當前位置:寧波柏泰塑料科技有限公司>>攔污浮筒>>河道攔污浮筒>> 河道攔截水葫蘆的浮筒用不用掛網
1. 材料色彩醒目,浮體油、 曬、浮力儲備大,布放方便,滯油性能強。
2. 柏泰攔污浮筒欄體上、下配備鋼絲拉繩、加強帶和拉力配重鏈作為縱向受力構件,欄體 拉性能高。外表光潔,利于導油、便于清洗。
3. 受力狀態及水中姿態好,乘波性好,穩定,整體強度高,使用 長。
據水流速和攔截距離的長短水位落差這幾個方面綜合考慮,才能知道用怎樣的型號和結構攔污效果理想水電站攔污排 水庫攔污浮筒 河道浮子本實用新型的目的是提供一種安全環保型攔污浮排裝置,為了安全、方便、節能、 降耗,并有效的攔截水上漂浮物,達到警示作用。它的結構包括浮筒、主浮箱、警示牌、柵葉、 U型連接環和螺栓緊固件、鋼絲繩、固定墩、上連接件、副浮箱、下連接件、活動鉸支架連接件、連接環組成一個單元的攔浮排裝置,由多個相同的攔污浮排裝置,由鋼絲繩通過連接環連接起來,鋼絲繩兩端分別固定在該河流兩岸的固定墩上,鋼絲繩的另一端將浮筒串聯起來河道攔截水葫蘆的浮筒用不用掛網The purpose of the utility model is to provide a safe and environmentally friendly floating device for the purpose of safety, convenience, energy saving, and so on. Reduce consumption, and effectively intercept floating matter on the water, to achieve the warning effect. Its structure includes buoy, main float box, warning board, cascade, U-shaped connecting ring and bolt fastener, steel wire rope, fixed pier, upper connecting part, auxiliary floating box, lower connecting part, movable hinge support connecting part and connecting ring. It consists of a unit of anti-fouling floating device, which is connected by steel wire rope through multiple identical anti-fouling floating devices. The rings are connected and the two ends of the wire rope are respectively fixed on the fixed piers on both sides of the river. The other end of the wire rope is connected in series with the buoys.