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背貼式橡膠止水帶 主要以天然橡膠與各種合成橡膠為主要原料,摻加各種助劑及填充料,經塑煉、混煉、壓制成型,其品種規格較多,有橋型、山型、P型、U型、Z型、乙型、T型、H型、E型、Q型等。背貼式橡膠止水帶根據使用情況又可分類為中埋式橡膠止水帶和背貼式橡膠止水帶。
背貼式橡膠止水帶 主要以天然橡膠與各種合成橡膠為主要原料,摻加各種助劑及填充料,經塑煉、混煉、壓制成型,其品種規格較多,有橋型、山型、P型、U型、Z型、乙型、T型、H型、E型、Q型等。背貼式橡膠止水帶根據使用情況又可分類為中埋式橡膠止水帶和背貼式橡膠止水帶。
The back rubber water-stop Mainly with natural rubber and various synthetic rubber as the main raw material, mixed with various additives and fillers, classics plasticate, mixing, pressing molding, the varieties and specifications, with bridge, mountain, P, U, Z, b, T, H, E, Q, etc. The back rubber water-stop buried in according to the usage and can be classified as type rubber water-stop rubber water-stop and back.
背貼式橡膠止水帶是采用國家標準GB18173.2-2000《高分子防水材料止水帶》組織生產的。 因此我們可以按用戶要求生產各種形狀、尺寸的橡膠止水帶,另外還為不同工程、不同部位的需要備有十字型,丁字型、斜度型和內外轉角型產品,可適用于任何設計要求。在止水帶產品在運輸時,應避免陽光直射,勿與熱源、油類及有害溶劑接觸。成品應取直平放,勿加重壓。存放場所保持-10℃-+30℃,相對濕度在40%-80%。背貼式橡膠止水帶適用范圍:應用于地下構筑物、水壩、貯水池、游泳池、屋面以及其他建筑物質和構筑物的變形縫防水。
The back rubber water-stop is the national standard GB18173.2-2000 the water-stop polymer waterproof material production. So we can produce all kinds of shapes according to the requirements of customers, the size of the rubber water-stop, also equipped with cross for the needs of different projects, different parts, t type, slope and Angle of inside and outside the product, can be applied to any design requirement. In water-stop product transported, should avoid direct sunlight, do not contact with heat source, oil and harmful solvents. Finished product shall be flat, not increase pressure. Storage places it's better to keep - 10 ℃ - + 30 ℃, relative humidity from 40% to 80%. The back rubber water-stop scope of application: application to underground constructional works, dam, reservoir, swimming pool, roofing and other construction material and structure deformation seam water-proof.
The back rubber water-stop is using high elasticity of rubber, produce elastic deformation under various load, thereby solid seal, effectively prevent leakage of building structure, water seepage and shock absorption effect. In many engineering and construction design, civil engineering, water and soil structure has a certain scale, and some problems such as waterproof shockproof, so use and install rubber water-stop is effective means to solve the above problems. When this product is mainly used for cast-in-situ concrete in construction joint and deformation joint, and become one of the basic engineering concrete structure, underground facilities, tunnels culvert, water conveyance aqueduct, retaining dam, etc., to ensure the service life of the project construction.
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