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產品概述:A. 基本參數 Basic Parameter設備名稱Equipment Name半自動影像測量儀Semi-automatic Video Measuring Machine型號Model行程(mm)Range外形尺寸(mm)External Size整機重量(kg)Weight機臺承重(kg)Load-bearingM30S3002002001100750160024025測量精度A......
A. 基本參數 Basic Parameter
設備名稱 Equipment Name | 半自動影像測量儀 Semi-automatic Video Measuring Machine | |||
型號 Model | 行程(mm) Range | 外形尺寸(mm) External Size | 整機重量(kg) Weight | 機臺承重(kg) Load-bearing |
M30S | 300×200×200 | 1100×750×1600 | 240 | 25 |
測量精度 Accuracy | E2XY=(3+L*/200)µm | |||
*L表示測量長度,以毫米為單位 *L, the measured length in mm. | ||||
運行速度 Speed | Vz=100mm/s | |||
工作環境 Operating Environment | 溫度Temperature:20℃±5℃ 溫度變化Temperature Variation:<2℃/hr 濕度Humidity:30%~60% | |||
電源要求 Electrical requirements | 電壓 Voltage:220V 50/60 Hz 功率 Power:500W 用電設備要求接地可靠:接地電阻小于4歐姆 A good earth ground (less than 4 W) is required for reliable operation of the electrical controls. |
B. 儀器特點 Features
n 高精度花崗巖架構和工作平臺,穩定可靠
Precision granite machines, high accuracy and stability.
n 自動聚焦,避免人為誤差,提高測量精度
Auto-focus to avoid personal error, improve precision.
n 八分區表面光源,充分滿足不同工件的復雜照明要求
8 octants surface lighting to meet complex lighting of parts.
n 精密傳動機構設計,可實現準確定位和快速移動
Precise driving gear design to achieve pinpoint and fast movement.
n 精密交叉滾柱導軌,運動平穩順滑
Precise intersect roller guide, smooth movement.
n 可聚焦測高,可加裝接觸式測頭
Automatic focus for height measurement. Touch probe can be optioned.
n 測量數據可導出至Word、Excel、AutoCAD
Support forms style of Word, Excel, AutoCAD.
n 可以按照客戶需求提供定制化設計
Provide customized design.
C. 軟件系統 Software System
基本測量功能 Basic Measuring Function
n 可測幾何特征:點、線、圓、弧、樣條曲線、橢圓、矩形、四邊形、槽、R角、環、距離等。
It can test the geometric element, including point, line, circle, arc, spline, ellipse, rectangle, slot, ring circle ,gap, distance, etc.
n 構建:中心點、端點、交點、兩點連線、平行線、垂線、切線、平分線、中心線、內切圓等。
It can construct centered, endpoint, insect, connect, parallel, perpendicular, tangent, bisect, combine, etc.
n 影像量測工具:繪圖點、最近邊緣點、聚焦點、圓形框取點、整體提取、多段提取、快速整理取圓。
Video measuring tools include drawing point, closed point, focus point, pick point by circle, whole pick, multiple pick, edge trace.
n 形位公差:直線度、圓度、位置度、平行度、垂直度、傾斜度、同心度等。
It can provide tolerance measurement: include straightness, roundness, position, parallelism, perpendicularity, angularity and concentricity, etc.
n 坐標系:夾具定位坐標系、點線、兩點X、兩點Y、兩線;平移、旋轉、手工調整坐標系。
Coordinate system: Fixture positioning coordinate system, dotted line, Two points determine the X axis, Two points determine the Y axis, two lines. Translation, rotation, manually adjust the coordinate system.
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