產品簡介:適用范圍ApplicationDDSY8777-Z型單相遠程費控智能電能表(以下簡稱電能表)是采用大規模集成電路,應用數字采樣技術,根據智能電網“信息化、 自動化、 互動化" 建設對電能表的要求而設計制造。DDSY8777-ZSingle -phase remote cost control intelligent energy meter (here in after referred to as Energy meter) is the use of large-scaleintegrated circuits, the applicat-ion of digital sampling t …
DDSY8777-Z型單相遠程費控智能電能表(以下簡稱電能表)是采用大規模集成電路,應用數字采樣技術,根據智能電網“信息化、 自動化、 互動化" 建設對電能表的要求而設計制造。
DDSY8777-ZSingle -phase remote cost control intelligent energy meter (here in after referred to as Energy meter) is the use of large-scaleintegrated circuits, the applicat-ion of digital sampling technology, According to the smart grid "information, automation, interactive" to build electricity To the require-ments of the design and manufacture.