深圳市華晟威科電子儀器有限公司 供應眼圖儀、光功率計、光譜儀、誤碼儀、光衰減器、光源等 品牌有安捷倫、安立、橫河、泰克、jdsu等 售賣、租賃、維修
標準工作波長為1200至1700年納米(750-1700 nm的可使用60分貝衰減器的HA9W減少衰減范圍)。
The JDS Uniphase HA9 PThe JDS Uniphase HA9 Programmable Attenuator is a highresolution, extended-range, programmable attenuator ideal for testing power meters and for general test and laboratory work.
The attenuator has a nominal resolution of 0.01 dB and an extended attenuation range of 100 dB.
The standard operating wavelength is 1200-1700 nm (750-1700 nm is available to use with a reduced attenuation range of 60 dB for the HA9W attenuator).