

  • 行業產品


當前位置:深圳市達瑞博電子有限公司>>毫米波系統>>900 Hz 至 110 GHz PNA 毫米波系統

900 Hz 至 110 GHz PNA 毫米波系統

參  考  價面議


品       牌


所  在  地深圳市


更新時間:2021-06-09 15:48:32瀏覽次數:748次

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聯系人:熊小姐 (經理)




【產 地】:美國
  • 具有緊湊型頻率擴展器的單次掃描解決方案


  • 可以作為單個產品解決方案購買


  • 對器件施加精確的調平功率,進行功率掃描


  • 提供各種應用軟件,幫助您進行詳細分析




System Components
N5292A-400Test set, 4 port
N5292A-200Test set, 2 port
N5290A-2012 端口 N5222B 26.5 GHz PNA
N5290A-2022 端口 N5227B 67 GHz PNA
N5290A-4014 端口 N5242B 26.5 GHz PNA-X
N5290A-4024 端口 N5242B 26.5 GHz PNA-X
N5290A-4034 端口 N5247B 67 GHz PNA-X
Network Analyzer
N5222B-2002-port, base hardware configuration
N5222B-2012-port, with configurable test set, reference mixer switch
N5222B-2052-port with configurable test set, ref mixer switch, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5222B-2102-port with metrology configuration
N5222B-2172-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators
N5222B-2192-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees
N5222B-2202-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5222B-4004-port with second source
N5222B-4014-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch
N5222B-4054-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5222B-4104-port with second source, metrology configuration
N5222B-4174-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators
N5222B-4194-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees
N5222B-4204-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5222B-1A7Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Not Accredited)
N5222B-A6JANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
N5222B-UK6Commercial calibration certificate with test data
N5222B-020Add IF inputs
N5222B-021Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source
N5222B-022Add pulse modulator to internal 2nd source
N5227B-2002-port, base hardware configuration
N5227B-2012-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch
N5227B-2052-port with configurable test set, ref mixer switch, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5227B-2102-port with metrology configuration
N5227B-2192-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees
N5227B-2202-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5227B-4004-port with second source
N5227B-4014-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch
N5227B-4054-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5227B-4104-port with second source, metrology configuration
N5227B-4194-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees
N5227B-4204-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5227B-1A7Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Not Accredited)
N5227B-A6JANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
N5227B-UK6Commercial calibration certificate with test data
N5227B-021Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source
N5227B-022Add pulse modulator to internal 2nd source
N5227B-020Add IF inputs
N5242B-2012-port, configurable test set
N5242B-2052-port, configurable test set, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5242B-2172-port, configurable test set, source attenuators, receiver attenuators
N5242B-2192-port, configurable test set, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees
N5242B-2222-port, configurable test set, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, second source, combiner, mechanical switches
N5242B-2242-port, configurable test set, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees, second source, combiner, mechanical switches
N5242B-4014-port, configurable test set, with second source
N5242B-4174-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators
N5242B-4194-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees
N5242B-4224-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, combiner, mechanical switches
N5242B-4234-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees, combiner, mechanical switches
N5242B-4254-port, configurable test set, second source, attenuators, combiner, mechanical switches, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5242B-1A7Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Not Accredited)
N5242B-A6JANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
N5242B-UK6Commercial calibration certificate with test data
N5242B-020Add IF inputs
N5242B-021Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source
N5242B-022Add pulse modulator to internal 2nd source
N5242B-029Add noise receiver to 26.5 GHz
N5247B-2012-port, configurable test set
N5247B-2192-port, configurable test set, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees
N5247B-2242-port, configurable test set, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees, second source, combiner, mechanical switches
N5247B-4014-port, configurable test set, second source
N5247B-4194-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees
N5247B-4234-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees, combiner, mechanical switches
N5247B-4254-port, configurable test set, second source, attenuators, combiner, mechanical switches, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5247B-1A7Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Not Accredited)
N5247B-A6JANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
N5247B-UK6Commercial calibration certificate with test data
N5247B-020Add IF inputs
N5247B-021Add pulse modulator to internal first source
N5247B-022Add pulse modulator to internal 2nd source
N5247B-029Add noise receiver to 50 GHz
Interconnect Cables
N5292A-222Interconnect Kit for 2 Port Test Set and 2 Port VNA with 3.5 mm Ports
N5292A-224Interconnect Kit for 2 Port Test Set and 2 Port VNA with 2.4 mm or 1.85 mm Ports
N5292A-442Interconnect Kit for 4 Port Test Set and 4 Port VNA with 3.5 mm Ports
N5292A-444Interconnect Kit for 4 Port Test Set and 4 Port VNA with 2.4 mm or 1.85 mm Ports
N1966A脈沖 I/O 適配器


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