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NetAlly Aircheck G2無線網絡測試儀AIRCHECKG2-TA-KT
NetAlly TEST-ACC吞吐測試選件(iPerf服務器)TEST-ACC-5PK/TEST-ACC-10PK
NetAlly AirMagnet Wi-Fi Analyzer PRO無線分析儀(AM/A1150)
NetAlly EXG-200|EXG-200-KIT網絡測試儀EtherScope nXG
NetAlly LSPRNTR-300網絡測試儀LinkSprinter
NetAlly AirMagnet Survey PRO無線勘測儀WLAN分析工具(AM/A4018)
NetAlly AirMagnet Spectrum XT頻譜分析儀(AM/B4070|AM/A4040)
NetAlly 1TG2-3000/1TG2-1500網絡性能測試儀1T10G-1000
NetAlly EXG-200-KIT|EXG-200-KIT-2PK|EXG-200-LRG2-KIT|EXG-LR10G-KIT網絡測試儀EtherScope nXG
NetAlly LinkRunner 10G網絡測試儀LR10G-100|LR10G-100-KIT|EXG-LR10G-KIT
NetAlly LRAT-2000/LRAT-1000網絡測試儀LinkRunner AT(LRAT-2000-KIT)
暫無信息 |
NetAlly Test-ACC Simplify the process of validating network performance with the Test Accessory pocket-sized iPerf server. 1、連訊達21年測試儀器儀表行業經驗;2、99%原裝保證,承諾假一罰十;3、8分鐘報價,價格行業優惠,現貨即發;4、免費保修,免費培訓,全天24小時技術支持;
●Serves as an independent iPerf server.
●Measures upload and download TCP/UDP throughput, packet loss, and jitter.
●Simplifies iPerf server set up and configuration.
●Provides a rugged iPerf server for use 24/7 locally or at remote sites.
●Provides simple network port tests (PoE, Link, DHCP, DNS, Gateway, and Internet) and sends results to Link-Live.com.
Simplify the process of validating network performance with the Test Accessory pocket-sized iPerf server. It eliminates the hassle of configuring an iPerf server making it easier to measure network throughput, even when you have limited access to the infrastructure. The Test Accessory helps simplify the process of measuring throughput by providing a plug-and-play solution that allows you to quickly validate performance on any part of the network. The Test Accessory can be powered via PoE or with AA batteries.
The Test Accessory is a pocket-sized iPerf server that allows you to measure throughput against any part of your network. It helps provide visibility into TCP or UDP throughput, packet loss, and even Jitter.
The Test Accessory removes the hassle of having to configure your own iPerf server, just connect it to an ethernet port on any part of your network and its ready to go.
The Test Accessory’s compact and rugged form factor allows you to take it anywhere. Just drop into your tool kit and pick it up whenever you need.
The Test Accessory was designed to work constantly, just plug into any ethernet port with PoE and forget about it (no running out of power!). Whenever you need to run a test the Test Accessory will wake up automatically, providing 24/7 availability.
Sometimes validating performance against a remote site can be complicated. More if you don’t have a local resource to help out. Not any more! Just plug in a Test Accessory on any of your remote sites and leave it behind. Even if the remote sites are working on a different subnet you will be able to measure your throughput against them.
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