BXX51系列防爆動力檢修箱適用范圍 Application
BXX51系列防爆動力檢修箱特點 Features
鑄鋁合金外殼,表面噴塑。 The shell is of diecasted AI-alloy,with plastic-sprayed Surface.
主腔內裝塑殼式斷路器. Inside is installed MCCB.
鋼管或電纜布線均可. Suitable for steel pie and cable wiring.
符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079標準要求 Suitable for GB3.836-2000,IEC6007 standard raquest.
BXX51系列防爆動力檢修箱主要技術參數 Main technical Parameters
額定電壓(V) 支路電流(A) 支路數 防爆標志 進線口螺紋(G") 出線口螺紋(G") 防護等級
Rated Voltage Branch current Branch NO. Ex-mark Inlet's thread Outlet's thread Protection class
2 Exde II BT6 IP54
380 100A及以下 4 *Exde II CT6 2-3 1'/2 *IP55
外形舉例 Outline example
CBP55-2(IIB) CBP55-2(IIC0
CBP55-4(IIB0 CBP55-4(IIC0
電器原理圖 Electricalprinciple chart