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In the box foundation or basement floor and wall panels are separated from the concrete pouring, pouring concrete wall again, there is a construction joint, when the crack position below the underground water level, it is easy to produce water. In this way, it is necessary to carry out technical treatment of this seam, and there are many ways to deal with it. The more common method is to set up the water stop steel plate, as shown in the figure.
And in the box foundation or basement floor and wall panels are separated from the concrete pouring, pouring concrete wall again, there is a construction joint, when the crack position below the underground water level, it is easy to produce water. In this way, it is necessary to carry out technical treatment of this joint, and there are many ways to deal with it. The more common method is to set up water stopping steel plate. In the lower concrete pouring, pre buried steel plate of 300*3, including the upper portion of the 10-15cm exposed, this part of the steel pouring in together again during the pouring of concrete, to prevent the outside pressure of water infiltration effect. General plate sealing strip is made of cold rolled plate as a base material for cold plate thickness can be generally uniform, hot plate thickness is not up to the uniform degree of thickness is 2 mm or 3 mm in length, generally processed into 3 meters long or 6 meters long, three meters generally good transportation. The water stopping steel plate has higher requirements for welded joints, and the leakage point can not be found, which affects the waterproof performance.
1, should try to ensure that the steel plate in the wall of the center line;
2、兩塊鋼板之間的焊接要飽滿且為雙面焊 ,鋼板搭接不小于20mm;
The welding between the 2 and two steel plates should be full and double sided welding, and the steel plate shall be lapped not less than 20mm;
3, the wall corner processing, one, the whole plate bending; two, T-shaped welding; three, 7 type welding.
4 、 the support welding of water stopping steel plate can be welded with small steel bars on the main reinforcement;
5. When the water stopping steel plate passes through the column hoop, the hoop hoop which is crossed can be broken and made into an opening hoop, and the electric welding is arranged on the steel plate.
6. The opening of the water stop steel plate faces the water surface.
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