當前位置:廣州健侖生物科技有限公司>>生物試劑>>Certest>> 西班牙Certest滅活的宋內氏志賀菌抗原(天然提取物)
貨號 | 產品名稱 | 規格 | 英文名稱 |
MT-18EH30 | 阿米巴原蟲抗體(克隆H30) | x1mg | Anti-Entamoeba Mab (clone EH30) |
MT-25ETV | 腸道病毒VP1重組蛋白 | x1mg | Enterovirus VP1 recombinant protein |
MT-18EV5 | 腸道病毒抗體(克隆EV5) | x1mg | Anti-Enterovirus Mab (clone EV5) |
MT-25STX | 大腸桿菌O157 VT1重組蛋白 | x1mg | E. coli O157 VT1 recombinant protein |
MT-25VT2 | 大腸桿菌O157 VT2重組蛋白 | x1mg | E. coli O157 VT2 recombinant protein |
MT-18E10 | 大腸桿菌O157抗體(克隆E10) | x1mg | Anti-E. coli O157 Mab (clone E10) |
MT-18SN3 | 肺炎鏈球菌單克隆抗體(克隆SN3) | x1mg | Anti-Streptococcus pneumoniae Mab (clone SN3) |
MT-18SN4 | 肺炎鏈球菌單克隆抗體(克隆SN4) | x1mg | Anti-Streptococcus pneumoniae Mab (clone SN4) |
MT-16CP14 | 鈣結合蛋白單克隆抗體(克隆CP14) | x1mg | Anti-Calprotectin Mab (clone CP14) |
MT-18RV3 | 呼吸道合胞病毒單抗(克隆RV3) | x1mg | Anti-RSV Mab (clone RV3) |
MT-18RV4 | 呼吸道合胞病毒單抗(克隆RV4) | x1mg | Anti-RSV Mab (clone RV4) |
MT-25RSV | 呼吸道合胞病毒重組融合蛋白 | x1mg | RSV recombinant fusion protein |
MT-18Y77 | 甲型流感病毒單抗(克隆Y77) | x1mg | Anti-Influenza A Mab (clone Y77) |
MT-25FAN | 甲型流感病毒重組核蛋白 | x1mg | Influenza A recombinant nucleoprotein |
MT-16G18 | 賈第鞭毛蟲抗體(克隆G18) | x1mg | Anti-Giardia Mab trophozoite protein (clone G18) |
MT-16G22 | 賈第鞭毛蟲抗體(克隆G22) | x1mg | Anti-Giardia Mab trophozoite protein (clone G22) |
MT-25A1G | 賈第蟲腸道滋養體重組蛋白 | x1mg | Giardia intestinalis trophozoite recombinant protein |
MT-25GCP | 賈第蟲腸囊菌重組蛋白 | x1mg | Giardia intestinalis cyst recombinant protein |
MT-25GDH | 艱難梭菌GDH重組蛋白 | x1mg | Clostridium difficile GDH recombinant protein |
MT-18TA5 | 艱難梭菌毒素A抗(克隆TA5) | x1mg | Anti-CD Toxin A Mab (clone TA5) |
MT-18TA7 | 艱難梭菌毒素A抗(克隆TA7) | x1mg | Anti-CD Toxin A Mab (clone TA7) |
MT-24TXA | 艱難梭菌毒素A重組蛋白(無毒性片段) | x1mg | C. difficile Toxin A recombinant protein (fragment without toxic activity) |
MT-18TB41 | 艱難梭菌毒素B抗(克隆TB41) | x1mg | Anti-CD Toxin B Mab (clone TB41) |
MT-18TB48 | 艱難梭菌毒素B抗(克隆TB48) | x1mg | Anti-CD Toxin B Mab (clone TB48) |
MT-24TXB | 艱難梭菌毒素B重組蛋白(無毒性片段) | x1mg | C. difficile Toxin B recombinant protein (fragment without toxic activity) |
MT-16GD10 | 艱難梭菌抗體(克隆GD10) | x1mg | Anti-GDH Mab (clone GD10) |
MT-25CEP | 空腸彎曲桿菌重組外膜蛋白 | x1mg | Campylobacter jejuni recombinant outer membrane protein |
MT-26VP6 | 輪狀病毒VP6重組蛋白 | x1mg | Rotavirus VP6 recombinant protein |
MT-16R15 | 輪狀病毒單克隆抗體(克隆R15) | x1mg | Anti-Rotavirus Mab (clone R15) |
MT-28SAGU | 滅活A鏈球菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated STREP A antigen (native extract) |
MT-28SEU | 滅活腸炎沙門氏菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Salmonella enteritidis antigen (native extract) |
MT-28SBU | 滅活的鮑氏志賀氏菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Shigella boydii antigen (native extract) |
MT-28EC7U | 滅活的大腸桿菌O157抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated E. coli O157 antigen (native extract) |
MT-28CCU | 滅活的大腸桿菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Campylobacter coli antigen (native extract) |
MT-28LMU | 滅活的單核細胞增生李斯特菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Listeria monocytogenes antigen (native extract) |
MT-28SPNU | 滅活的肺炎鏈球菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen (native extract) |
MT-28SFU | 滅活的福氏志賀氏菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Shigella flexneri antigen (native extract) |
MT-28CJU | 滅活的空腸彎曲桿菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Campylobacter jejuni antigen (native extract) |
MT-28SDU | 滅活的痢疾志賀氏菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Shigella dysenteriae antigen (native extract) |
