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溫度 | 10 |
Instruction of Jolly Balance
Instruction of Jolly Balance
Used for experiment in fundamental physics course of colleges and universities, the balance can measure the relationship between load and spring extension, surface tension coefficient of liquid, specific density of object and micro-object weight.
Structure and basic performance:
④ is vertically installed on the three-leg base① with level adjustment screw②. 0.1 scale cursor⑤ is installed on top of the sleeve, and bobbin⑥ with the scale of millimeter is inserted in the sleeve. Rotary knob③ can, through the internal pulley and chain, adjust the height of scaled bobbin in the sleeve. Bolt⑦ is used to fix spring⑧, and clamp⑩ with small gap to hold index tube11. Clamp16 is used to nip platform sleeve. Rotary knob17 lifts or lowers platform15. The instrument is also attached with surface tension line case14, glass tray13, aluminum tray12, and index mirror⑨. Spring made of phosphor bronze wire falls into the following three specifications:
彈簧形狀 磷銅絲直徑(毫米) 負荷(克)
柱形 0.5 30
錐形 0.5 15
錐形 0.6 30
Spring form Phosphor bronze wire diameter (mm) Maximum load (gram)
Column 0.5 30
Taper 0.5 15
Taper 0.6 30
Using method:
1. Measure the relationship between spring extension and load
Fix the upper end of spring (shown as the figure) with bolt⑦, nip index tube11 with clamp, hang index mirror⑨ at the lower end of spring through index tube, and then hang aluminum tray12 below index mirror. If index mirror touches index tube, they can be adjusted with the level screw on the three-leg base and the clamp on the upper end of spring. At last, the starting line of dividing ruler should be at the same line with that of cursor, and index tube at the same line with the scale line on index mirror.
Add 0.5-1gram poise in aluminum tray each time, and rotate rotary knob③ to make index mirror always at the same line with the scale on index tube. The lifting length of dividing ruler each time is the length of the extension of spring with the corresponding poise. At last, the relationship between load and spring extension can be found, and flexibility coefficient of spring be calculated through recording the result each time.
2. Measure object weight
The instrument is installed as the above. Place the object to be measured in the aluminum tray, and rotate rotary knob③ to make index mirror at the same line with the scale on index tube. Replace the object with poises, and make index mirror still at the same line with the scale on index tube. The weight of poises in the tray is the weight of the object (the object weight can also be calculated according to the extension of spring and flexibility coefficient measured above).
3. Measure the specific density of solid (in the limit of dissolving in water)
Hang glass tray below aluminum tray, and place a glass of water on the platform to make glass tray dipped in water. Place the object to be measured in aluminum tray and weigh out its weight according to the above method. Then move it to the glass tray and immense it in water completely. Add poises in aluminum tray until the scale line on index mirror restore to the original position (namely the position that the object to be measured in aluminum tray). The weight of poises in the tray is the weight of the same cubage of water expelled by the object. The proportion of weights of the object to be measured and the same cubage of water is its specific density.
4. Measure the specific density of liquid (in the limit of no eroding glass tray and middle object)
The device is the same as the above. Take a solid as the middle object, and measure out the liquid of the same cubage and the weight of water according to the above method. The proportion of the weights of the liquid of the same cubage and the water of the same cubage is the specific density of the liquid.
5. Measure surface tension coefficient of liquid
Place the glass cup of liquid on the platform, and replace glass tray below aluminum tray with surface tension line case, rotate rotary knob ③ to make index mirror at the same line with the scale on index tube, and rotate knob17 to lift the platform until the line case is completely dipped in the liquid. And then lower the platform slowly and make line case just above the liquid surface (from the below of liquid surface to the above, we can see that line case just overlaps with its shade on the liquid surface. Adjust the position of index mirror at any moment to make its scale line at the same level with that on index tube. Record the readings LO of dividing ruler and cursor at the time. Gradually lower the platform to make line case exposed from the liquid surface, and rotate rotary knob ③ to lift the upper end of spring. To ensure that index mirror is always at the same level with scale line on index tube until the liquid membrane under the line breaks. Record the readings LO of dividing ruler and cursor. Its difference (L-LO) is mainly caused by surface tension. The pull F imposed by spring when the liquid membrane breaks can be calculated through the multiplicat
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