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Product type: OBO V25-B/3+NPE-385V
產 品 名 稱:加強型三相四線防雷器
Product Name: strengthen type three-phase four line lightning arrester
Product type: OBO V25-B/3+NPE-385V
產 品 名 稱:V25-B/3+NPE-385V中英文雙語對照說明書
Product Name: strengthen type three-phase four line lightning arrester
A, V25-B lightning protection function
OBO V25-B高能量防雷器內含一個特別的壓敏電阻電路,該電路由具備性能良好的非線性特性(>30)的氧化鋅壓敏電阻組成。這使得該防雷器即使在高能量的過電壓沖擊下,也能夠zui大限度地實現保護。其保護水平為在100KA/10As沖擊下,殘壓不超過2kV。因此,該防雷器能夠承受來自于直接雷擊下的部分雷電流。當線路過載情況發生時,防雷器內部的斷路器,會自動將失效的防雷器模塊從主電路分斷開來,同時模塊上用于監視工作狀態的顯示窗口的顏色會由綠色轉變為紅色。
OBO V25-B high power lightning protection device contains a special pressure sensitive resistance circuit, the circuit with nonlinear characteristics of good performance (>30) of the Zinc Oxide pressure-sensitive resistor. This makes the lightning overvoltage impact even in high energy, also can realize the maximum protection. The level of protection in the 100KA/10As under the impact, the residual pressure of not more than 2kV. Therefore, the lightning protection device can bear part of lightning current from direct lightning strikes. When an overload situation, lightning protection device inside, lightning protection module will automatically failure from the main circuit breaking apart, at the same time module for monitoring the working state display window colors from green to red.
Two, V25-B lightning protection device specific configuration
AS 聲光報警模塊 附帶聲音與燈光報警的功能底座,給該底座供一220V單相市電,在正常的情況下燈光顯示為綠等,當有模塊損壞時,報由綠色變成閃爍的紅燈,并伴有“嘀嘀"報警聲,提醒維護人員更換。
AS sound light alarm with sound and light alarm base module, give the base for a single-phase 220V power, in the case of normal light is green, when the module is damaged, report from green into a flashing red light, accompanied by the "beep" sound the alarm, to remind the maintenance personnel to replace.
FS remote contact module with remote contact base, can be selected according to the actual needs of the terminal 1-2 (normally open) or 1-3 (normally closed contact). The terminal can use 0.14-2.5mm2 strands or single core cable.
AS 聲光報警模塊 、FS遙信觸點模塊 可使維護人員實時對防雷器工作狀態進行監視。當發現防雷器不能正常工作時,維護人員只需對已失效的防雷器模塊進行更換,這樣可降低維護費用,更換時并不需停電。
AS alarm module, FS communication module can make real-time contact maintenance personnel of state work lightning arrester monitor. When the lightning protection device is not working properly, maintenance personnel only need to lightning protection module has failed to change, so can reduce the maintenance cost, replacement without interruption.