MT-28LNU | 滅活的嗜肺軍團菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Legionella pneumophila antigen (native extract) |
MT-28STMU | 滅活的鼠傷寒沙門氏菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Salmonella typhimurium antigen (native extract) |
MT-28SSU | 滅活的宋內氏志賀菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Shigella sonnei antigen (native extract) |
MT-28PECU | 滅活的幽門螺桿菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated H. pylori antigen (native extract) |
MT-29RVV | 滅活呼吸道合胞病毒抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated RSV antigen (native extract) |
MT-28SPAU | 滅活沙門氏菌副傷寒A抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Salmonella paratyphi A antigen (native extract) |
MT-28SPBU | 滅活沙門氏菌副傷寒B抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Salmonella paratyphi B antigen (native extract) |
MT-28STU | 滅活傷寒沙門氏菌抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Salmonella typhi antigen (native extract) |
MT-28YE3U | 滅活小腸結腸炎耶爾森氏菌O:3抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Yersinia enterocolitica O:3 antigen (native extract) |
MT-28YE9U | 滅活小腸結腸炎耶爾森氏菌O:9抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Yersinia enterocolitica O:9 antigen (native extract) |
MT-29KOE | 滅活小球隱孢子蟲抗原(天然提取物) | x1mg | Inactivated Cryptosporidium parvum antigen (native extract) |
MT-25EDP | 內阿米巴重組蛋白 | x1mg | Entamoeba dispar recombinant protein |
MT-25NGI1 | 諾如病毒GI.1重組P結構域 | x1mg | Norovirus GI.1 recombinant P domain |
MT-31NGA | 諾如病毒GI.1重組VLP | x1mg | Norovirus GI.1 recombinant VLP |
MT-25NGI3 | 諾如病毒GI.3重組P結構域 | x1mg | Norovirus GI.3 recombinant P domain |
MT-25NGII10 | 諾如病毒GII.10重組P結構域 | x1mg | Norovirus GII.10 recombinant P domain |
MT-25NGII17 | 諾如病毒GII.17重組P結構域 | x1mg | Norovirus GII.17 recombinant P domain |
MT-25NGII14 | 諾如病毒GII.4重組P結構域 | x1mg | Norovirus GII.4 recombinant P domain |
MT-31NPA | 諾如病毒GII.4重組VLP | x1mg | Norovirus GII.4 recombinant VLP |
MT-18NP8 | 諾如病毒GII單克隆抗體(克隆NP8) | x1mg | Anti-Norovirus GII Mab (clone NP8) |
MT-18NG28 | 諾如病毒GI單克隆抗體(克隆NG28) | x1mg | Anti-Norovirus GI Mab (clone NG28) |
MT-25HCP | 人類鈣衛蛋白重組蛋白 | x1mg | Human Calprotectin recombinant protein |
MT-29HLF | 人乳鐵蛋白蛋白質(天然提取物) | x1mg | Human Lactoferrin protein (native extract) |
MT-29HHB | 人血紅蛋白蛋白質(天然提取物) | x1mg | Human Haemoglobin protein (native extract) |
MT-29HTF | 人轉鐵蛋白蛋白質(天然提取物) | x1mg | Human Transferrin protein (native extract) |
MT-20TSS | 溶血性A鏈球菌抗體 | x1mg | Anti-Strep A Pab |
MT-25EHP | 溶組織內阿米巴重組蛋白 | x1mg | Entamoeba histolytica recombinant protein |
MT-16LC16 | 乳鐵蛋白單抗(克隆LC16) | x1mg | Anti-Lactoferrin Mab (clone LC16) |
MT-16LC4 | 乳鐵蛋白單抗(克隆LC4) | x1mg | Anti-Lactoferrin Mab (clone LC4) |
MT-18LN14 | 嗜肺軍團菌單抗(克隆LN14) | x1mg | Anti-Legionella pneumophila Mab (clone LN14) |
MT-18LN29 | 嗜肺軍團菌單抗(克隆LN29) | x1mg | Anti-Legionella pneumophila Mab (clone LN29) |
MT-16CA29 | 彎曲桿菌抗體(克隆ECA29) | x1mg | Anti-Campylobacter Mab (clone CA29) |
MT-25CCP | 彎曲桿菌重組外膜蛋白 | x1mg | Campylobacter coli recombinant outer membrane protein |
MT-25HEX | 腺病毒HEXON重組蛋白 | x1mg | Adenovirus HEXON recombinant protein |
MT-18A14 | 腺病毒單克隆抗體(克隆A14) | x1mg | Anti-Adenovirus Mab (clone A14) |
MT-18A15 | 腺病毒單克隆抗體(克隆A15) | x1mg | Anti-Adenovirus Mab (clone A15) |
MT-18A15 | 腺病毒抗體(克隆A15) | x1mg | Anti-Adenovirus Mab (clone A15) |
MT-25HEXR | 腺病毒六鄰體重組蛋白 | x1mg | Adenovirus HEXON recombinant protein |
MT-18AT18 | 星狀病毒單克隆抗體(克隆AT18) | x1mg | Anti-Astrovirus Mab (clone AT18) |
MT-18AT8 | 星狀病毒單克隆抗體(克隆AT8) | x1mg | Anti-Astrovirus Mab (clone AT8) |
MT-25AST | 星狀病毒衣殼重組蛋白 | x1mg | Astrovirus capsid recombinant protein |
