainten中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜ance.

Figure 1 redundant system architecture diagram without single point failure

Improve the maintainability of UPS power supply equipment

Reducing maintenance time is another important way to improve availability. Modular design can effectively improve the maintainability and reduce the maintenance time. After the modularization of each functional unit of UPS device, the replacement of the corresponding spare parts can only greatly reduce the technical threshold for maintenance, and the operation and maintenance personnel can replace and maintain themselves. Not only the maintenance cost can be effectively reduced, but the time of fault repair can be reduced greatly, so the business loss is reduced to a minimum. In addition, the modularization is easy to maintain online, that is, the load can not be cut off during the fault repair. If power is needed to maintain, it is necessary to pull the backup power supply to the load, which is very complicated and has a long maintenance time.

Improve the usability of UPS power supply equipment

Ease of use is the sublimation of the "availability" of power supply equipment, which directly affects the user's product experience. From the point of view of the user, it is necessary to improve the following aspects: 1. Easy to handle and easy to install. This requires that the product is small enough, the weight is light enough, and it is a mold.







2. 模塊化UPS的兩種典型架構



中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜

       圖1 分布式結構的模塊化UPS架構




中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜

 圖2 分布+集中式結構模塊化UPS架構


3. 分散控制與分布+集中控制邏輯模式對比




4. 集中旁路與分散旁路對比





5. 總結


In recent years, with the rapid development of technology such as Internet, cloud computing, Internet and Internet of things, the size of data center system is increasing, and its importance is higher and higher. It puts forward higher requirements for system flexibility, availability, operation efficiency and operation and maintenance. As a key component of a data center for distribution systems, UPS is undoubtedly required to match this requirement. In this context, UPS modularization has become a consensus in the industry. Compared with the traditional tower machine, the modular UPS has the following advant中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜ages:

1) investment effectiveness: to expand the capacity with the need to save the initial investment;

2) high reliability of module redundancy: avoid major power failure;

3) easy maintenance: online hot plug, simple and fast maintenance, no bypass;

4) energy conservation and environmental protection: small pollution of the power grid, high efficiency and module dormancy technology to reduce energy waste.

Because of so many advantages, most UPS manufacturers have released modular UPS at present. More and more users are considering the use of modular UPS to build new data centers. But the UPS module on the market today the technology is not the same, customers have a certain confusion in the selection process, the practice and understanding of the author based on the modularization of the two mainstream architectures of UPS are analyzed, the hope can give you some inspiration and help readers.

The two typical architecture of 2. modularized UPS

1) distributed architecture

The system architecture of distributed modular UPS is shown in Figure 1.

中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜

Graph 1 modular UPS architecture of distributed structure

Distributed is an architecture that is often used by early modular UPS. This kind of modular equivalent UPS system level on the number of independent UPS directly parallel, the power module and the use of small UPS transformation, can work independently, its characteristics are: the control of rectifier, inverter in addition, uniform flow and also by the internal logic switching control unit control; the internal capacity and static bypass the power module capacity is consistent, in bypass mode, the static bypass within each module shared load.

2) distributed + centralized architecture

In contrast, figure 2 shows the modularized UPS of another type of architecture.

Graph 2 distribution + centralized structure modularized UPS architecture

分布+集中式結構的模塊化UPS設備所有的功率模塊內置控制單元用于本模塊的整流器與逆變器控制,而將整個系統的均流及邏輯切換等功能從模塊內部控制單元中提取出來,由一個集中的控制模塊控制。 In order to eliminate the single point of fault that may be introduced, the control module and the corresponding communication bus all carry out 1+1 redundancy. When a control unit fails, the power module in the whole UPS system can be controlled by another control unit which is in hot standby state, which ensures seamless operation of the system. At the same time, the static bypass is not built in the power module, and the system is equipped with a static bypass module, which is the capacity of the system.

3. distribution control and distribution + centralized control logic model comparison

UPS modular distributed architecture with distributed control logic model, each module of the system contains a complete and independent control unit, main control module of the system will be selected from the system in all modules through certain logic rules, the other from the control module to the module as the main control module scheduling. When one of the UPS modules fails, the other modules still work normally. When the main control module fails, a certain rule of competition can be used to make the other module as the main control module, so that the system will continue to work normally.

The advantage of the decentralized control logic mode is that each control unit can complete the work of independent control of the system, so there is no single point of fault in this respect. But the disadvantages are also obvious. First, because the main control module not only processes its own signal, but also coordinates the signals between modules, so the control logic is more complex and the software logic reliability is not high. Secondly, after each main control module fails, a module will be generated in the remaining modules as the main control module, which is also prone to competition failure, resulting in system failure.

