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產品名稱:氣壓手泵, 真空~4MPa產品型號:T-975 生產廠商:AMETEK(阿美特克) JOFRA(美國)產品簡介:氣壓手泵,T-975產品品牌:阿美特克Ametek產品型號:T-975AMETEK 真空~4MPa 氣壓手泵 T-975壓力范圍:真空~4MPa校準儀|壓力校準儀|壓力源|壓力手泵|真空泵
T-975,AMETEK 真空~4MPa 氣壓手泵 校準儀|壓力校準儀|壓力源|壓力手泵|真空泵 AMETEK 真空~4MPa 氣壓手泵 T-975技術指標: 壓力范圍:真空~0,0~4MPa 介 質:空氣 壓力接口:1/4NPT內螺紋 功 能:有微調閥、可以真空和正壓切換 標準配置:T-975氣壓手泵、壓力連接管、壓力轉接頭、說明書 AMETEK 真空~4MPa 氣壓手泵 T-975 可以產生真空和壓力, 操作輕松,調節精細。內置安全閥,雙輸出壓力接口。 有5個型號,量程覆蓋真空到4MPa,可以單獨使用也可與數字壓力計組合成壓力校準系統 AMETEK 真空~4MPa 氣壓手泵 T-975的主要特點在于較寬的壓力范圍和精確的壓力控制。每個泵都有兩個壓力輸出口和微調閥。 T-975,AMETEK 真空~4MPa 氣壓手泵 可以方便、準確地產生壓力和真空,用戶只需輕觸按鍵,即可微調每個行程的輸出壓力。內置減壓閥和雙重壓力輸出讓操作更安全、簡單。T-975 配有按鈕閥,可方便地從產生壓力切換到產生真空 • 真空和壓力范圍:-27 inHg 至 580 psi • 重量輕,設計緊湊 • 兩個出口端 • 受保護的梭閥 • 微調靈敏度達 0.01 psi • 可調行程 • T-975-CPF 型號包含 CPF 軟管和接頭 AMETEK 真空~4MPa 氣壓手泵 T-975具備真空和氣壓兩種工作模式,可通過一個切換閥方便地進行切換。手泵上配備的微調旋鈕可精確地調節壓力,放空閥保證了手泵的操作安全。該手泵提供了公制和英制的轉換接頭,方便連接各種壓力接口。 AMETEK 真空~4MPa 氣壓手泵 T-975 操作演示 Model T-975 pneumatic pressure pump features both vacuum and pressure generation. A button (valve) makes it easy to switch from vacuum to pressure measure-ments. Built-in release valve, vernier valve for fine adjustment and dual pressure output enable safe and simple operation. The unit offers both metric and imperial threads on the reference connection and the hose. Pressure range -0.91 to 40 bar /-27 inHg to 580 psi Ready-to-use pressure systems Ready-to-use pressure systems for the DPC-500, APC, CPC, and IPI calibrators. For all pressure systems the pump and the indicator are separate systems. Therefore a replacement of the pump does not mean that you have to send the complete system for repair. Maintenance of the instrument is also made easy. Recalibration of the unit can be performed locally with an accurate pressure reference: No need to send the unit back to the manufacturer for recalibration. If you do require a factory calibration, the pump and indicator are independent and only the indicator needs to be returned. JOFRA pressure calibrators are as standard delivered as individual indicators or as a complete calibration systems ready to use in a carrying case, including pump, hose, set of fittings, batteries, test leads, user manual, and a NIST traceable calibration certificate. ![]() Pneumatic Hand Pump Rated Pressure: 580 psi / 40 bar / 4 MPa Vacuum: -27"Hg / -13 psi / -0.09 MPa / -91 kPa Includes: MPH-1 (Hose), MPF-1/4FPT (1/4" NPT Female), MPF-5/16SAEM (installed on the pump), and MPM-3/8BPSM (3/8" BSP Male). AMETEK T-975氣壓手泵曬圖: |
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