世晃(上海)機電工業有限公司是一家以生產電磁式隔膜鼓風機的中日合資企業。自2005年成立以來, 公司的業務范圍已遍及中國,日本,美國, 歐洲, 澳洲, 東南亞,等地區及國家,公司已通過ISO9001_58_2000,ISO14001_58_2004認證。“世晃牌" 隔膜泵源自日本世晃產業株式會社(現為大晃機械工業株式會社),是已有三十幾年制造經驗的成熟產品,中日合資的世晃(上海)引進了的電磁式隔膜泵生產設備及技術,借鑒了日本專家的研發成果和技術經驗,制造出能夠滿足客戶特殊要求的各類電磁式隔膜泵, 我們的產品已經在污水處理, 漁業養殖, 能源環保, 醫療保健等多個領域得到廣泛的應用和好評。其他型號如下:

工作原理 Operating Principle:氣泵的工作原理是通過交變電流產生交變磁場,使磁鐵來回震蕩,帶動振動膜,壓縮空氣。磁鐵先朝著圖A中箭頭的方向運動,然后朝著圖B中的箭頭方向運動。磁鐵以等同電源頻率在電磁場之間來回運動,磁鐵震蕩時,連接著振動膜,改變閥箱的容積,產生壓力和真空。Linear compressors function by enercizing electromaanets that oscilate a maanet in opposite directions. Firstthe maanet moves in the direction of the arrow in Fia. A and then in the direction of the arrow in fig. B. The maanemoves back and forth between the electromagnets at the same frequency as the power supply. The magnet isconnected to two diaphrams and as the maanet oscillates, it changes the valve box volume, which creates vacuumorpressure.

優點 Advantages用途 Applications無需機油 Comdletely Oil free污水處理凈化槽Waste Water Treatment Septic Tank低噪音,低電耗,低振動 Very little pulsation,Low noise水產養殖、觀賞魚等增氧用緊湊輕便結構 Compact and light constructionAdding oxygen for breeding beach,ornamental fish, etc.容易保養 Low maintenance氣泡浴池Bubble Bath吸排兩用 Pressure&vacuum Type臭氧產生、移動廁所 Producing OzoneMobile Restroom高可靠性的自動開關配置機器空氣源(空氣冷卻器,噴墨打印機) High quality auto-stopper inclusiveAir source for machine (air cooler, inkiet printer空氣懸浮連接,低振動 Air Susension-style connection真空產生用(真空吸筆) Producing vaccum(vacuum suction pen)散熱好,使用長壽命按摩器 Air massagerHigh heat dissipation, long life expectancy健康醫療器械用(防褥瘡氣墊床) 低損耗的空氣回路,省電Health care equipment(anti bed sore mattress) Low Dressure loss Air circuit實驗室儀器 Laboratory equipment