Control + distribution centralized architecture modular UPS power module, inverter rectifier is distributed, and the flow control logic is centralized control mode, which adopts the independent centralized control module (Figure 2 control module) to the frequency and phase detection of the power, then sends a synchronization signal to each module. Each power module receive the synchronous signal through its control loop output the corresponding frequency sine wave phase. When the electricity is lost, the centralized control module will generate the synchronization signal to each UPS module to ensure the same phase of the output of each unit. At the same time form in controlling flow, UPS modular centralized architecture relies on control module to detect the load current of the whole system, and then divided by the number of modules of the system as a flow of reference value of each UPS module, and then compared with the output current of each module after the obtained partial difference to continuously adjust the output current of each module. In order to ensure the system modules are good mobility. The advantage of the distributed + centralized control logic mode is that the independent flow and logic control unit is adopted. The flow rate is better, and the control logic level is clear. There is no competition relationship among the power modules, and the software logic reliability is relatively high. In order to ensure the reliability of the centralized control unit and avoid a single point of fault, the UPS control unit and the communication line of this architecture will do 1+1 backup. 1+1 hot backup is the most commonly used backup method, and its reliability has been verified in the long run practice of various systems.





中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜

圖-1 工頻機典型拓撲


圖-2 高頻機典型拓撲中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜












表-1 某廠商工頻機與高頻機過載能力對比

輸出變壓器并不會增強工頻機的抗沖擊能力,中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜對于變壓器可以增強抗沖擊能力的想象來源于變壓器的電感特性,電感平滑電流的能力在負載電流激增時可以平滑電流波形延緩電流沖擊。但實際上電感平滑電流的能力與其本身感量成正比。工頻機輸出變壓器變比小,變壓器輸出繞組的勵磁電感也不會太大,在大電流沖擊下極易飽和,很難對逆變器的沖擊有明顯的緩沖作用。而按照傳統變壓器傳遞能量的特點與磁性器件原理分析,當后級負載也就是變壓器輸出側出現能量沖擊時,在變壓器能量傳遞能力達到飽和上限之前,后端的尖峰勵磁電流會直接反射到前端對UPS的IGBT產生沖擊,并且由于變壓器的變比問題前端所受到的沖擊電流會比輸出端更大,同時造成的損害也更為嚴重。而且,工頻系統由于變壓器的磁滯特性,難以實時監測后級動態響應。當變壓器后端出現突變并反饋到前級時,系統采取相關動作較無變壓器的高頻機來說會延遲幾十甚至幾百個ms,此時流過IGBT的沖擊電流已經足夠損壞UPS甚至引發火災。





圖-3 工頻機與高頻機并機環流路徑



中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜


















目前高頻塔式UPS與模塊化UPS均可做到96%的效率值,但這是在負載率在50%以上才能達到的。而前面提到,因為系統冗余及超前規劃,常見工況下UPS負載率在20~40%左右。高頻塔式機在此工況下只能做到94~95%的效率,而主流模塊化UPS普遍具備“模塊休眠”特性在保證一定系統冗余的基礎上,可以休眠一定數量的模塊(可以手動或者設置自動),讓UPS系統工作在效率比較高的區域,即保持在高點96%附近。圖-4即展示了休眠提升負載率中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜與運行效率的原理。

圖-4 休眠可有效提升UPS負載率與運行效率


圖-5 輪換休眠技術



At present, UPS products have been used in the industry for more than fifty years. It has made outstanding contributions to ensure the uninterrupted operation of key equipment and business. With the continuous advancement of information construction, more and more scenes of UPS protection are needed, and its role is becoming more and more important. There are three kinds of products in the current market, such as power frequency machine, high frequency tower type machine and high frequency modular UPS. The advantages and disadvantages of these products are different, which makes the users feel very confused. This article aims to help users identify the trend of the development of UPS products by explaining the history of the development of UPS and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various kinds of UPS.

1. The development of UPS from UPS to high frequency tower machine

The power frequency machine structure UPS technology appeared in the 70s of last century, because the frequency of its rectification work is consistent with the frequency of the power grid. Subject to the development of semiconductor technology, the inverter IGBT breakdown voltage can only 600V, so the bus voltage is limited, the output voltage of the inverter can achieve 380V; and motor inverter is the full bridge circuit, output voltage line, unable to meet the load demand of IT single-phase four wire and three-phase load, must be a -Y conversion. In order to solve these problems, the transformer is added to the output terminal of the power frequency inverter, which is used to boost and generate the midline, so that the output voltage can meet the load requirements, which is the real purpose of the transformer built in the power frequency machine. The typical topology of the industrial frequency machine is shown in figure -1.