MT-16F22 | 血紅蛋白單抗(克隆F22) | x1mg | Anti-Haemoglobin Mab (clone F22) |
MT-18YB91 | 乙型流感病毒單抗(克隆YB91) | x1mg | Anti-Influenza B Mab (clone YB91) |
MT-25FBN | 乙型流感病毒重組核蛋白 | x1mg | Influenza B recombinant nucleoprotein |
MT-18K31 | 隱球菌抗體(克隆K31) | x1mg | Anti-Crypto Mab (clone K31) |
MT-25PCH | 幽門螺桿菌重組外膜蛋白 | x1mg | H. pylori recombinant outer membrane protein |
MT-16P2 | 幽門螺旋桿菌抗體(克隆P2)HP抗體 | x1mg | Anti-H. pylori Mab (clone P2) |
這項研究的調查結果支持細胞因子治療或許可用于治療腫瘤細胞缺乏MHC I類的患者。
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室
The findings of this study support cytokine therapy and may be used to treat patients with tumor cells lacking MHC class I.
The new study, based on preliminary results presented in December 2013, includes the first 25 children and young patients treated at Philadelphia Children's Hospital (5-year-old - 22 years old) and the first five adult patients (26-60) admitted to the University Hospital of Pennsylvania. All in all, of the 30 patients participating in the study, after entering their own immune cells, 27 of the patients had their symptoms compley eliminated and nearly recovered.
Philadelphia Children's Hospital physician Stephen Grup explains that some of the ALL patients who participated in the trial had had four recurrences, including those who relapsed after a stem cell transplant, and these accounted for 60% of the trial population. "Their cancer cells Aggressive, there is no effective treatment, so the lasting effect of CTL019 therapy is unprecedented. "
CTL019 experimental therapy uses the patient's own T cells, which are collected in a manner similar to blood donation and then reprogram T cells with gene transfer technology to "teach" them to attack and destroy tumor cells. The modified cells contain an antibody-like protein called chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) designed to bind to the CD19 protein on the surface of B cells, including typical tumor B cells in different cancers.
Once cells are known by researchers as "antigen-antibodies" (because of their ability to attack and destroy cancer cells), the t-cells are returned to the patient's body to multiply and attack the cancer cells. In addition, because CAR antigens are under control, researchers are able to multiply cells quickly, just like the "army of antigen-antibody cells" that kill cancer cells on a large scale. In fact, experiments show that one implanted cell produces 10,000 new cells in the patient.
To date, the 19 patients who participated in the trial were relieved of symptoms, 15 of whom used this therapy alone, including a 9-year-old child who was the first patient to receive CTL019 therapy two years earlier. All patients who received CTL019 cells developed cytokine release syndrome a few days after receiving the cell input, a marker of a modified cell that multiplied and attacked the tumor cells in the patient. The patient's symptoms varied in severity, manifested as flu, Fever, antigen and antibody, muscle pain, hypotension and dyspnea, but after the treatment of these symptoms in the final anti-human antibodies will disappear.
In the meantime, patients with complete elimination of ALL disease also have non-tumor-normal B cells that also carry CD19 protein in their body cleared with the tumor. The researchers pointed out that the continued absence of normal B cells following CTL019 therapy suggests that the genetically modified T cells are continuously active, believing they can act as long-term vaccines that prevent tumor recurrence.