煤礦用阻燃通信電纜(原煤礦用信號電纜)5*2*0.7 fire-retardant communication cables for coal mines(signal electric cable) 產品用途:產品適用于煤礦井下監測、控制系統作低頻信號傳輸線。 scope of application:the product is suitable for the coal mine mine shaft monitor, the control system makes the low-frequency signal transmission line 執行標準 standards implemented: q/3210hl07-2005 型號名稱及使用范圍 model desc-riptionsuse scope 型 號model | 名 稱desc-riptions | 使 用 范 圍use scope | mhyv(puyv) | 煤礦用聚乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套通信電纜pe insulated pvc sheathed communication cables for coal mine | 用于井下平巷、斜巷及機電硐室作普通信號傳輸used in level; or slanted channelspower house | mhyvr(puyvr) | 煤礦用聚乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套通信電纜pe insulated pvc sheathed communication cables for coal mine | 用于井下平巷、斜巷及機電硐室作普通信號傳輸used in level; or slanted channelspower house | mhyvp(puyvp) | 煤礦用聚乙烯絕緣銅絲編織屏蔽聚氯乙烯護套通信電纜pe insulated copper wire weave shielded pvc sheathed communication cables | 用于井下干擾較大的場合作信號傳輸served in coal mine where interference is strong | mhyvrp(puyvrp) | 煤礦用聚乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套銅絲編織屏蔽通信軟電纜pe insulated copper wire weave shielded pvc sheathed communication soft cables | 用于井下干擾較大的場合作信號傳輸served in coal mine where interference is strong | mhybv(puyv31) | 煤礦用聚乙烯絕緣鍍鋅鋼絲編織鎧裝聚氯乙烯護套通信電纜pe insulated tinned steel wire weave armored pvc sheathed communication cables | 用于井下平巷或斜巷作主信號傳輸能承受一定的機械沖擊力served in levelslanted channels where the mechanic impact is strong | mhy32 (puyv39、39-1) | 煤礦用聚乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套鋼絲鎧裝通信電纜pe insulated steel wire armored pvc sheathed communication cables | 用于豎井或斜井作主信號傳輸能承受較大的拉力served as major signal line in shaft or slanted shaft in coal mines,capable of being under considerable pull force | 使用特性 service characteristics 電纜*允許工作溫度long-term service temperature of the cable conductor | 70℃ | 電纜敷設溫度 cable laying temperature | ≥0℃ | +25℃時環境相對濕度 environment relative humidity at 25℃ | ≤95% | 電纜的傳輸頻率 transmission frequency of cable | ≤30khz | 電纜的zui小彎曲半徑 minimun bending radius | mhyvr及mhyvrp型電纜為電纜外徑的10倍,其它型號為外徑的15倍10 times of the cable outer diameter of mhjyv,15times for the rest | 電纜結構示意圖iiiustration of cable structure  電纜規格 specifications 型 號model | 標準截面 nominal sectional area(mm2) | 0.5 | 0.75 | 0.8 1.0 | 1.5 | 0.5 | 0.75 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.5 0.5 | 0.75 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.5 | - | 芯 數core no. | 對 數pair no. | 導體結構conductor structure | mhyv | 2-7 | 2-10 | 1/0.87/0.30 | 1/0.977/0.37 | - | 1/1.137/0.43 | 1/1.387/0.52 | mhyvr | 2-7 | 2-10 | - | 42/0.15 | - | 32/0.20 | 48/0.20 | mhyvp | 2-7 | 2-10 | 1/0.87/0.30 | 1/0.977/0.37 | - | 1/1.137/0.43 | 1/1.387/0.52 | mhyvrp | 2-7 | 2-10 | - | 42/0.15 | - | 32/0.20 | 48/0.20 | mhybv | 2-7 | 2-10 | - | 1/0.977/0.3742/0.15 | 1/1.0 | 1/1.137/0.4332/0.20 | 1/1.387/0.5248/0.20 | mhy32 | - | 3-7 | 2-19 | - | 1/0.977/0.37 | - | 1/1.137/0.43 | 1/1.387/0.52 | 電纜主要技術性能 major technical performances 1、電纜導體直流電阻和電纜固有衰減 dc resistance of the conductorintrinsic attenuation 型 號 model | 標稱截面nominal sectional areamm2 | 導 體 結 構 conductor structure | 20℃時導體直流電阻dc resistance of the conductor at 20℃(≤ω/km) | 固有衰減 intrinsic attenuation(800hz) (≤db/km) | 種 類 type | 根數/單線標稱直徑 pc.no./single track diameter(mm) | mhyvmhyvr mhyvrpmhyvp mhybvmhy32 | 0.5 | 1 | 1/0.8 | 36.0 | 1.0 | 2 | 7/0.30 | 36.0 | 0.75 | 1 | 1/0.97 | 24.5 | 0.8 | 2 | 7/0.37 | 24.5 | 6 | 42/0.15 | 26.0 | 0.8 | 1 | 1/1.0 | 25.8 | 0.7 | 1.0 | 1 | 1/1.13 | 18.1 | 0.65 | 2 | 7/0.43 | 18.1 | 5 | 32/0.20 | 19.5 | 1.5 | 1 | 1/1.38 | 12.1 | 0.5 | 2 | 7/0.52 | 12.1 | 5 | 48/0.20 | 13.3 | 2、電纜其它主要技術性能 other major technical performances (型號 model:mhyv、mhyvr、mhyvrp、mhyvp、mhybv、mhy32) 序 號serial number | 項目items | 技術性能technical performances | 1 | +20℃線芯導體直流電阻(≤ω/km) line core dc resistance at 20℃ | 見上表 see above table | 2 | 電纜固有衰減(≤db/km) cable intrinsic attenuation | 見上表 see above table | 3 | +20℃絕緣電阻(≥mω km) insulating resistance at 20℃ | 5000 | 4 | lmin工頻交流電壓試驗 lmin power frequency alternating current pressure test | 芯-芯core - core芯-屏蔽core - hield | 1500v不擊穿(50hz)1500v does not penetrate | 5 | 電纜工作電容(≤μf/km) cable service capacity | 0.06(800hz) | 6 | 遠端串音衰減(≥db/500) far-end crosstalk attenuation | 70(800hz) | 7 | 電感(≤μh/km) inductance | 800(800hz) | 8 | 工作對直流電阻差(≤%環阻) dc resistance difference | 2 | 9 | 單根垂直燃燒試驗 combustion for single cable test | mt386 | 10 | 成束燃燒試驗 combustion for bunched cable test | 符合gb/t18380標準中b類成束燃燒試驗要求conforms to gb/t18380 standard b kind becomes ties the burning test | |