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Meet the standard:
GB/T 1410-2006《 固體絕緣材料體積電阻率和表面電阻率試驗方法》
GB/T 1410-2006 "solid insulating material volume resistivity and surface resistivity test method"
ASTM D257-99 《絕緣材料的直流電阻或電導試驗方法》
ASTM D257-99 "DC resistance or conductance of insulating materials test methods"
GB/T 2439-2001《硫化橡膠或熱塑性橡膠 導電性能和耗散性能電阻率的測定》
GB/T 2439-2001 "determination of electrical resistivity and dissipation properties of vulcanized rubber or thermoplastic rubber
GB/T 10581-2006《絕緣材料在高溫下電阻和電阻率的試驗方法》
GB/T 10581-2006 "insulation material under high temperature resistance and resistivity test method"
GB/T 1692-2008《硫化橡膠絕緣電阻率的測定》
GB/T 1692-2008 "vulcanized rubber insulation resistivity measurement"
GB/T 12703.4-2010《紡織品 靜電性能的評定 第4部分:電阻率》
GB/T 12703.4-2010 "textile performance evaluation of fourth parts:" resistivity
GB/T 10064-2006《測定固體絕緣材料絕緣電阻的試驗方法》
Standard Test Method for insulation resistance of solid insulating materials by GB/T 10064-2006
I. overview
薄膜體積電阻率測定儀既可測量高電阻,又可測微電流。采用了美國In公司的大規模集成電路,使儀器體積小、重量輕、準確度高。以雙3.1/2 位數字直接顯示電阻的高阻計和電流。電阻量限從1×104Ω~1×1018 Ω,是目前國內測量范圍zui寬,準確度zui高的數字超高阻測量儀。電流測量范圍為2×10-4 ~1×10-16A。機內測試電壓為100/250/500/1000V任意可調。薄膜體積電阻率測定儀具有精度高、顯示迅速、性好穩定、讀數方便,適用于防靜電產品如防靜電鞋、防靜電塑料橡膠制品、計算機房防靜電活動地板等電阻值的檢驗以及絕緣材料和電子電器產品的絕緣電阻測量。薄膜體積電阻率測定儀除能測電阻外,還能直接測量微弱電流。
The instrument can measure high resistance, and measuring current. The United States In company's large scale integrated circuit, so that the small size, light weight, high accuracy. High resistance meter and current display the resistance 3.1/2 double digits. The amount limit from 1 * 104 to 1 * 1018 Omega Omega, is currently the most wide measuring range, the highest accuracy of digital high resistance measuring instrument. The current measurement range is 2 ~ 1 * 10-16A * 10-4. The test voltage of the machine is 100/250/500/1000V adjustable. The instrument has high precision, good stability, fast display, easy reading, application of insulation resistance measurement in anti-static products such as anti-static shoes, anti-static plastic rubber products, computer room inspection anti electrostatic floor activities such as resistance and insulating materials electrical and electronic products. This instrument can measure the resistance, but also can directly measure the weak current.
Two, the main features
電阻測量范圍寬 0.01×104Ω~1×1018Ω
A wide range of resistance measurement 0.01 * 104 ~ 1 * 1018.
