Valens VS2000 HDBaseT 收發視頻芯片
Valens VS2000 HDBaseT 收發視頻芯片的詳細信息如下:
Valens Colligo Family
Valens Colligo is the second generation of HDBaseT chipsets (Spec 2.0), supporting the transmission of ultra-HD video & audio, Ethernet, controls, USB 2.0, and power, over either a LAN cable or fiber cable, with near-zero latency. The family enables point-to-point, daisy-chaining, and multistreaming.
The introduction of long-distance USB transmission supports a myriad of interactive applications.
VALENS HDBaseT 泰凌微擁有廣泛的客戶群體與豐富客戶案例,能提供更為優勢的關鍵器件組合,讓您的整機成本更具競爭力. 我司能從開始的原理圖審理到量產都有素養的FAE指導,能快速幫助客戶導入市場。有關 VALENS相關產品 請聯系深圳市泰凌微電子團隊!