The PCI Express RS232 Multi-Port I/O card is used EXAR’s high performance chipset 17V358,it is compliant to PCIe 2.0 Gen 1(2.5GT/s),and it has eight serial port each port has many enhanced features such as the 256-bytes TX and RX FIFOs, Programmable Fractional Baud Rate Generator, Automatic Hardware or Software Flow control, it is complete to used for Point-of-Sale systems, Remote Access Servers, and factory Automation etc.
通信電纜 網絡設備 無線通信 云計算|大數據 顯示設備 存儲設備 網絡輔助設備 信號傳輸處理 多媒體設備 廣播系統 智慧城市管理系統 其它智慧基建產品