電流測量范圍為 2×10-4A~1×10-16A
The current measuring range is 2 * 10-4A to 1 * 10-16A
Small size, light weight, high accuracy
Resistance, current double display
Stable performance, easy reading
所有測試電壓(100/250/500/1000V) 測試時電阻結果直讀,免去老式高阻計在不同測試電壓下或不同量程時要乘以系數等使用不便的麻煩,使測量超高電阻就如用萬用表測量普通電阻樣簡便。既能測超高電阻又能測微電流
All the test voltage (100/250/500/1000V) resistance test results reading, replacing the old high resistance meter in different test voltage or different scale should be multiplied by the coefficient of the inconvenient trouble, high resistance as the multimeter is used to measure the general resistance of samples is simple to measure. It can measure both the high resistance and the micro current
Three, technical indicators
電阻測量范圍 0.01×104Ω~1×1018Ω
Resistance measurement range 0.01 x 104 x ~ 1 x 1018 ohm
電流測量范圍為 2×10-4A~1×10-16A
The current measurement range is 2 * 10-4A ~ 1 * 10-16A
雙表頭顯示 3.1/2位LED顯示
Dual head display 3.1/2 bit LED display
內置測試電壓 100V、250V、500V、1000V
Built in test voltage 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V
基本準確度 2% (*注)
Basic accuracy 2% (*)
內置測試電壓 100V、250、500、1000V
Built in test voltage 100V, 250, 500, 1000V
使用環境 溫度:0℃~40℃相對濕度<80%
Use ambient temperature: 0 degrees C ~ 40 <80%
供電形式 AC 220V,50HZ,功耗約5W
Power supply form AC 220V, 50HZ, power consumption is about 5W
儀器尺寸 285mm× 245mm× 120 mm
The size of 285mm * 245mm * instrument 120 mm
質量 約2.5KG
Mass about 2.5KG
Four, working principle
According to Ohm's law, the measured resistance Rx is equal to the current voltage divided by the I V. The traditional working principle of high resistance meter is to measure the voltage V fixed, by measuring the current through the sampling resistor I to get the resistance value. From Ohm's law can be seen as the current I is inversely proportional to the resistance, but not proportional, so is nonlinear resistance display value is infinite resistance when the current is zero, which is zero at the header is infinite, the scale near the very dense, low resolution. The whole scale is nonlinear. And because the measurement of different resistance, the voltage V will also have some change, so the ordinary high resistance meter is the poor accuracy, low resolution.
This instrument is the current flowing through the resistor V and the voltage across the resistor I measured at the same time, the large scale integrated circuit to complete the calculation of the internal voltage divided by the current, and then the results obtained after A/D conversion by the digital display of the resistance value, even if the current voltage V and the flow resistance of the two ends of the I is changed at the same time, the resistance value is not displayed as ordinary high resistance meter as a result of changes in the measured voltage or current change of V and I, so even if the measurement voltage, the measured resistance and power voltage change has little influence on the results, the measuring accuracy is very high (patent), according to the theory of the error can do zero, while the actual error can be done a few thousandths or very few.
Typical application
1 Determination of volume and surface resistivity of vulcanized rubber
2 measure the resistance value of anti-static shoes and conductive shoes
3 measure the resistance and resistivity of antistatic material
4 measurement of the resistance value of the movable floor of the computer room
5 measure insulation resistance (rate)
6 photodiode dark current measurement
7 physics, optics and materials research
8 surface resistivity measurement of polymer materials
Standard configuration:
主機 1 臺
Host 1
屏蔽箱 1 臺
Shielding box 1
電極 1 套
1 sets of electrodes
測試線+電源線 5 條
Test line + power cord 5
說明書+合格證 2 份
Specification + certificate 2
薄膜體積電阻率測定儀配不同的測量電極(夾具)可以測量不同材料(固體、粉體或液體)的體積電阻率和表面電阻率或電導率,*符合國家標準GB1410-2006固體電工絕緣材料絕緣電阻、體積電阻系數和表面電阻試驗方法,ASTM D257 絕緣材料的直流電阻或電導試驗方法等標準要求。
The measuring instrument with different electrode (fixture) can measure different materials (solid, powder or liquid) of the volume resistivity and surface resistivity or conductivity, fully meet the national standard GB1410 - 2006 solid electrical insulation insulation resistance, volume resistivity and surface resistance test method of material ASTM, D257 DC resistance or conductance of insulating materials test methods standard.
主營產品:電壓擊穿試驗儀,介質損耗試驗儀,介電常數試驗儀,海綿泡沫拉伸強度試驗機,海綿泡沫落球回彈試驗儀,海綿泡沫疲勞沖擊實驗儀,海綿泡沫拉伸撕裂強度試驗儀,海綿泡沫壓陷硬度試驗儀,海綿泡沫壓縮變形實驗儀,橡膠塑料滑動摩擦磨損試驗機,海綿泡沫切割機,耐電弧試驗儀,耐電痕化指數試驗儀, 表面電阻、體積電阻實驗儀,電子萬能試驗機.拉力機。
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