目錄:東臺市港輝船舶設備有限公司>>消防員裝備>>泡沫槍>> PQ8.C型不銹鋼泡沫槍裝置供應
PQ8.C型手提式空氣泡沫槍裝置(Portable Air Foam Gun)是一種全部采用耐海水材料制造,結構簡單,使用方便的船用消防設備,符合現行ZC規范和ZMO海上人命安全公約要求。本產品由中華人民共和國船舶檢驗局海船規范科學研究所監制,并由中華人民共和國船舶檢驗局南京分局檢驗合格。該產品是用空氣、水、泡沫液三項通過噴射進行自行混合所產生的混合液用來撲滅機器處所、鍋爐處等的油類及易燃液體火災,也可以用來噴射水撲滅一般固體物質火災。
性能Specification | 結構參數 Structure Data | ||
型號Type | PQ8.C | 尺寸 Dimension | 500×180×180mm |
標準工作壓力 Rating work pressure | 0.5 MPa | ||
使用壓力 Operation pressure | 0.3-0.7 MPa | 槍筒口徑 Bore of gun barrel | 60 mm |
混合液量 Capacity of mixture liquid | 400 L/min | 管牙接口 Pipe fitting size | KY 65 mm/KY 50 mm |
水量 Capacity of water | 400 L/min | 配用泡沫液型號 Mixed foam liquid type | YE3/YE6氟蛋白泡沫滅火劑 YE3/YE6 Fluoride albumen fire-extinguishing foam |
泡沫量 Capacity of foam | 1.5 m3/min | ||
泡沫射程 Foam range | ≥15 m | ||
水射程 Water range | ≥15 m | 泡沫液 Foam Liquid | 20L |
PQ8.C portable air foam-spraying gun
The PQ8.C portable air foam-spraying gun is manufactured in accordance with IMO “international code for fire safety systems",it can produce rich foam by means of shooting flow mixture of air, water , and foam fluid and can effective extinguish the oil fire and nor-mal solid fire, the product is authorized by china classification society of shipping