氟塑料絕緣耐高溫控制電纜 執行標準 本產品執行企業標準。 Implemented standard It is manufactured according to standard. 產品特點及用途 氟塑料絕緣耐高溫控制電纜用于交流額定電壓(U0/U)450/750V及以下控制、監控回路、保護線路等場合使用。具有耐高、低溫,耐酸堿,耐油,不燃燒等優異性能,廣泛適用于石油、化工、電力、冶金等國家支柱產業、重大基礎建設項目高溫及惡劣環境中作電器、儀表、自動控制系統的傳輸線。 Characteristics and Application Fluoroplastic insulated resistant - high temperature control cable is used in control, surveillance, protect circuit and so on occasion with rated voltage up to (UO/U) 450/750V. It has excellent property in resistant high and low temperature, resistant acid and alkali, resistant oil, resistant fire and so on. It is used as a connecting and transmitting wires of electrical equipment,instrument and automatic control system for rock oil,chemical,electric power,metallurgical and so on country support industry enterprise, important foundation construct items with high and low temperature environment. 使用特性 1.交流額定電壓:(Uo/U)450/750V 2.電纜導體*允許工作溫度為200℃和275℃兩種。 3.zui低環境溫度:固定敷設-60℃,非固定敷設-20℃ 4.安裝敷設溫度:不低于-25℃ 5.敷設*的允許彎曲半徑:不小于電纜外徑的8倍。 Application characteristics 1.Rated AC voltage: (Uo/U) 450/750V. 2.Long- term permitted operating temperature of conductor:200℃ and 275℃ 3.The lowest environment temperature:Fixed deploying -60℃ Non-Fixed deploying -20℃ 4.Mounting and deploying temperature: ≮ -25℃, 5.Permitted minimum bending radius:Not smaller then 8 times outer diameter. |