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2W水用黃銅、不銹鋼電磁閥的工作原理,2W水用黃銅、不銹鋼電磁閥里有密閉的腔,在的不同位置開有通孔,每個孔都通向不同的油管,腔中間是閥,兩面是兩塊電磁鐵,哪面的磁鐵線圈通電閥體就會被吸引到哪邊,通過控制閥體的移動來檔住或漏出不同的排油的孔,而進油孔是常開的,液壓油就會進入不同的排油管,2W水用黃銅、不銹鋼電磁閥然后通過油的壓力來推動油剛的活塞,活塞又帶動活塞桿,活塞竿帶動機械裝置動。這樣通過控制電磁鐵的電流就控制了機械運動Valve Co., Ltd. Shanghai Zhi wide installation 2W water with brass, stainless steel solenoid valve 10 requirements
1, the water solenoid valve with working medium should be clean and free particulate impurities, dirt and pieces of the electromagnetic valve on the filter surface, requiring regular clean.
2, when the solenoid valve malfunction, in order to prompt isolation solenoid valves, and ensure the normal operation, it is best to install a bypass device.
3. When you install the solenoid valve coil up and maintain the vertical position, the solenoid valve arrow or mark shall be consistent with the flow of the pipeline can not be installed in a splash of water or the leak.
4, in the piping system, installed in the branch on the way solenoid valve diameter should be less than the main pipe valve diameter.
5, before installing the solenoid valve, piping must be cleaned. It is recommended to install a filter before the valve, steam trap piping installation.
6, the valve can not be installed in the lower recesses pipe, so as to avoid condensation of water vapor, precipitation and other impurities in the valve and impede action.
7, it can not be used in explosion hazardous areas.
8, in the absence of sufficient rigidity pipeline, it is recommended to use the valve before the pipeline bracket, so as not to cause vibration when the solenoid valve is working.
9, prior to installation, pay attention to see the product label, carefully read the instruction manual to determine whether the product meets the conditions of use.
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