Figure -1 typical topology of power frequency machine

In the 90s of the last century, the third generation of trench type IGBT came out, and its pressure resistance increased to 1200V, prompting the innovation of UPS technology. Through the high frequency boost circuit of the rectifier side, the bus voltage is raised to about 700V, the output voltage of the inverter can be 380V, and the output transformer can be cancelled. This rectifier inverter circuit works at high frequency (a few kHz above) and UPS without output transformer is called high frequency UPS. Figure -2 is shown as a typical high-frequency machine topology.

Figure -2 typical topology of high frequency machine

Comparison of two, high frequency UPS and power frequency UPS

The input power factor of 1. power frequency machine is low and the harmonic is high

中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜

The power machine UPS using thyristor half controlled rectifier, 6 pulse rectifier UPS input power factor is less than 0.7, up to 30% harmonics; 12 pulse rectifier UPS maximum input power factor is only 0.8, harmonic as high as 15%, even with the harmonic treatment measures, the highest power factor can only be improved to 0.95. In contrast, the high frequency machine adopts the IGBT-PFC full control rectifier, and the input power factor industry can achieve 0.99 and the harmonic current is less than 3%. Serious harmonic pollution not only may interfere with other equipment can not work and the malfunction of control and protection devices, but also directly lead to a substantial increase in investment: customers need to purchase additional equipment to reduce the harmonic harmonic treatment; if the front end is connected with a diesel generator power generator, the capacity to be configured as 2-3 times the capacity of UPS, at the same time before distribution device cable, etc. need to increase by 20%, while the high frequency machine just in front of the generator capacity configuration for the 1.2-1.5 times UPS capacity, distribution capacity and UPS capacity is the same as or slightly high.

2. power frequency machine power consumption is big

There are three factors that cause the efficiency of the power frequency UPS to be lower than the high frequency UPS. One is the frequency UPS rectifier for buck topology, device working current, both internal lines of both the linear loss or square loss than high frequency machine; two is the reason for the need to boost the power output than the high-frequency machine with an output transformer, the power machine efficiency decreased about 2%-3%; three is in the practical application in order to improve the input power factor, to more than 0.95, and decrease the injection of harmonic pollution, but also a power machine external 5 or 11 harmonic filter, the efficiency will drop again 2%-3%. According to the data from a British operator and a Spanish operator, the efficiency of power frequency UPS is generally around 85%, which is much higher than the operation efficiency of 92% and the efficiency of modularization is about 96%, resulting in a large number of energy losses. Taking the 400kW load as an example, the power frequency machine will consume more than 410 thousand degrees more than the high frequency machine, and will consume more than 580 thousand degrees more than the modular year. In addition, the power frequency UPS and the high harmonic, low power factor and so on lead to the increase of distribution cable loss and so on.

3. power frequency machine is large in volume and weight weight

Because the frequency machine uses low frequency devices and the output transformer is configured, the volume weight of UPS is greatly increased. In contrast to a certain brand of 400kVA frequency machine and high frequency machine, power machine is 2.2 times heavier than the high frequency machine, high frequency machine volume is 1.5 times, maybe the problem is too small, the room door or aisle elevator load is not enough, the lack of floor bearing in actual transportation, even in some cases need 中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜to use the crane loading and unloading, and then break through the wall to install in the frequency UPS, greatly increasing the transportation time and cost.

4. frequency machines have no advantages in reliability compared to high frequency machines

The main differences between the frequency machine and the high frequency machine are reflected in the rectifier and the transformer. The power frequency machine rectifier uses SCR device, the voltage stress is small, the current stress is big, the high frequency machine mainly adopts the IGBT device, the current stress is small, and the voltage stress is big. SCR and IGBT are all mature devices at present. As long as they are properly applied, there is no difference in reliability. In fact, the inverter part of the power frequency machine also uses IGBT, which does not reduce the reliability of the power frequency machine. There is no evidence that the inverter is the weak link of the power frequency machine. From the topological point of view, the frequency machine uses phase controlled rectifier + full bridge inverter, high frequency machine ge中興ZXDU58 W121室外一體化通信電源機柜nerally adopts high frequency rectifier + half bridge inverter. These topologies are all very common topologies in power electronics, and there is no problem that is more reliable in principle, and its reliability depends on the level of the design.

For transformers, the industry can often hear a lot of its so-called advantages, such as strong impact resistance, reduction.

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