鹽城市愛瑞斯消防器材科技有限公司位于東臺市東臺鎮龍光西路1號。主要致力于消防器材、船舶配件、救生器材、應急救援、環保設備、安防設備的整體方案設計和銷售。主要服務于船舶、鐵路、石油、煤礦、電力、消防、救援領域。公司堅持以商貿為導向,以科技為動力、以信息為依托、以服務為保障的企業發展戰略。先后在全國32個省、直轄市建立了銷售和服務機構,做到為客戶設計、施工、服務、維保等一條龍服務,業績已經延伸到海外等多個國家和地區,使公司的銷售、服務、品牌進一步提升。我們將一如既往,與時俱進,開拓創新,求實奮進。我們期待與您的合作,鑄就一個更美好的燦爛輝煌的明天。Company profile: Yancheng ARRIS Fire Tech Co., Ltd. is located in Long Guang West Road, Dongtai City. We focused on the overall program design and sales of fire equipment, marine accessories, life-saving equipment, emergency rescue, environmental protection equipment and security equipment. Main services ships, railway, petroleum, coal, electricity, fire and rescue. Our company always guided by the market, constantly renew and develop new products.We established sales and service agency in 32 provinces and cities around China to provide integrated services include design, construction, service, maintenance to our clients. When face the customer, we always adhere to the tenets of perfect, suitable, efficient, guarantee and win-win; when face the competitor, we believe the truth that the competition leads to development.We will continue as always, keep pace with the time, open up innovation continuously and process basing on practice. Your cooperation is expected for creating a more brilliant future.