Elektrim automotive electromechanical Co., Ltd. was founded in 1981 as an Asia Pacific distributor in Europe and the United States. Elektrim engine has a supplier stockist electric vehicles in Southeast Asia. In this section, we have some well-known brands that are entrusted to hold the shares of elektrim engine and emm of engine. Located in 80 circles of Zhukong, sitting in Singapore, the company covers an area of 90000 square feet and has 30 industry-specific service personnel. In its Malaysian branch, the engine and machinery elektrim DBH and elektrim Vietnam branch, and machinery, and agents and dealers ensures are all Asian customers, and the demand is good.
Our company mainly focuses on all types of standards, such as AC motors, electrical appliances, multi-purpose containers (2) and containers (1) of three-phase squirrel cage motors, slip ring motors, two speed motors, explosion-proof motors, explosion-proof, single-phase motors, high-voltage motors and customized VOD composed of motors.
elektrim發動機和機械私人有限公司有一個強大的和是30年的文物,應作為一strategically Forefront of Asia廠房在工業部門。我們的品牌是*的elektrim EMM;以及在不同的行業,如棕櫚油、橡膠、工業風機、船舶與海洋工程,農業,建筑,水泥,和可能的原始設備制造商。
Elektrim engine and machinery private Co., Ltd. has a strong and 30-year-old cultural relics, which should be used as a strategically forefront of Asia plant in the industrial sector. Our brand is recognized as elektrim EMM; And in different industries, such as palm oil, rubber, industrial fans, marine and offshore engineering, agriculture, construction, cement, and possible original equipment manufacturers.
Our slogan is "The driving force of every machine and the realization of this, all our cars are from our own design and manufacturing know-how. Our warehouses in Singapore and Malaysia have an inventory level of more than $30000 worth of U.S. stocks, in order to meet the needs and expectations of customers. All our cars are in our factories and an enhanced contact is passed to strict quality inspection to ensure customer satisfaction Degree and demand are always Mead.
With a sophisticated technical support, professional knowledge and quality service, elektrim automotive electromechanical Co., Ltd. is providing comprehensive solutions to all our customers around the world.
美國BANNA接近開關、意大利ATOS電磁閥、ATOS常規閥、ATOS疊加閥、ATOS插裝閥、法國ATMI浮動液位開關、德國APV閥門、美國AMI氧分析儀,傳感器、美國AMETEK阿美特克DE物位計、德國Dr. Brandt GmbH傳感器、
意大利MAINA聯軸器、德國Maier旋轉接頭、德國LUTZ泵、德國LUTZ流量計意大利LOWARA水泵、意大利萊卡LIKA編器、LIKA磁柵測量系統、LIKA定位裝置、德國LEWA計量泵,德國齒輪泵、 德國Lammers電機,Lammers發動機,Lammers伺服電機、德國LABOM壓力開關、德國LABOM壓力變送器、德國KROHNE流量計、德國KRACHT齒輪泵、KRACHT液壓缸、KRACHT馬達、德國KNF真空泵、KNF防爆真空泵、KNF真空隔膜泵,德國KLASCHKA傳感器、德國KISSLING開關、德國KISSLING傳感器
Canqin Industry (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.