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The circular rubber bearing / rectangular rubber bearing is on the bridge, the connection point of lower structure, its function is to load the adaptation of the upper structure, safe transfer to the pier table, while ensuring the temperature change of the upper structure under loads, deformation free, concrete shrinkage effect factors, so that the structure of the actual stress with the calculation of schema, and to protect the end of the beam, pier cap is not damaged. This requires that it has enough vertical stiffness and elasticity, can be the full load of bridge superstructure is reliably transmitted to the pier, and bear the load of horizontal displacement caused by the end of the bridge, and corner deformation, reduce and alleviate the pier bear vibration, due to temperature, humidity changes caused by bridge expansion and contraction.
The installation position of the circular rubber bearing / rectangular rubber bearings, although can be used in a circular rubber bearing / rectangular rubber bearing replacement, but the replacement cost, and technical difficulty are great, most of the bridge circular rubber bearing / rectangular rubber support is a permanent installation of rubber bearings / round the life of rectangular rubber bearings and bridge life should be consistent, otherwise it will use to bridge the adverse consequences, in spite of the bridge cost in circular rubber bearing / rectangular rubber bearing costs accounted for only a small proportion, but the effect is far more than its cost, therefore, the circular rubber bearing / rectangular rubber bearing has become one of the an important material in bridge construction and use.
In recent years, the circular rubber bearing bridge / rectangular rubber bearings in the process of using circular rubber bearings / rectangular rubber bearings have quality problems and quality problems of all kinds, the reason can be divided into product quality, construction quality and design and selection of three aspects. The circular rubber bearing / rectangular rubber bearings bearing product quality, construction quality the design and selection of related to the service life of the circular rubber bearing / rectangular rubber bearings, need to work closely with the production side, the construction side and the design side, any problems will seriously affect the service life of the circular rubber bearing / rectangular rubber bearings,
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