E4982A LCR meter can provide the best performance for SMD inductor, EMI filter and other passive components manufacturing test, which requires impedance test at high frequency (1 MHz ~ 3 GHz). In addi
【安捷倫E4991A】- Agilent E4991A-原裝現貨/九成新
產品名稱:E4982A LCR 表
產品屬性: LCR 表
商品描述:描述 E4982A LCR 表可為 SMD 電感器、EMI 濾波器等無源元器件的制造測試提供快捷佳性能,其中需要在高頻率上進行阻抗測試(1 MHz ~ 3 GHz)。除了制造測試之外,E4982A 還可用于研發領域,借助強大的功能(例如列表測量)提供質量保證
Main features and technical indicators
1 MHz ~ 300 MHz / 500 MHz / 1 GHz / 3 GHz, upgradable
Measuring time
High-speed measurement: 0.9ms (mode 1), 2.1ms (mode 2), 3.7ms (mode 3)
Basic accuracy and impedance range
Basic accuracy of 0.8% with unmatched measuring repeatability
Wide impedance measurement range: 140 m Ω Ω ~ 4.8 k
More features
The SCPI command and processor interface are compatible with 4287A
Compact test head (same size as 4287A)
A list of measurement
Universal PC connectivity (GPIB, LAN and USB)
E4982A LCR meter can provide the best performance for SMD inductor, EMI filter and other passive components manufacturing test, which requires impedance test at high frequency (1 MHz ~ 3 GHz). In addition to manufacturing testing, E4982A can also be used in research and development to provide quality assurance with powerful features such as tabulation measurements.