Three, the technical parameters of V25-B arrester
型號 V25-B
Model V25-B
正常工作電壓 UN 230V~
The normal working voltage of UN 230V~
zui大持續工作電壓 UcAC
Maximum continuous operating voltage UcAC
UcDC 385
UcDC 385
根據VDE 0675,Part 6標準下的分類級別 B
According to VDE 0675, B Part 6 standard classification of
在5KA(8/20)沖擊電流下的電壓保護水平 Up <1.0KV
In the 5KA (8/20) voltage protection level Up <1.0KV under the impact of current
單模塊zui大通流量 Imax (8/20us) 60KA
Single module maximum flow Imax (8/20us) 60KA
According to IEC1312-1, ENV61024-1 standard (10/350), the lightning impulse current waveform under test value
峰值電流 ismax
The peak current of ismax
電量 Q
Power Q
特定能量 W/R 25KA
The specific energy of W/R 25KA
160 KJ/W
160 KJ/W
承受25Karpm短路電流的zui大保險絲規格 160A gl
Bear 25Karpm short circuit current maximum fuse specifications160AGL
連接導線選擇范圍 2.5-35mm2
Connect the wire selection range 2.5-35mm2
安裝 按DIN EN50052標準要求,固定于35mm寬之金屬導軌上
Install according to the DIN EN50052 standard, fixed on the metal35mmwide rail
顏色 模塊
Color module
底座 橙色
The base of orange
材料 聚酰亞胺
Polyimide material
體積(長*寬*高) 90mm*89mm*62mm
Size (length * width * height)90mm*89mm*62mm
四、NPE 模塊技術參數
Four, the NPE module technology parameters
額定反應直流電壓 UagN 500V±20%
Rated voltage of UagN 500V ± 20% reaction
額定工作電壓 Ur 250V~ 50/60HZ
Rated working voltage ofUr250V~ 50/60HZ
在100V下的絕緣電阻 Riso >10 Gohm
Insulation resistance Riso >10 Gohm under 100V
依據IEC 529的雷電流測試(10/350)
On the basis of IEC 529 thunder current test (10/350)
zui大通流量 is max
The maximum flow rate of is Max
電量 Q
Power Q
比能 W/R 25KA
Than to W/R 25KA
160 KJ/Ω
160 of KJ/
zui大通流量 (8/20us) Is max 50KA
The maximum flow rate (8/20us) Is Max 50KA
*雷擊浪涌反應電壓(1.2/50)UAS 100 ≤1KV
* lightning surge response voltage (1.2/50) UAS 100 ≤ 1KV
保護水平 ≤1KV
Protection level ≤ 1KV
反應時間 tA ≤100 ns
The reaction time is tA ≤ 100 ns
使用溫度范圍 -40℃-----+80℃
The temperature range of-40 ℃-----+80 ℃
Five, installation specification
1, the installation location: V25-B low voltage main distribution cabinet is installed in the room, it is parallel to the main breaker outlet side.
Connect the line length of 2, lightning arrester and power supply system should be less than50cm. lightning protection device and wire length is less than50cm
3、導線截面的選擇(依據VDE0100標準) 單位:mm2
3, the conductor section selection (according to VDE0100) unit: mm2
配電電源線 ≤35 50 ≥70
Distribution power line ≤ 3550 ≥ 70
連接電線 10 16 25
Connect the cable 101625
接地線 ≥16 25 ≥35
Grounding ≥ 1625 ≥ 35
4、由于V25-B/3+NPE/FS的特點,建議在防雷器前串接一后備空開,建議空開的容量為32A,A類空開(如Siemens 5sx2332-5).
4, because of the characteristic of V25-B/3+NPE/FS, suggested in a reserve open strings in the lightning arrester, suggest open capacity is32A, a circuit breaker (such as Siemens 5sx2332-5)
Terminal 5, the installation of FS has a total of three terminal, the 1-2 terminal is a normally closed contact, 1-3 is normally closed contacts, according to different user alarm device, connecting terminals are different.
六、定 貨 信 息
Six, order information
OBO V25-B/3+NPE 三相四線加強型電源防雷器帶防爆模塊
OBO V25-B/3+NPE three-phase four wire reinforced type power supply lightning protection device with explosion-proof module
OBO V25-B/4 三相四線加強型電源防雷器
OBO V25-B/4 three-phase four wire reinforced power lightning protector
OBO V25-B/3+NPE-FS 加強型三相四線防雷器帶搖信觸點
OBO V25-B/3+NPE-FS enhanced three-phase four line lightning arrester with rocking letter contact
OBO V25-B/2 單相二線加強型電源防雷器
OBO V25-B/2 single-phase two-wire enhanced power lightning protector
OBO V25-B/1+NPE 單相二線加強型電源防雷器帶防爆模塊
OBO V25-B/1+NPE single-phase two-wire enhanced power lightning arrester with explosion-proof module
Shenzhen Coexun - Electronic Technology Limited company
深 圳 市 科 盈 訊 電 子 技 術 有 限 公 司
: 、88856376
主營產品:電話:0755-88876858 /0755-88856376,http://www.coexun.com 公司專營:OBO V25-B/3+NPE,OBO V20-C/3+NPE,G.703平衡非平衡轉換器,RS232-RS485/422光電隔離轉換器,USB-RS232/RS485/RS422轉換器,RS422/RS485隔離中繼器,串口隔離器,OBO避雷器等。
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