普通型 防爆型
工作粘度 <1×10-3m2/s <1×10-3m2/s
開關元件 微動開關 密封開關
防爆等級 — Exde Ⅱ CT4~T6 合格證編號: GYB19.1360X
外殼防護等級 IP65(符合DIN40050,與GB4208中IP65相當) IP65(符合DIN40050,與GB4208中IP65相當)
環境溫度 -20℃~50℃ -20℃~50℃
介質溫度 0~90℃ 0~120℃
安裝位置 — 壓力接口垂直向下
抗振性能 TL0002:40m/s2 ; TL0003:20m/s2 Max:20m/s2
重復性誤差 ≤1.5% ≤1.5%
觸點容量 AC 220V 6A(阻性) DC 250V 0.25A(阻性) 60Wmax
AC 250V 5A(阻性) 1250VAmax
(Arcadia, USA)
We will think carefully about buildings and create thinking buildings
Arcadia commercial building services (CBS) relies on the concept of in-depth thinking of buildings. Our mission is to constantly think about and re-examine the building, so as to help customers to solve the big and small challenges. Therefore, we need to provide consulting engineers around the world with tools that can make their work faster and easier. Every day, consulting engineers can easily access our network tools and blueprint to obtain product priority information and pump related knowledge.
Be ready for the challenges of the future