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水電站攔污排組成部件 攔污浮筒案例收集
近幾年,隨著水環境的惡化,泵站來流中的污物增多, 別是排澇期,大量污物隨流而下,在攔污柵前堆積,影響了泵站安全與運行。一方面,攔污柵被污物阻塞后,原有過水面積減小,加劇了柵體的阻水,柵前水頭損失增大,從而使泵站機組運行揚程增加,功率增大,延長。運行費用增加。另一方面,由于柵前污物堆積。使柵前、柵后水位差增大,加大了水流對柵體的作用力,嚴重時壓力 過柵體材料彎曲應力 限值,導致柵體結構變形甚至壓垮,失去對泵站的保護作用。
攔污排浮筒選型技巧 漂浮物攔截實施方案柏泰供應水電站攔污浮筒河道樹枝垃圾攔截浮筒攔污浮筒是柏泰公司的類浮體產品,也是柏泰公司投入多,效果的類產品,經過公司4年的努力,不管是浮體的質量還是使用 ,攔污效果等方面,得到了各界致,柏泰現已成為內家的攔污排。水電站攔污排組成部件 攔污浮筒案例收集說明:浮設在進水口前一定水域的前沿,用以攔截水流中漂浮的排架式攔污設備。
This product is maintenance-free, long service life and reasonable cost. It has won the unanimous praise of many power plant owners. Now there are cases all over the country. Please consult in detail. Generally installed and in front of intake of hydropower station, the effect of intercepting floating substances on water surface by buoys and trash-blocking nets is remarkable, but how to fix the two sides has been a difficult problem for us, which can be divided into three types:
1. installation of slide rails in case of condition can be automatically lifted and used for smaller water level.
2. both sides of the Yangtze River are fixed by concrete piers. The need to block the pollutants row is larger and the installation is simple.
3. if conditions are not allowed, perforation and anchorage can be fixed on the ridge or dam along the coast.