當前位置:寧波柏泰塑料科技有限公司>>攔污浮筒>>河道攔污浮筒>> 漳州河道水葫蘆攔截浮筒 200*1000攔污浮筒
漳州河道水葫蘆攔截浮筒 200*1000攔污浮筒
浮設在進水口前一定水域的前沿,用以攔截水流中漂浮的排架式攔污設備。在漂浮雜物較多的河道上,如僅設攔污柵,會使柵前的污物大量堆積,清理不及時,將堵塞柵孔,影響 水。在攔污柵前設攔污排,兩者結合使用,效果!Botai Wu Zhenhua specializes in the construction and design of sewage interception and drainage. According to different power plant scale, water flow rate and different geographical environment, we recommend a sewage interception and drainage device for you. This product is free of maintenance, long service life and reasonable cost. It has been praised by many power plant owners. Now there are cases all over the country. Please consult. Floating sewage interception drains are installed at the front of intake of hydropower station. In actual projects, in dry season, sewage interception drains have better interception effect on foam and plastic products with smaller volume and lighter quality, living rubbish slopes, leaves and grass leaves, but the interception effect on branches, dead wood and bamboo is relatively general. The water flow condition is more complex, and there are more dirt. The effect of sewage interception and drainage is relatively poor, especially the interception ability of cluster bamboo, cluster branches and dead trees is very poor. In view of the application and effect of the anti-fouling row in the project, the following points should be paid attention to in the application, layout and design of the anti-fouling row at the front of the intake of hydropower station.
漳州河道水葫蘆攔截浮筒 200*1000攔污浮筒
柏泰吳振華業從事攔污排施工設計項目, 據不同的電站規模,水流速及不同的地理環境,為您推薦一款適合自己的攔污排裝置,該產品維護,使用 長造價合理,得到眾多電廠業主的*好評,現全 均有案例,詳細請咨詢。水電站在進水口前沿設置浮式攔污排,實際工程中,枯水期時,攔污排對體積較小、質量較輕的泡沫及塑料制品、生活垃坡、樹葉草葉等攔截效果較好,但對樹枝、枯木、竹子等攔截效果較為一般;洪水期時,由于水流流速較大、水流條件較為復雜、污物也較多,攔污排攔污的效果相對較差,尤其對成簇的竹子、成團的樹枝枯木等攔截能力很差。針對目前攔污排在工程中運用的情況及效果,水電站進水口前沿攔污排在應用、布置及設計上應注意以下幾點。