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Appropriate Network Security Solutions
The innovation of the Internet has created a tremendous worldwide opportunities for e-business and information sharing. It has become essential for businesses, thus bringing network security issues into focus. The request for information security has become the primary concern for the enterprises. To fulfill the demand, PLANET has launched the MH-2300 Gigabit Multi-Homing VPN Security Gateway to help the SMBs increase the broadband network performance and reduce the risks of potential shutdown if one of the Internet connections fails. It also supports the enterprises by building a secure network protection. For further IP compatibility, it supports IPv6 as well.
Cost-effective VPN Security Gateway Solution for SMBs
The MH-2300 supports most of the popular security features including content blocking to block specific URL, authentication, IPSec, PPTP VPN server/client, outbound load-balancing, QoS, time schedule, support group by IP, MAC and port; and more. Furthermore, it provides higher performance with all Gigabit Ethernet interfaces which offer faster speeds for your network applications. The Gigabit user-defined interfaces flexibly fulfill the network requirement nowadays, and the multiple WAN interfaces enable the MH-2300 to support outbound load balancing and WAN fail-over features. Built-in 25 IPSec VPN tunnels and 25 PPTP VPN tunnels are enough for about 50 companies. As a result, the VPN not only can configure trunk mode but also provide VPN fail-over, bandwidth multi-line consolidation and load balancing features which are a VPN redundant mechanism to always keep the VPN alive.
Improving Network Efficiency
Moreover, the MH-2300 has firewall, link redundancy, application control and other functions, so that the entire network system can be even better. PLANET MH-2300, the latest model of its kind, is closer to the application of the small-scale sector, using a 9-inch desktop silent fanless design, with five Gigabit user-defined ports (WAN / LAN / DMZ). The MH-2300?s economical price with complete cable management features make it an inevitable choice for the next-generation office network load balancer.

The MH-2300?s built-in fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) can automatically resolve the IP address corresponding to all; you just type the URL that is able to manage the secure websites (HTTPS) like Facebook, YouTube and Yahoo.
The MH-2300 can connect multiple WANs with up to four different ISPs. It can create a stable and qualified VPN connection for many important applications such as VoIP, video conferencing and data transmission.
Multi-Homing VPN Security Gateway
PLANET MH-2300 Gigabit Multi-Homing VPN Security Gateway has an SPI firewall DoS function. Furthermore, through the FQDN, it can easily block secure websites like Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, etc. With IPSec and PPTP VPN solutions, the MH-2300 provides the secured data communication for branches, vendors, and workers with a flexible way to connect back to the headquarters.
Physical Port
    5 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T RJ-45, Undefined Ethernet port (WAN / LAN / DMZ).Multi-WAN functionOutbound load balancing (Supported algorithms: Auto-Learning, Round-Robin, Session, Traffic, Packet, Source IP and Destination IP)

IP Routing Feature
    Static Route

    Guaranteed bandwidthMaximum bandwidthPriority Individual QoSP2P QoSConcurrent sessions managementQuota (by session, per IP, per day)

Firewall Security
    Stateful Packet Inspection(SPI) firewallBlocking DoS attack Internal firewallIP and port filteringBlock website by keyword, content filter, FQDNAnti-ARP spoofing

VPN Features
    Max. Connection Tunnel Entries: 25 of IPSec/PPTP-Client/ServerStateful packet inspectionIPSec one-step wizardEncryption methods: DES, 3DES, AES-128/192/256Authentication methods: MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2-256Throughput: IPSec VPN 3DES Encryption

    PPPoE / Static IP / DHCP ClientProtocols: TCP/IP, ARP, ICMP, FTP/TFTP, IPv4, IPv6NAT with popular ALG supportPort forwardingDDNS: supports DynDNS, 3322, No-IP, Planet DDNS & Planet EasyDDNSTransparent bridge/transparent routingPolicy-based routing (PBR)IP redirection

Network Management
    Supported access by HTTP, HTTPS, Telnet, SSHComprehensive web-based management and policy settingSNMP agent (SNMPv3-capable)Monitoring, logging, and alarms of system activitiesFirmware upgrade through Web browser
端口10/100/1000BASE-T RJ-45 Undefined Ethernet port x 5
H/W 看門狗Auto-reboot upon failure
管理Web (English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese)
工作模式DMZ_Transparent, DMZ_NAT, NAT
路由協議Static route
防火墻安全Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI)
Internal firewall
防火墻安全Supports max. 16 multiple subnets
出站負載平衡Supported algorithms: Auto-Learning, Round-Robin, Session, Traffic, Packet, Source IP and Destination IP
內容過濾URL blocking
Script blocking (Popup, Java Applet, cookies and Active X)
P2P blocking (eDonkey, Bit Torrent, WinMX and more)
Download and upload blocking
應用程序攔截IM blocking (MSN, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, QQ, Skype, Talk and more)
Multimedia streaming (PPLive, PPStream, ezPeer and more)
Web-based mail (, Yahoo, Hotmail and more)
Online game (GLWorld, QQGame and more)
VPN tunneling (VNN, Client, Tor, FreeGate and more)
Remote controlling (TeamViewer, Remote Destop and more)
Auto update definitions
QoSGuaranteed bandwidth priority levels
Maximum bandwidth
用戶認證Built-in user database with up to 100 entries
Supports local database, RADIUS, POP3 and LDAP authentication
日志Traffic Log, Event Log, Connection Log, Application Blocking Log, Concurrent Sessions Log and Quota Log.
Log can be saved from web, backup by or syslog server or RSS feeds.
統計WAN ports traffic statistic and policies statistic
其他Dynamic DNS
NTP support
Outbound load balancing
IPSec VPN 性能(采用3DES)20Mbps
VPN 隧道(連接/配置)25 / 25
VPN功能IPSec, PPTP server and client
DES, 3DES and AES encrypting
SHA-1 / MD5 authentication algorithm
電源要求100~240VAC, 50~60Hz, 0.3A
功率消耗12W max.
工作溫度0 ~ 40 degrees C
儲存溫度-10 ~ 60 degrees C
工作濕度10 ~ 90% (non-condensing)
重量0.65 kg
尺寸(W x D x H)228 x 108 x 29 mm
符合規定CE, FCC
可靠性MTBF > 672,324hrs
接口10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet, RJ-45


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