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產品簡介 Introduction
◆ 風冷螺桿機組是以空氣為冷熱源,以水為供冷熱介質,采用進口優質螺桿壓縮機為制冷源,經翅片式冷凝器通過外轉子散熱風機為散熱源組成的一體式大型制冷機組。螺桿壓縮機其5:6齒數比,高效螺旋轉子精密壓縮原理,比一般的壓縮機能效高20%→30%,且運行穩定,效率高,維護容易。機組采用智慧型微電腦觸摸屏+高精控制系統:裝備有99%,75% ,50%,25%分級能量控制功能,具有良好的中英文選擇人機對話介面,液晶顯示屏即時顯示機器工作狀況。
◆ 機組采用高效換熱器與,特殊的外形結構設計原理。可直接安裝于屋頂或室外其它通風條件好的地方,無需另選機房,可節省建筑空間。機組保護齊全,設有:溫度保護開關,過流保護,高/低壓保護,油壓保護,電源缺相保護,逆相保護,防凍結保護及壓縮機延時保護等保護裝置,確保主機安全,可靠運行。機組美觀/大方,機組采用"W"型散熱組合式翅片設計,空間利用率高且散熱效果高效。
◆ 風冷螺桿式冷水機安裝時需連接機外保溫水箱或水池/水槽及相應冷凍水:內/外循環水泵,才能組成一套完整的集中型冷凍水循環系統。
◆ 風冷螺桿式冷水機安裝時必須保證通風及散熱效果良好。
◆ The air-cooled screw unit is an integrated large-scale refrigeration composedof air as the cold and heat source, water as the cold and heat medium,imported high-quality screw compressor as the refrigeration source, andthefinned condenser through the outer rotor cooling fan as the heat dissipationsource. unit. The screw compressor has a gear ratio of 5:6 and a highefficiency screw rotor precision compression principle. The energy efficiencyis 20%→30% higher than the general compressor, and the operation isstable, the efficiency is high, and the maintenance is easy. The unit adopts asmart microcomputer touch screen + high-precision control system:equipped with 99%, 75%, 50%, 25% graded energy control functions, witha good Chinese and English selection man-machine dialogue interface, andthe LCD screen displays the machine’s working status in real time.
◆ The unit adopts high-efficiency heat exchanger and advanced, special shapeand structure design principles. It can be directly installed on the roof orother outdoor places with good ventilation conditions, without the need toselect a computer room, which can save building space. The unit is fullyprotected and equipped with: temperature protection switch, overcurrentprotection, high/low pressure protection, oil pressure protection, powersupply lack phase protection, reverse phase protection, anti-freezingprotection and compressor delay protection and other protection devices toensure the safety of the host. Reliable operation. The unit is beautiful andgenerous, the unit adopts the "W" type heat dissipation combined fin design,which has high space utilization and efficient heat dissipation
◆ When installing the air-cooled screw chiller, it is necessary to connect theexternal heat preservation water tank or pool/sink and the correspondingchilled water: internal/external circulating water pump to form a completecentralized chilled water circulation system.
◆ The air-cooled screw chiller must be installed with good ventilation and heatdissipation.
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